Generate files out of your Archerfile (like this one). For more information about Archery itself head to vknabel/Archery.
Render Stencil-Templates with contents of your Archerfile.
"scripts": {
"readme": {
"arrow": "vknabel/StencilArrow",
"template": "",
"destination": "",
"searchPaths": ["Scripts"]
This will insert your metadata into your template and write its contents to
Name | Type | Default |
template | String |
Required |
destination | String? |
Print to stdout |
metadataName | String? |
Globally available. Contains the Archerfile |
argumentsName | String? |
arguments contains all command line args |
searchPaths | [String]? |
["."] search on current directory |
- Valentin Knabel, @vknabel, [email protected], @vknabel on Twitter
Archery is available under the MIT license.