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0099 - mail.tgz.json
"script_id": "99",
"display_name": "mail.tgz",
"summary": "mail plugin for vim",
"name": "mail.tgz",
"script_type": "ftplugin",
"description": "This plugin's purpose is helping with mail editing. It has two major roles.\nThe first is email address retrievel and the second is added functionality\nwhile editing.\n\nBelow is a description of the user callable functions in this plugin.\n\nEmail address retrieval\n=================\n\nMailAliasList\n------------------\n\nThis routine is designed to run an external program, allow the user to select\na bunch of emails, and then these emails are returned in a comma seperated\nlist. For example, suppose the following line exists (the cursor is at the\ncaret):\n\n To:\n ^\n\nIf the user hits '\\al' then the currently configured program launches and the\nplugin will wait for the email list to be retrieved. At present, only Abook\nis supported in this manner. Patches are welcome.\n \nMailAliasQuery\n---------------------\n\nThis routine is designed to take the <cword> under the cursor and do a lookup\non it. This lookup should return a mutt email query, for example, given the\nfollowing:\n\n To: john\n ^\n\nIf the user hits \\aq, then the plugin will go out and attempt to lookup \"john\"\nin the current alias source. Currently, all sources work with this mode.\n\nFormatting\n========\n\nMailFormatQuote\n-------------------------\n\nFormat a quote segment using QuoteMotion1.\n\nMailFormatLine\n----------------------\n\nFormats the current line.\n\nMailFormatMerge\n-------------------------\n\nConjoins the current line with the previous line.\n\nMailFormatParagraph\n-------------------------------\n\nFormats the current paragraph.\n\nQuote Manipulation\n==============\n\nMailQuoteEraseSig\n----------------------------\n\nThis routine will remove quoted signatures. It always operates over the\nentire email.\n\n% | No, I don't agree with you.\n%\n% Nonsense. You are wrong. Grow up.\n%\n% | I can't believe I'm even replying to this.\n% | --\n% | Some power user\n%\n% Yeah, believe it, brother.\n% --\n% Some other user\n\nwill become:\n\n% | No, I don't agree with you.\n%\n% Nonsense. You are wrong. Grow up.\n%\n% | I can't believe I'm even replying to this.\n%\n% Yeah, believe it, brother.\n\nMailQuoteFixupSpaces\n---------------------------------\n\nThis will take a quote segment and try to put spaces in quote blocks where\nthey don't currently exist. For example,\n \n >>% hello\n >> bob\n\nwould turn into:\n\n > > % hello\n > > bob\n\nIn normal mode the ranger to operate over comes from mail_quote_motion1.\n\nMailQuoteMangledMerge\n------------------------------------\n\nThis routine will try and make sense out of 'Mangled' quoted paragraph.\nFor example, it will try and turn\n\n> > starting to look like a distro problem... Anyone\n> else\n> > having this problem running a different distro\n> besides\n> > LinuxBlast 8? Anyone tried 8.1 yet?\n\ninto:\n\n> > starting to look like a distro problem... Anyone else\n> > having this problem running a different distro besides\n> > LinuxBlast 8? Anyone tried 8.1 yet?\n\nIn normal mode this routine will operate over the current and next line.\n\nMailQuoteDelEmpty\n-----------------------------\n\nThis will search through the given range and attempt to delete all\nlines consisting of a quote block and optional white space.\n\nFor example,\n\n% > yellow\n% > blue\n% > \n% yes\n\nwill become:\n\n% > yellow\n% > blue\n\n% yes\n\nIn normal mode this routine will operate over the entire email.\n\nMailQuoteRemoveDpth\n----------------------------------\n\nThis routine will try and decrease the quote depth of a quote segment by one.\nHowever, it will remove the last layer of quoting. This is because it is\nassumed that the user wants the oldest quote to be gone.\n\nFor example,\n\nab> % > I really\nab> % > like\nab> % > apples\n\nwill become:\n\nab> % I really\nab> % like\nab> % apples\n\nIn normal mode the ranger to operate over comes from mail_quote_motion1.\n\nQuote Motions\n===========\n\nA quote motion is a vim linewise motion that operates over quotes. The\ndefault motion character is 'q'. These motions are analogous to '$', 'E', and\nothers. They allow the user to use operator commands over a quote range. For\nexample, dq would allow the user to delete the current quote. This means that\n\ngiven:\n\n> % Hi <<< cursor on this line,\n> % How are you doing?\n> % How are things?\n> Fine.\n\nAnd the user hits dq, the text will be transformed into:\n\n> Yeah, It only took a few months.\n\nOr if the user were to hit, dqq, the text would be transformed into:\n\n> % Hi How are you doing? How are things?\n> Yeah, fine.\n\nTo re-define the first or define the other two, use something like this:\n\n omap <silent> <unique> q <Plug>MailQuoteMotion1\n omap <silent> <unique> Q <Plug>MailQuoteMotion2\n omap <silent> <unique> x <Plug>MailQuoteMotion3",
"install_details": "cd ~/.vim\ngzip -dc ~/dl/mail.tgz | tar -xf -\nvim -c \":helptags ~/.vim/doc\" -c :q",
"versions": [
"url": "http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=2461",
"filename": "mail.tgz",
"script_version": "1.9",
"date": "2003-11-05",
"vim_version": "6.0",
"author": {
"user_id": "271",
"user_name": "bmedley",
"first_name": "brian",
"last_name": "medley",
"email": "[email protected]",
"homepage": ""
"release_notes": "No longer map the first four function keys by default.\n\nCouple other bugfixes."