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242 lines (178 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

242 lines (178 loc) · 5.52 KB

Cosmos Hub Gaia Indexer

The purpose of this project is to store and index Cosmos Hub Gaia data for all transactions after of a block. This data will then be served on an HTTP endpoint as a JSON payload.

  • It must serve a /block/:height endpoint
  • It must serve a /transaction/:hash endpoint
  • It must serve a /addresses/:address/txs endpoint

Technology Stack

  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Knex
  • Postgres

Clone the project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Move into the newly created folder:

    cd cosmos-hub-indexer

Run the Bitcoin Mainnet Node

  1. Build and Run the container:

    cd node
    chmod +x
    chmod +x
  2. Check the node is running and syncing:

    docker logs -f cosmos-1.0
  3. Download the node and extract to the docker volume

Check more at

Run the Postgres database

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Verify the DB is running:

docker ps | grep 'cosmos-db'
docker logs -f cosmos-db

Run the API service

Open a terminal and follow the next steps to install the project:

  1. Install the project dependencies:

    npm install
  2. [Optional] Create a local .env file. This can be used to point the server and set local variables.

    To use .env.sample as a starting place, you can copy it to .env with the following command:

    cp .env.sample .env
  3. Run Migrations

    npm run db:migrate:latest
  4. Run the service. It auto-updates the application as you make changes in the code. To run the project in development mode, use the following command:

    npm start

To verify that the project is running, your terminal should display:

 npm run start

> cosmos-hub-indexer@0.0.0 start
> export ENV=dev && npm run serve

> cosmos-hub-indexer@0.0.0 serve
> nodemon -r ts-node/register/transpile-only src/index.ts | pino-pretty

[nodemon] 2.0.22
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): src/**/*
[nodemon] watching extensions: ts,json
[nodemon] starting `node -r ts-node/register/transpile-only src/index.ts`
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] INFO (API Server/129114): 🚀 API Server up and running in development @ http://localhost:3000
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] DEBUG (API Server/129114): Block indexing starting...
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] INFO (API Server/129114): Indexed block 15643052
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] DEBUG (API Server/129114): Block indexing starting...
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] INFO (API Server/129114): Indexed block 15643053
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] DEBUG (API Server/129114): Block indexing starting...
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] INFO (API Server/129114): Indexed block 15643054
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] DEBUG (API Server/129114): Block indexing starting...
[2023-06-09 03:58:14] INFO (API Server/129114): Indexed block 15643055

API Endpoints

Query a Block by Height localhost:3000/block/:height


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/block/:height


    "height": 15643215,
    "hash": "54138FCD57C52EC7197BB264435205AB0C73AA50E65E5830EA26FC94820A34BD",
    "transactions": [
            "hash": "635EC3AE74881B562DBC2906724AE17FFD2B9531A6A64F7FC02E3D680A4D4D9D",
            "fromAddress": "cosmos1t5u0jfg3ljsjrh2m9e47d4ny2hea7eehxrzdgd",
            "toAddress": "cosmos1s2ew9pkf46smv68d0ustnj0mmhzexectcjhk4d",
            "asset": "uatom",
            "amount": "20175538",
            "memo": null,
            "blockHeight": "15643215"

Query a Transaction by Hash localhost:3000/transaction/:hash


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/transaction/:hash


    "hash": "635EC3AE74881B562DBC2906724AE17FFD2B9531A6A64F7FC02E3D680A4D4D9D",
    "fromAddress": "cosmos1t5u0jfg3ljsjrh2m9e47d4ny2hea7eehxrzdgd",
    "toAddress": "cosmos1s2ew9pkf46smv68d0ustnj0mmhzexectcjhk4d",
    "asset": "uatom",
    "amount": "20175538",
    "memo": null,
    "blockHeight": "15643215"

Query Transactions by Address localhost:3000/addresses/:address/txs


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/addresses/:address/txs


        "hash": "C217B918617F53FBA48A11C882BF2047A4B175D4E3E110C7ABE495B2403F8EC0",
        "fromAddress": "cosmos1t5u0jfg3ljsjrh2m9e47d4ny2hea7eehxrzdgd",
        "toAddress": "cosmos1t5jhugl7w2tlgt3lchwd49l6lzmna03pr322l0",
        "asset": "uatom",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "memo": null,
        "blockHeight": "15639358"
        "hash": "D53FEA55110E540794A8D4E9FC1B624DEC5388BF9076F12061AA41DC5D1052D5",
        "fromAddress": "cosmos1lwcwh3sx4k03hvezvf6xqcf4j94kn6whmk9dr3",
        "toAddress": "cosmos1t5u0jfg3ljsjrh2m9e47d4ny2hea7eehxrzdgd",
        "asset": "uatom",
        "amount": 40997500,
        "memo": null,
        "blockHeight": "15639369"



Create a new migration
npx knex migrate:make [name of migration] --knexfile src/db/knexfile.js
Migrate to latest
npm run db:migrate:latest
npm run db:migrate:rollback

Coding Styles

This project uses TypeScript. While developing, use ESLint and follow the Airbnb JavaScript Styling Guide. To run the linter and the static type checker, execute:

npm run lint