Releases: virtUOS/courseware
Releases · virtUOS/courseware
Courseware 4.4
New Blocks:
- Audio Gallery
- Canvas
New Block Manager:
- sort chapters, sub-chapters, sections and blocks via drag and drop
- import from courseware in other courses
- import parts from a courseware archiv (exported courseware content)
New Functions:
- AudioBlock: take a recording with your microphone
- TestBlock: is ready for Vips 1.5, file upload enabled
- a single block can be invisible to students
- withdraw date for chapters and sub-chapters
… and some minor layout and bug fixes
Courseware 4.3.3
- AssortBlock: show assorted blocks in author view
- fix favorites
Courseware 4.3.2
- fixing open graph issues
- use config instead of datafields for favs
Courseware 4.3.1
- custom icons for section nav
- fix favorites for StudIP Version 4.0.x
- open graph in LinkBlock
Courseware 3.3
- add favorites to block adder
- ready for Vips 1.4
- fix some layout issues
Courseware 4.3
- introducing scrollytelling
- new blocks for scrollytelling - DateBlock, TypewriterBlock and ScrollyBlock
- add favorites to block adder
- ready for Vips 1.4
- StudIP user files accessible
- fix some layout issues
Courseware 4.2.2
- fix vips sortables
- fix bug in InteractiveVideoBlock
- enhance EmbedBlock - Youtube videos may have start and end time
- fix file export
- fix vips in iav
- enhance assort block
Courseware 3.2.2
- fix file export
- fix vips in iav
- enhance assort block
Courseware 3.2.1
- fix vips sortables
- fix bug in InteractiveVideoBlock
- enhance EmbedBlock - Youtube videos may have start and end time
Courseware 3.2.0
- add new block: DialogCardsBlock
- add new block: EmbedBlock
- add new block: InteractiveVideoBlock
- add new block: BeforeAfterBlock
- add new block: ChartBlock
- add new block: OpenCastBlock
- new block adder design
- modernize models for Stud.IP >= 4.2
- cleanup VideoBlock