- Updated all requests to have timeout of 20s.
- Fixed breaking CPT retrieval on possible "brocom:date" key missing
- Added extra workflow to test master branch regularly
- Changed request timeout to 20 s instead of 10
- (#23) updated dependencies and set lower bound so installing is less strict
- Rerolled changes in XML file returned from BRO REST API as the API changed back to working with package version v0.2.6
- Added calculation of total cpt length as property of CPTCharacteristics, if available
- Breaking change in XML file returned from BRO REST API
- Breaking change in XML file returned from BRO REST API
- Fix failing built due to wrong PyPI Classifier
- Fixed fetching of quality class in CPtcharacteristics
- Fixed wrong licensing in setup.py
- Fixed type comparison if there are no documents
- Fixed character length in setup.py project_urls
- Added rejection reason in get_cpt_characteristics
- Fixed bugs for optional values in CPTCharacteristics
- Inconsistent tags
- Temporarily remove project urls
- Added functionality to define an area (Circle, Envelope)
- Added functionality to communicate with BRO REST API and retrieve CPT availability in area
- Added parsing functionality of the Characteristics
- Added parsing functionality of the returned CPT XML files from the BRO
- Added functionality to get the available CPTs within the requested area in GeoJSON format
- Added tests