This file is used to list changes made in each version of the ntp cookbook.
- PR #102 - Update leapseconds file to 3660249600 (through C49)
- Gemfile parity with ChefDK 0.5.1
- .kitchen.yml platform updates to current bento boxes
- PR #101 - add logfile attribute
- PR #100 - Sort peers & servers for consistency
- Chefspec 4.0 updates
- Rubocop updates
- PR #85 - Update leapseconds for June 2015 leapsecond
- PR #70 - Allow setting tinker options in attributes
- PR #84 - Add attributes for tinker option customization
- PR #88 - Attribute sets noquery for localhost lines
- PR #89 - ntp.leapseconds notifies ntp service with delayed restart
- PR #91 - Allow ntp.conf update to restart immediate
- PR #95 - Add preferred ntp server support
- PR #96 - Add restrict default attribute
- PR #72 - Move high stratum real CMOs to an attribute
- PR #98 - Bump test-kitchen gem version
- PR #99 - Lazy attribute for leapfile_enabled
- Added CentOS 7 support for test-kitchen
- PR #37 - Check that apparmor exists before enabling service
- PR #45 - Statistics logging switch (not available for Windows)
- PR #57 - Move include statement on helper outside 'windows?' check
- PR #71 - Ability to listen more than one interface
- PR #73 - Fix appamor configuration for Ubuntu
- PR #74 - Remove is_server from example
- PR #75 - Add more settings for server and peer declarations
- PR #83 - Fix apparmor spec tests
- PR #81 - Update to berkshelf3
- Ensure that ntp version is captured
- Leapseconds File Expired, update to 3626380800
- COOK-3887 - Trivial changes to achieve Gentoo support
- COOK-1876 - ntp leapfile assumes ntpd >= 4.2.6 syntax
- [COOK-4162] - change "No NTP servers specified" message to :debug
- COOK-4346 - Solaris 11 support for ntp
- COOK-4339 - Disable Monitoring by Default
- COOK-3604 - Enable listening on specific interfaces
- COOK-4106 - Check for default content in ntp.conf
- COOK-4087 - quote option in readme
- COOK-3797 - Cookbook fails to upload due to 1.9.x syntax
- COOK-3023 - NTP leapseconds file denied by Ubuntu apparmor profile
[COOK-4007]- update to 3612902400
- COOK-3797 - Add /spec to Chefignore
- COOK-3651 - Refactor and clean up
- COOK-3630 - Switch NTP cookbook linting from Tailor to Rubocop
- COOK-3273 - Add tests
- COOK-3636 - Allow ntp cookbook to update clock to ntp servers
- COOK-3410 - Remove redundant ntpdate/disable recipes
- COOK-1170 - Allow redefining NTP servers in a role
- [COOK-2024] - update leapfile for IERS Bulletin C
- [COOK-1404] - add leapfile for handling leap seconds
- [COOK-1184] - Add recipe to disable NTP completely
- [COOK-1298] - Refactor into a reference cookbook for testing
- [COOK-1158] - RHEL family >= 6 has ntpdate package
- Related to changes in COOK-1124, fix group for freebsd and else
- [COOK-1124] - parameterised driftfile and statsdir to be configurable by platform
- [COOK-952] - freebsd support
- [COOK-949] - check for any virtual system not just vmware
- Fixes COOK-376 (use LAN peers, iburst option, LAN restriction attribute)
- Support scientific linux
- Use service name attribute in resource (fixes EL derivatives)