search all files for a search term
find . -print | grep -i searchterm123
list all processes
ps -a
search for a process
ps -ef | grep -i rosmaster
check disk usage (alternatively use gnome-disks)
df -h
find string "foo" in large file input.txt
echo | grep -E "foo" input.txt
Monitor memory usage
Update all packages
sudo apt update
apt list --upgradable
sudo apt upgrade
check available packages for ubuntu under: https://packages.ubuntu.com/
Resolve package installation conflicts
with dist-upgrade (deletes non-important packages intellegently to complete the upgrade)
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo aptitude install packagename
Remove package and its (otherwise unused) dependencies
sudo apt autoremove packagename
Remove package with all global (i.e. systemwide) configuration files
sudo apt --purge autoremove packagename
change access rights for group or user (r: 400, w: 200, x: 100), group (r: 40, w: 20, x: 10) and others (r: 4, w: 2, x: 1) --> 444 gives read rights to everyone --> 555 gives read and execute permissions to everyone
chmod u+w filename
chmod g+w filename
chmod g-wx filename
chmod o+w filename
chmod o-rwx foldername
chmod 444 header
change owner
chown bin filename
change group
chgrp bin filename
copy content of one file to another file
cat originalfile.txt >> newfile.txt
display first 10 lines of a file
head -10 input.txt
display last 10 lines of a file
tail -10 input.txt
save first lines of a input file to another output file
head -10 input.txt > output.txt
consolidate two output streams to one
( head -10 input.txt ; echo '=====' ) > output.txt
##git clone specific branch from repo
git clone -b <branchname> <remote-repo-url>
or nitialize new git repo locally
git init
afterwards open github repo, and link by
git remote add origin [email protected]:vladi315/test.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
open Pull request:
- git fetch --all -all fetches changes from all remote repositories
- make new branch git checkout -b new_branch
- git status
- add changes git add test
- commit git commit -m "commit message"
- git status
- define where to push to with -u and push
git push -u origin new_branch
- open PR
Remove all untracked changes
git clean -nfd to see what will be deleted
git clean -fd to execute deletion
see branch tree in cli:
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
##Flask Run flask apps from cli
$ export FLASK_APP=hello.py
$ flask run
* Running on