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LuaJIT 2.0 Bytecode

viruscamp edited this page Nov 5, 2015 · 10 revisions

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The following document describes the LuaJIT 2.0 bytecode instructions. See src/lj_bc.h in the LuaJIT source code for details. The bytecode can be listed with luajit -bl, see the -b option.

A single bytecode instruction is 32 bit wide and has an 8 bit opcode field and several operand fields of 8 or 16 bit. Instructions come in one of two formats:


The figure shows the least-significant bit on the right. In-memory instructions are always stored in host byte order. E.g. 0xbbccaa1e is the instruction with opcode 0x1e (ADDVV), with operands A = 0xaa, B = 0xbb and C = 0xcc.

The suffix(es) of the instruction name distinguish variants of the same basic instruction:

  • V variable slot
  • S string constant
  • N number constant
  • P primitive type
  • B unsigned byte literal
  • M multiple arguments/results

Here are the possible operand types:

  • (none): unused operand
  • var: variable slot number
  • dst: variable slot number, used as a destination
  • base: base slot number, read-write
  • rbase: base slot number, read-only
  • uv: upvalue number
  • lit: literal
  • lits: signed literal
  • pri: primitive type (0 = nil, 1 = false, 2 = true)
  • num: number constant, index into constant table
  • str: string constant, negated index into constant table
  • tab: template table, negated index into constant table
  • func: function prototype, negated index into constant table
  • cdata: cdata constant, negated index into constant table
  • jump: branch target, relative to next instruction, biased with 0x8000

Comparison ops

All comparison and test ops are immediately followed by a JMP instruction which holds the target of the conditional jump. All comparisons and tests jump to the target if the comparison or test is true. Otherwise they fall through to the instruction after the JMP.

ISLT --> lt 1
ISGE --> lt 0
ISLE --> le 1
ISGT --> le 0

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode
ISLT var var Jump if A < D lt 1 a d
ISGE var var Jump if A ≥ D lt 0 a d
ISLE var var Jump if A ≤ D le 1 a d
ISGT var var Jump if A > D le 0 a d
ISEQV var var Jump if A = D eq 1 a d
ISNEV var var Jump if A ≠ D eq 0 a d
ISEQS var str Jump if A = D eq 1 a d
ISNES var str Jump if A ≠ D eq 0 a d
ISEQN var num Jump if A = D eq 1 a d
ISNEN var num Jump if A ≠ D eq 0 a d
ISEQP var pri Jump if A = D eq 1 a d
ISNEP var pri Jump if A ≠ D eq 0 a d

Q: Why do we need four different ordered comparisons? Wouldn't < and <= suffice with appropriately swapped operands?

A: No, because for floating-point comparisons (x < y) is not the same as not (x >= y) in the presence of NaNs.

The LuaJIT parser preserves the ordered comparison semantics of the source code as follows:

Source code Bytecode Lua Bytecode
if x < y then ISGE x y lt 0 x y
if x <= y then ISGT x y le 0 x y
if x > y then ISGE y x lt 0 y x
if x >= y then ISGT y x le 0 y x
if not (x < y) then ISLT x y lt 1 x y
if not (x <= y) then ISLE x y le 1 x y
if not (x > y) then ISLT y x lt 1 y x
if not (x >= y) then ISLE y x le 1 y x

(In)equality comparisons are swapped as needed to bring constants to the right.

Unary Test and Copy ops

These instructions test whether a variable evaluates to true or false in a boolean context. In Lua only nil and false are considered false, all other values are true. These instructions are generated for simple truthness tests like if x then or when evaluating the and and or operators.

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode
ISTC dst var Copy D to A and jump, if D is true testset a d 1
ISFC dst var Copy D to A and jump, if D is false testset a d 0
IST var Jump if D is true test d 1
ISF var Jump if D is false test d 0
ISTYPE var lit new in 2.1.0-beta1
ISNUM var lit new in 2.1.0-beta1

Q: What do we need the test and copy ops for?

A: In Lua the and and or operators return the original value of one of their operands. It's generally only known whether the result is unused after parsing the full expression. In this case the test and copy ops can easily be turned into test ops in the previously emitted bytecode.

Unary ops

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode
MOV dst var Copy D to A move a d
NOT dst var Set A to boolean not of D not a d
UNM dst var Set A to -D (unary minus) unm a d
LEN dst var Set A to #D (object length) len a d

Binary ops

ADDVN / ADDVV ---> add
SUBVN / SUBVV ---> sub
MULVN / MULVV ---> mul
DIVVN / DIVVV ---> div
MODVN / MODVV ---> mod
POW ---> pow

ADDNV A B C ---> add a c b
SUBNV A B C ---> sub a c b
MULNV A B C ---> mul a c b
DIVNV A B C ---> div a c b
MODNV A B C ---> mod a c b

CAT ---> concat

OP A B C Description Lua Bytecode
ADDVN dst var num A = B + C add a b c
SUBVN dst var num A = B - C sub a b c
MULVN dst var num A = B * C mul a b c
DIVVN dst var num A = B / C div a b c
MODVN dst var num A = B % C mod a b c
ADDNV dst var num A = C + B add a c b
SUBNV dst var num A = C - B sub a c b
MULNV dst var num A = C * B mul a c b
DIVNV dst var num A = C / B div a c b
MODNV dst var num A = C % B mod a c b
ADDVV dst var var A = B + C add a b c
SUBVV dst var var A = B - C sub a b c
MULVV dst var var A = B * C mul a b c
DIVVV dst var var A = B / C div a b c
MODVV dst var var A = B % C mod a b c
POW dst var var A = B ^ C pow a b c
CAT dst rbase rbase A = B .. ~ .. C concat a b c

Note: The CAT instruction concatenates all values in variable slots B to C inclusive.

Constant ops

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
KSTR dst str Set A to string constant D loadk a d
KCDATA dst cdata Set A to cdata constant D ?
KSHORT dst lits Set A to 16 bit signed integer D loadk a *d need to add a new constant D
KNUM dst num Set A to number constant D loadk a d
KPRI dst pri Set A to primitive D d==0 --> loadnil a a
d==1 --> loadbool a 0 0
d==2 --> loadbool a 1 0
local a=not (b or c)

[6] jmp 2 ; pc+=2 (goto [9])
[7] loadbool 0 0 1 ; R0 := false; PC := pc+=1 (goto [9])
[8] loadbool 0 1 0 ; R0 := true

0006 JMP 1 => 0010
0007 => KPRI 0 1
0008 JMP 1 => 0010
0009 KPRI 0 2
KNIL base base Set slots A to D to nil loadnil a d

Note: A single nil value is set with KPRI. KNIL is only used when multiple values need to be set to nil.

Upvalue and Function ops

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
UGET dst uv Set A to upvalue D getupval a d
USETV uv var Set upvalue A to D setupval a d
USETS uv str Set upvalue A to string constant D loadk *tmp d
setupval a *tmp
USETN uv num Set upvalue A to number constant D loadk *tmp d
setupval a *tmp
USETP uv pri Set upvalue A to primitive D loadnil/loadbool *tmp d , see KPRI
setupval a *tmp
UCLO rbase jump Close upvalues for slots ≥ rbase and jump to target D close a
jmp d
UCLO before RET* can be ignore
FNEW dst func Create new closure from prototype D and store it in A closure a d
move/getupval ... , for upvals
remember to add n move/getupval , which n is number of upvals used by closure

Q: Why does UCLO have a jump target?

A: UCLO is usually the last instruction in a block and is often followed by a JMP. Merging the jump into UCLO speeds up execution and simplifies some bytecode fixup steps (see fs_fixup_ret() in src/lj_parse.c). A non-branching UCLO simply jumps to the next instruction.

Table ops

OP A B C/D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
TNEW dst lit Set A to new table with size D (see below) newtable a *arraysize *hashsize calucate arraysize and hashsize from D
TDUP dst tab Set A to duplicated template table D newtable a *arraysize *hashsize
*move *tmpx *constarray
*setlist a *tmpx
*settable a *consthashkey *consthashvalue
Extract luajit table constant D to multiple contants and multiple settable opcodes
GGET dst str A = _G[D] getglobal a d
GSET var str _G[D] = A setglobal a d
TGETV dst var var A = B[C] gettable a b c
TGETS dst var str A = B[C] gettable a b c
TGETR dst var var new in 2.1.0-beta1
TGETB dst var lit A = B[C] gettable a b *c Need to add a new constant c (unsigned integer index (0..255))
TSETV var var var B[C] = A settable b c a
TSETS var var str B[C] = A settable b c a
TSETB var var lit B[C] = A settable b *c a Need to add a new constant c (unsigned integer index (0..255))
TSETM base num* (A-1)[D], (A-1)[D+1], ... = A, A+1, ... setlist a-1 0 *c {...} or {f()}, following a vararg or call*
like {1,2,3,...} cause *c too complex
TSETR var var var new in 2.1.0-beta1


  • The 16 bit literal D operand of TNEW is split up into two fields: the lowest 11 bits give the array size (allocates slots 0..asize-1, or none if zero). The upper 5 bits give the hash size as a power of two (allocates 2^hsize hash slots, or none if zero).
  • GGET and GSET are named 'global' get and set, but actually index the current function environment getfenv(1) (which is usually the same as _G).
  • TGETB and TSETB interpret the 8 bit literal C operand as an unsigned integer index (0..255) into table B.
  • Operand D of TSETM points to a biased floating-point number in the constant table. Only the lowest 32 bits from the mantissa are used as a starting table index. MULTRES from the previous bytecode gives the number of table slots to fill.

Calls and Vararg Handling

All call instructions expect a special setup: the function (or object) to be called is in slot A, followed by the arguments in consecutive slots. Operand C is one plus the number of fixed arguments. Operand B is one plus the number of return values, or zero for calls which return all results (and set MULTRES accordingly).

Operand C for calls with multiple arguments (CALLM or CALLMT) is set to the number of fixed arguments. MULTRES is added to that to get the actual number of arguments to pass.

For consistency, the specialized call instructions ITERC, ITERN and the vararg instruction VARG share the same operand format. Operand C of ITERC and ITERN is always 3 = 1+2, i.e. two arguments are passed to the iterator function. Operand C of VARG is repurposed to hold the number of fixed arguments of the enclosing function. This speeds up access to the variable argument part of the vararg pseudo-frame below.

MULTRES is an internal variable that keeps track of the number of results returned by the previous call or by VARG instructions with multiple results. It's used by calls (CALLM or CALLMT) or returns (RETM) with multiple arguments and by a table initializer (TSETM).

OP A B C/D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
CALLM base lit lit Call: A, ..., A+B-2 = A(A+1, ..., A+C+MULTRES) call a 0 b 0 means use all args of previous call or vararg
CALL base lit lit Call: A, ..., A+B-2 = A(A+1, ..., A+C-1) call a c b
CALLMT base lit Tailcall: return A(A+1, ..., A+D+MULTRES) tailcall a 0 0 0 means use all args of previous call or vararg
CALLT base lit Tailcall: return A(A+1, ..., A+D-1) tailcall a d 0
ITERC base lit lit Call iterator: A, A+1, A+2 = A-3, A-2, A-1; A, ..., A+B-2 = A(A+1, A+2) ? tforloop
ITERN base lit lit Specialized ITERC, if iterator function A-3 is next() ? tforloop
VARG base lit lit Vararg: A, ..., A+B-2 = ... vararg a b
ISNEXT base jump Verify ITERN specialization and jump ?

Note: The Lua parser heuristically determines whether pairs() or next() might be used in a loop. In this case, the JMP and the iterator call ITERC are replaced with the specialized versions ISNEXT and ITERN.

ISNEXT verifies at runtime that the iterator actually is the next() function, that the argument is a table and that the control variable is nil. Then it sets the lowest 32 bits of the slot for the control variable to zero and jumps to the iterator call, which uses this number to efficiently step through the keys of the table.

If any of the assumptions turn out to be wrong, the bytecode is despecialized at runtime back to JMP and ITERC.


All return instructions copy the results starting at slot A down to the slots starting at one below the base slot (the slot holding the frame link and the currently executing function).

The RET0 and RET1 instructions are just specialized versions of RET. Operand D is one plus the number of results to return.

For RETM, operand D holds the number of fixed results to return. MULTRES is added to that to get the actual number of results to return.

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
RETM base lit return A, ..., A+D+MULTRES-1 return a 0 0 means use all args of previous call or vararg
RET rbase lit return A, ..., A+D-2 return a d
RET0 rbase lit return return 0 1
RET1 rbase lit return A return a 2

Loops and branches

The Lua language offers four loop types, which are translated into different bytecode instructions:

  • The numeric 'for' loop: for i=start,stop,step do body end => set start,stop,step FORI body FORL
  • The iterator 'for' loop: for vars... in iter,state,ctl do body end => set iter,state,ctl JMP body ITERC ITERL
  • The 'while' loop: while cond do body end => inverse-cond-JMP LOOP body JMP
  • The 'repeat' loop: repeat body until cond => LOOP body cond-JMP

The break and goto statements are translated into unconditional JMP or UCLO instructions.

OP A D Description Lua Bytecode Comment
FORI base jump Numeric 'for' loop init
JFORI base jump Numeric 'for' loop init, JIT-compiled
FORL base jump Numeric 'for' loop
IFORL base jump Numeric 'for' loop, force interpreter
JFORL base lit Numeric 'for' loop, JIT-compiled
ITERL base jump Iterator 'for' loop
IITERL base jump Iterator 'for' loop, force interpreter
JITERL base lit Iterator 'for' loop, JIT-compiled
LOOP rbase jump Generic loop
ILOOP rbase jump Generic loop, force interpreter
JLOOP rbase lit Generic loop, JIT-compiled
JMP rbase jump Jump

Operand A holds the first unused slot for the JMP instruction, the base slot for the loop control variables of the *FOR* instructions (idx, stop, step, ext idx) or the base of the returned results from the iterator for the *ITERL instructions (stored below are func, state and ctl).

The JFORL, JITERL and JLOOP instructions store the trace number in operand D (JFORI retrieves it from the corresponding JFORL). Otherwise, operand D points to the first instruction after the loop.

The FORL, ITERL and LOOP instructions do hotspot detection. Trace recording is triggered if the loop is executed often enough.

The IFORL, IITERL and ILOOP instructions are used by the JIT-compiler to blacklist loops that cannot be compiled. They don't do hotspot detection and force execution in the interpreter.

The JFORI, JFORL, JITERL and JLOOP instructions enter a JIT-compiled trace if the loop-entry condition is true.

The *FORL instructions do idx = idx + step first. All *FOR* instructions check that idx <= stop (if step >= 0) or idx >= stop (if step < 0). If true, idx is copied to the ext idx slot (visible loop variable in the loop body). Then the loop body or the JIT-compiled trace is entered. Otherwise, the loop is left by continuing with the next instruction after the *FORL.

The *ITERL instructions check that the first result returned by the iterator in slot A is non-nil. If true, this value is copied to slot A-1 and the loop body or the JIT-compiled trace is entered.

The *LOOP instructions are actually no-ops (except for hotspot detection) and don't branch. Operands A and D are only used by the JIT-compiler to speed up data-flow and control-flow analysis. The bytecode instruction itself is needed so the JIT-compiler can patch it to enter the JIT-compiled trace for the loop.

Function headers

OP A D Description
FUNCF rbase Fixed-arg Lua function
IFUNCF rbase Fixed-arg Lua function, force interpreter
JFUNCF rbase lit Fixed-arg Lua function, JIT-compiled
FUNCV rbase Vararg Lua function
IFUNCV rbase Vararg Lua function, force interpreter
JFUNCV rbase lit Vararg Lua function, JIT-compiled
FUNCC rbase Pseudo-header for C functions
FUNCCW rbase Pseudo-header for wrapped C functions
FUNC* rbase Pseudo-header for fast functions

Operand A holds the frame size of the function. Operand D holds the trace-number for JFUNCF and JFUNCV.

For Lua functions, omitted fixed arguments are set to nil and excess arguments are ignored. Vararg function setup involves creating a special vararg frame that holds the arguments beyond the fixed arguments. The fixed arguments are copied up to a regular Lua function frame and their slots in the vararg frame are set to nil.

The FUNCF and FUNCV instructions set up the frame for a fixed-arg or vararg Lua function and do hotspot detection. Trace recording is triggered if the function is executed often enough.

The IFUNCF and IFUNCV instructions are used by the JIT-compiler to blacklist functions that cannot be compiled. They don't do hotspot detection and force execution in the interpreter.

The JFUNCF and JFUNCV instructions enter a JIT-compiled trace after the initial setup.

The FUNCC and FUNCCW instructions are pseudo-headers pointed to by the pc field of C closures. They are never emitted and are only used for dispatching to the setup code for C function calls.

All higher-numbered bytecode instructions are used as pseudo-headers for fast functions. They are never emitted and are only used for dispatching to the machine code for the corresponding fast functions.

LuaJIT 2.0 Bytecode Dump Format

Details for the bytecode dump format can be found in src/lj_bcdump.h in the LuaJIT source code. Here's the concise format description:

dump   = header proto+ 0U
header = ESC 'L' 'J' versionB flagsU [namelenU nameB*]
proto  = lengthU pdata
pdata  = phead bcinsW* uvdataH* kgc* knum* [debugB*]
phead  = flagsB numparamsB framesizeB numuvB numkgcU numknU numbcU
         [debuglenU [firstlineU numlineU]]
kgc    = kgctypeU { ktab | (loU hiU) | (rloU rhiU iloU ihiU) | strB* }
knum   = intU0 | (loU1 hiU)
ktab   = narrayU nhashU karray* khash*
karray = ktabk
khash  = ktabk ktabk
ktabk  = ktabtypeU { intU | (loU hiU) | strB* }

B = 8 bit, H = 16 bit, W = 32 bit, U = ULEB128 of W, U0/U1 = ULEB128 of W+1
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