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Copyright (c) Runtime Verification, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

K Framework 7.1.0

Major Changes

  • The Pyk distribution package name has been renamed to kframework in preparation for publishing the library to PyPI. The import package remains pyk. Consumers of the library will need to update their pyproject.toml files to reflect the new name, but should not need to update any code.

  • Updates to the syntax of regular expression terminals (r"...") in K; some previously accepted syntax is no longer valid. This allows us to improve error messages, and will enable more checks in the future.

  • K no longer supports macOS running on Intel machines.

Minor Changes

  • Improved logging when executing symbolically using the Haskell backend; these logs make it easier to track down performance issues in K code.

  • SimpleSub-based principled type inference is now enabled by default.

  • Pyk now implements a more correct parenthesising unparser; this reduces downstream reliance on symbol table patching when unparsing.

  • Eliminated internal sources of flakiness due to undefined iteration order; this makes it easier to write stable tests using K.

  • Improvements to K's Nix infrastructure that reduce the size of a K Nix closure, making kup install faster.

  • CI refactorings to improve K core developer experience.

  • Updates to dependency versions.

  • General bug fixes, UI and performance improvements.

K Framework 7.0.0

Major Changes

  • Important change for all K and Pyk users. The Pyk library has been reintegrated into K, and is no longer maintained as a standalone project. This means that in K 7, first-class Python tooling is available wherever K is installed. Existing projects using the standalone Pyk library can continue to do so, but will not receive updates in the future.

  • The Haskell backend and booster components have been merged and are now developed as a single project.

  • Add an explicit overload(_) attribute to specify sets of overloaded symbols; this replaces the old klabel(_) syntax.

  • The outer parser no longer supports priorities, require and import.

Minor Changes

  • Tooling and version updates for our Java and Scala code.

  • Substantial cleanup and auditing of the K frontend's use of attributes when generating KORE definitions.

  • Extended compiler warnings for the deprecated symbol, klabel(_) attribute combination, as well as for overload sets.

  • Clarification and better compiler warnings for cell collection initializers.

  • Add total attribute to record projection functions that are verifiably total.

  • Removed deprecated --directory flag.

  • Removed deprecated binary format for KAST.

  • Removed deprecated STRATEGY module.

K Framework 6.3.0

Major Changes

  • The syntax . to represent an empty K sequence has been deprecated in favour of .K. Definitions using . will now emit a warning when they are compiled, but will remain functional.

  • Added a new one-argument form of the symbol(_) attribute that replaces the previous klabel(_), symbol combination that specified the KORE label for a particular production.

  • The outer parser no longer applies an implicit klabel(_) attribute to shorthand "unquoted" productions (e.g. syntax Foo ::= foo()); this can break code if those productions were overloaded. Add an explicit klabel(_) attribute to fix this.

  • The macro attribute family are now prohibited on rules, rather than just emitting a warning.

  • Deprecation of K's support for LaTeX emission.

Minor Changes

  • Improvements to consistency within the compiler: fewer duplicated symbols are present in compiled output, and the ARRAY module is no longer treated as being hooked.

  • Better handling of the compiler's internal attribute data structures.

  • Optimization of the binary format for KORE used in the LLVM backend.

  • Better error handling when using the LLVM backend bindings from the Haskell backend.

  • Substantial cleanup and dead code elimination in the compiler.

K Framework 6.2.0

Major Changes

  • The Bytes sort no longer represents mutable buffers of bytes by default. Hooks that would previously have mutated a buffer when executing with the LLVM backend will now perform a transparent copy of the underlying buffer. This aligns the LLVM backend's behaviour with that of the Haskell backend and K. To opt out of this change if performance when operating on large buffers is important, semantics can pass the flag --llvm-mutable-bytes to kompile.

Minor Changes

  • Removed the #parseKORE hook (which presented a hole in the K type system) in favour of modern, Pyk-based solutions to deserializing intermediate K states.

  • Added k-which-python tool to Nix builds of K, which helps to resolve incompatibilities in Pyk-based applications that use K via kup.

  • Strict casts now use the ::S syntax everywhere; a legacy use case for the syntax {...}<:S is no longer required.

  • Improvements to the deterministic type inferencing algorithm; strict casts are now handled and the new inferencer is enabled when typing proof claims.

  • Better integration between the Booster and LLVM backend in the presence of partial functions and run-time errors.

  • The PL tutorial that was previously bundled with K will now be developed and tested in its own repository.

  • Substantial improvements to K developer experience (code cleanup, auditing and automatic tooling).

  • Bug fixes and feature requests supporting RV-internal projects.

K Framework 6.1.0


  • Added support for MacOS 13 Ventura. We dropped support for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal. K can now be built from source on Apple Silicon. See README for more details.

  • Updated dependency to Java version 17 or higher.

  • Added the Haskell Backend Booster as a dependency to K. This can improve performance when running large proofs. It uses the LLVM Backend for concrete execution and relies on the Haskell Backend to simplify terms when there is a split in the proof.

  • Optimized the kompiler by removing unit applications for collections.

  • Minimize JSON output by dropping unused attributes.

  • Added --smt-timeout flag to krun and kprove.

  • Changed the Maven repository to Cloudrepo for more stability and flexibility when building K from sources.

  • Improved attribute error messages by creating a whitelist dependent on the context. This check is now mandatory.

  • Rule label can no longer contain backticks (`) or whitespace.

  • Improved the help messages by adding a description of the expected parameter.

  • Documentation: Started work on Section 2 of the tutorial. Added a description for kserver.

  • Added --debugger-command flag to krun.

  • Added two options --debug-tokens and --debug-parse to help with debugging parsing errors. The first option will print a Markdown table with all the matched tokens by the scanner. The second one will give more details about the partial parse tree constructed before an error was encountered.

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the LLVM backend would segfault because of badly initialized fresh variables in the configuration.

  • Improved performance for JSON creation.

  • Remove old unused attributes.

  • Fix output sorting for KPrint. This will create a more stable pretty printed output.

  • Fix configuration pretty printing where <generatedCounter> would appear instead of a closing cell.

  • Moved a README file from the builtin directory that could collide with users' files.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#3706

K Framework 6.0.0


  • Removed the Java backend. From now on, all symbolic execution will be handled by the haskell backend and concrete execution by the llvm backend. Alongside that we also removed the kprove-legacy and the kbmc tool. Bounded model checking capabilities have been added to the pyk library.

  • Deprecated the --directory option. Use --output-definition to store a definition and --definition to load one.

  • Introduced --execute-to-branch to krun when using the LLVM backend.

  • Created a hidden category for advanced options: --help-hidden. This should make it easier to read the help menu for kompile and kprove.

  • Added attribute validation. From now on, you will have to use group(_) to tag a production. You can still get the old behavior by providing --no-pedantic-attributes.

  • Add --temp-dir option to specify where to store all the temp files created at runtime. This can avoid some issues with accumulating files and readonly restrictions.

  • Added a new builtin type RangeMap, a map whose keys are stored as ranges, bounded inclusively below and exclusively above. Contiguous or overlapping ranges that map to the same value are merged into a single range.

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Fix some issues related to unicode characters not being parsed correctly.

  • Total attribute is allowed only on function symbols.

  • Added more checks and warning messages.

  • Fix inconsistencies around the comm attribute.

  • Fix KLabel checks to consider --concrete-rules option.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#3403

K Framework 5.6.0


  • Rename the attribute functional to total to better reflect its semantics.

  • Updated pl-tutorial examples to work with the more modern backends: simple-untyped, kool, fun and logik.

  • Pass through C build type option to llvm-kompile.

  • Extended the syntax for code block annotations to allow for more decorators for web extensions.

  • Added option kompile --enable-llvm-debug as a more easy to remember alternative to -g -O1.

  • Improved LLDB debugging support for macOS.

  • Added the klsp tool. It adds Language Server support for K. For now it supports: contextual code completion, go-to definition, find references, syntax error reporting and selection range. Has been tested with VSCode. You can find the K Framework extension on the marketplace.

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where #Exists would not bind variables in the LHS.

  • Automatically import BOOL when strictness is applied.

  • Update the check for duplicated modules. It now allows for file copy. It calculates a digest and looks for content changes.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#3260

K Framework 5.5.0


  • Improve error messages for erroneous simplification rules.

  • Added the kup tool to help with keeping the various dependencies up to date.

  • Documentation updates

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Relax module duplication check to allow for duplicate files. Useful when moving the original definition to a new location.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#3005

K Framework 5.4.0


  • Added --definition and --output-definition command line options for specifying the exact path for storing and loading from the kompiled definition.

  • Print source lines in error messages.

  • The haskell backend uses by default a new binary kore format. This decreases load time but can cause issues on certain systems (Apple Silicon). Use the -no-haskell-binary option to fall back to the textual format.

  • Renamed kprovex to kprove and kprove to kprove-legacy.

  • Introduced V2 of the JSON kast format. Better handling for KLabel parameters and sorts.

  • Add error message for duplicate user lists.

  • Added #trace to the list of IO operations to aid in debugging.

  • Added --post-process, a JSON KAST => JSON KAST converter to run on the definition after kompile pipeline. The pyk library offers a convenient collection of operations for quick prototyping.

  • Adding the comm attribute on a simplification rule will now generate a similar rule with the top most LHS function reversed. The syntax declaration also needs this attribute.

  • LLDB can now be used for debugging the llvm-backend on OSX.

  • The kast tool now allows access to the rule grammar by providing --input rule.

  • Added more claims filtering options for kprove: --trusted, --exclude and --claims.

  • Various improvements to error messages and made it easier to debug and profile a definition.

Performance Improvements

  • Optimize grammar generator steps.

  • Optimize the type inference step by reducing the work done by Z3.

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Make generated anonymous variables parsable (_0 => _Gen0).

  • Outer parser returned off by one end-column.

  • Bad parameters to kompile and kprove are now corectly reported as errors.

  • Fix the Bison parser not handling Bytes correctly.

  • Use clang by default on OSX

  • --emit-json-spec now can print out multiple modules.

Dependency Updates

  • Haskell backend is updated to version efeb976.

  • LLVM backend is updated to version 5001b5b.

  • K Web Theme is updated to version f670742.

  • Require Z3 4.8.15 or higher

  • Downgrade Calibre to 5.42.0

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#2514

K Framework 5.3.0


  • Moved the main repository from kframework/k to runtimeverification/k

  • Removed the Ocaml backend.

  • Added options to modify llvm-kompile's parameters in the Kompile frontend.

  • Added support for --pattern passed to krun when you use the llvm backend. This delegates the search pattern matching to the haskell backend.

  • Bytes literals are now supported natively by the K syntax.

  • kprovex now supports function/functional simplification rules in the spec file. This makes it so you don't have to call kompile if you need to add only simplification rules to the spec file.

  • kprovex can now print the specification file as JSON with the option --emit-json-spec

  • The LLVM backend now supports binary KORE representation. This can have a significant speed benefit on large definitions.

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Check for existential variables in requires clause. Dissallowed since it is considered LHS of the rule.

  • Fixed an issue with the eoncding/decoding of anonymous variables in KORE (decodeKoreString)

  • Fixed an issue where parsing an empty program would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

  • Improve checks for format attributes.

  • Fixed an issue with kparse where it would truncate the output.

  • Fixed various issues with the --version option.

  • Fixed priority of #let relative to user syntax. Right now we have _:Int > user-syntax > #let > ~> > =>

  • Allow macros on hooked sorts

Performance Improvements

  • Improved type inference for anonymous variables

  • Caching some of the scanners when running kprovex

Dependency Updates

  • Haskell backend is updated to version ed00c99.

  • LLVM backend is updated to version 4dedab7.

  • K Web Theme is updated to version b458d14.

  • Require Z3 4.8.11 or higher

  • Require Java 11 or higher

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#2325

K Framework 5.2.0


  • Added kprovex. A lightweight version of kprove which restricts the spec files to claims and token syntax. This avoids several bugs in the old code path and slightly improves the front end overhead. To convert the old tests, you need to kompile ahead of time the definition with the simplification rules and extra helper syntax needed for the proofs.

  • kompile will now attempt to simplify constant expressions which appear in the RHS of rules.

  • krun now supports --search and --search-final. This works with the LLVM backend and must be enabled at kompile time with --enable-search --backend llvm.

  • The sentence type imports syntax has been removed. It was only used in one place in the tutorial, which was easy to resolve. This allows several code-paths in kompile to be simplified.

  • All modules which contain configuration declarations will automatically import the MAP module now, instead of only the main module.

  • The new Haskell backend hooks for encodeBytes and decodeBytes are exposed in

  • Added support for module signatures supporting public/private syntax and imports.

  • macro is now expected to be added to the syntax declaration instead of rules.

  • Rework timing info for --profile-rule-parsing. It now takes a file and includes separate data fields for parsing and type inference.


  • Relicense as BSD 3-Clause

  • Lessons Basic 2-21 of the new K tutorial have been written.

  • The option --help-experimental or -X is removed from all tools, and all the --help option lists are flattened.

  • Rename into

Misc/Bug Fixes

  • Modules marked as not-lr1 are automatically excluded from the generated Bison parser, instead of causing an error.

  • krun respects the --no-exc-wrap option now.

  • Formatting of several error messages is improved, especially indentation.

  • File symlink handling in requires statements is improved.

  • kast tool no longer silently ignores the --output-file parameter.

  • Verbose mode offers more information about timings and scanners being created.

  • Added -I, --md-selector and --no-prelude to kprove, kprovex and kbmc

Performance Improvements

  • Definition parsing performance is significantly improved by being smarter with the existing caches and optimizing some specific code hotspots.

  • Improve type inference time for anonymous variables.

  • Parse Record Productions in linear time.

  • The K formula calculating Array extension has been optimized in


  • The Nix packages are built with LTO turned on. Bison is included in the Nix package dependencies. kserver now works on Nix.

  • The platform independent K binary, which really would only realistically work with Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), has been removed as an install option.

  • The Arch linux Dockerfiles have been updated for new Arch docker image naming scheme.

Dependency Updates

  • Haskell backend is updated to version 82b8a19.

  • LLVM backend is updated to version 572cf69.

  • K Web Theme is updated to version b458d14.

  • JavaCC is updated to version 4.1.4.

  • commons-io Java library is bumped to version 2.7.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here: runtimeverification#1697

K Framework 5.1.0


  • Use the claim keyword instead of rule for proof obligations.

  • Bison parser is full-featured and supports external ahead-of-time macro and macro-rec expansion.

  • The new krun pipeline is written in bash, and can often skip running the Java frontend altogether. In particular, if kompile is called using the Bison parser (--gen-bison-parser or --gen-glr-bison-parser), you get this benefit.

  • K semantic version numbers are re-introduced, and can be expected to increment (rather than relying on git commit IDs).

K Framework 5.0.0

Major changes since version 3.6, not all are documented here. In particular:

  • No longer uses Maude backend for K.

  • OCaml backend was developed, but now is being deprecated in favor of LLVM backend for concrete execution.

  • Java backend was developed, but now is being deprecated in favor of Haskell backend for symbolic execution.