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85 lines (63 loc) · 3.63 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (63 loc) · 3.63 KB


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Source tree information

Quick description of the content in the root folder:

  • AndroidManifest.xml -- Manifest of the Android application
  • -- Build settings for C++ components (possibly unnecessairy)
  • LastKnownGoodBuild -- Contains the apk file for the last known good build
  • Makefile -- Makefile for C++ components
  • build.xml -- Build manifest for the Android application
  • -- Default build properties for the Android application
  • jni -- Source tree for C++ components
  • local.* -- Build configuration file
  • OpenCV-2.3.1/ -- OpenCV library
  • proguard.cfg -- Proguard configuration file
  • res -- Source tree for Java resources
  • src -- Source tree for Java components

Main mScan source file information

All Android java activites are under the src/com/mScan/ folder:

  • -- mScan Main menu
  • -- Activity launched from main menu for capturing a form image using live camera feed
  • -- Activity called after BubbleCollect to evaulate the captured image
  • -- Activity called after AfterPhotoTaken to process the captured image
  • -- Activity called after BubbleProcess to display the processed image
  • -- Activity optionally called by DisplayProcessedForm to display data extracted from processed image
  • -- Activity launched from main menu to view previously processed forms
  • -- Activity launched from main menu to display user instructions
  • jni/ -- Everything under this folder are generated by SWIG to Java-to-C++ invocation. (Has it's own readme)
  • TestSuite/ -- TestSuite for tuning the underlying computer vision algorithms. (Has it's own readme)


This project uses submodules so you will need to run this after cloning::

git submodule update --init --recursive

And to update the submodules to their latest version do this::

git submodule foreach git pull

Building the project

mScan is a mix of Java and native C++ code, so it can be little bit complicated to build.

[This tutorial here gives a pretty good overview.] (

The only external dependencies are the android sdk and ndk (and swig) We assume that you have the SDK in /home/nathan/android-sdk-linux_x86 (Which it is almost surely not!) Change that directory in and watch out tildas don't work. We assume that you have the NDK in ~/android-ndk-r6 You can change this directory in

To clean the project:

  1. Enter "make clean"
  2. Enter "ant clean"

To build the project:

  1. Enter "make" to build the C++ components
  2. Enter "ant debug" to bulid the Java compononts and the Android application

Alternatively, enter "ant install" in step 2 to install the Android application to the connected emulator or phone after the application is built.

If you want to set things up in eclipse take another look at the tutorial above. There's a good chance you will run into some problems, but many can be solved simply by doing this:

  1. From the top menu bar go to Project->Clean.
  2. In the Package Explorer, right click on the project and slect refresh.