diff --git a/prusti-tests/tests/verify_overflow/pass/overflow/bisect.rs b/prusti-tests/tests/verify_overflow/pass/overflow/bisect.rs
index df6795e22dd..9ad25f16cf0 100644
--- a/prusti-tests/tests/verify_overflow/pass/overflow/bisect.rs
+++ b/prusti-tests/tests/verify_overflow/pass/overflow/bisect.rs
@@ -1,22 +1,44 @@
+// compile-flags: -Puse_more_complete_exhale=false
 use prusti_contracts::*;
-/// A monotonically increasing discrete function, with domain [0, domain_size)
-trait Function {
+/// A monotonically strictly increasing discrete function, with domain [0, domain_size)
+pub trait Function {
     fn domain_size(&self) -> usize;
     #[requires(x < self.domain_size())]
     fn eval(&self, x: usize) -> i32;
+    predicate!{
+        fn invariant(&self) -> bool {
+            forall(|x1: usize, x2: usize|
+                x1 < x2 && x2 < self.domain_size() ==> self.eval(x1) < self.eval(x2)
+            )
+        }
+    }
-/// Find the `x` s.t. `f(x) == target`
-#[ensures(if let Some(x) = result { f.eval(x) == target } else { true })]
-fn bisect<T: Function>(f: &T, target: i32) -> Option<usize> {
+/// Find the unique `x` s.t. `f(x) == target`
+#[ensures(match result {
+    Some(found_x) => {
+        f.eval(found_x) == target &&
+        forall(|x: usize| x < f.domain_size() && f.eval(x) == target ==> x == found_x)
+    }
+    None => {
+        forall(|x: usize| x < f.domain_size() ==> f.eval(x) != target)
+    }
+pub fn bisect<T: Function>(f: &T, target: i32) -> Option<usize> {
     let mut low = 0;
     let mut high = f.domain_size();
     while low < high {
-        body_invariant!(low < high && high <= f.domain_size());
+        body_invariant!(f.invariant());
+        body_invariant!(high <= f.domain_size());
+        body_invariant!(forall(|x: usize|
+            (x < low || high <= x) && x < f.domain_size() ==> f.eval(x) != target
+        ));
         let mid = low + ((high - low) / 2);
         let mid_val = f.eval(mid);
         if mid_val < target {