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Demos are included in /demo
: [browser]
Main browser demo app that showcases all Human capabilities -
: [browser]
Extracts faces from images, calculates face descriptors calculates simmilarities -
: [browser]
3D render of face mesh usingThree.js
: [nodejs]
Process images from files, folders or URLs -
: [nodejs] Process image from file or URL and draw results to a new image file usingnode-canvas
: [nodejs]
Parallel processing in multiple child worker processes -
: [nodejs]
Processing of video input usingffmpeg
: [nodejs]
Processing of webcam screenshots usingfswebcam
: Full demo usingHuman
ESM module running in Browesers,
includes selectable backends and WebWorkers
You can run browser demo either live from git pages, by serving demo folder from your web server or use
included micro http2 server with source file monitoring and dynamic rebuild
On notes on how to use built-in micro server, see notes on Development Server
Demo is in demo/index.html
loads demo/index.js
Demo can process:
- Sample images
- WebCam input
- WebRTC input
Note that WebRTC connection requires a WebRTC server that provides a compatible media track such as H.264 video track
For such a WebRTC server implementation see https://github.com/vladmandic/stream-rtsp project
that implements a connection to IP Security camera using RTSP protocol and transcodes it to WebRTC
ready to be consumed by a client such as Human
Demo implements several ways to use Human
all configurable in browse.js:ui
configuration object and in the UI itself:
const ui = {
crop: true, // video mode crop to size or leave full frame
columns: 2, // when processing sample images create this many columns
facing: true, // camera facing front or back
useWorker: false, // use web workers for processing
worker: 'index-worker.js',
samples: ['../assets/sample6.jpg', '../assets/sample1.jpg', '../assets/sample4.jpg', '../assets/sample5.jpg', '../assets/sample3.jpg', '../assets/sample2.jpg'],
compare: '../assets/sample-me.jpg',
useWebRTC: false, // use webrtc as camera source instead of local webcam
webRTCServer: 'http://localhost:8002',
webRTCStream: 'reowhite',
console: true, // log messages to browser console
maxFPSframes: 10, // keep fps history for how many frames
modelsPreload: true, // preload human models on startup
modelsWarmup: true, // warmup human models on startup
busy: false, // internal camera busy flag
buffered: true, // should output be buffered between frames
bench: true, // show gl fps benchmark window
Additionally, some parameters are held inside Human
human.draw.options = {
color: <string>'rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.3)', // 'lightblue' with light alpha channel
labelColor: <string>'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1)', // 'lightblue' with dark alpha channel
shadowColor: <string>'black',
font: <string>'small-caps 16px "Segoe UI"',
lineHeight: <number>20,
lineWidth: <number>6,
pointSize: <number>2,
roundRect: <number>28,
drawPoints: <Boolean>false,
drawLabels: <Boolean>true,
drawBoxes: <Boolean>true,
drawPolygons: <Boolean>true,
fillPolygons: <Boolean>false,
useDepth: <Boolean>true,
useCurves: <Boolean>false,
bufferedOutput: <Boolean>true,
useRawBoxes: <Boolean>false,
Demo app can use URL parameters to override configuration values
For example:
- Force using
as backend: https://vladmandic.github.io/human/demo/index.html?backend=wasm - Enable
: https://vladmandic.github.io/human/demo/index.html?worker=true - Skip pre-loading and warming up: https://vladmandic.github.io/human/demo/index.html?preload=false&warmup=false
: Demo for Browsers that usesThree.js
for 3D OpenGL rendering of a detected face
: Demo for Browsers that uses all face description and embedding features to
detect, extract and identify all faces plus calculate simmilarity between them
It highlights functionality such as:
- Loading images
- Extracting faces from images
- Calculating face embedding descriptors
- Finding face similarity and sorting them by similarity
- Finding best face match based on a known list of faces and printing matches
: Demo for Browsers that uses multiple worker processes -
Showcases maximum performance sinch each
model runs in a separate worker thread
while main thread just combines and draws results -
Achieves 20+ detection frame rate and 60+ refresh frame rate on a medium hardware
: Demo using NodeJS with CommonJS module
Simple demo that can process any input image
Note that you can run demo as-is and it will perform detection on provided sample images,
or you can pass a path to image to analyze, either on local filesystem or using URL
node demo/nodejs/node.js
2021-06-01 08:52:15 INFO: @vladmandic/human version 2.0.0
2021-06-01 08:52:15 INFO: User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v16.0.0
2021-06-01 08:52:15 INFO: Current folder: /home/vlado/dev/human
2021-06-01 08:52:15 INFO: Human: 2.0.0
2021-06-01 08:52:15 INFO: Active Configuration {
backend: 'tensorflow',
modelBasePath: 'file://models/',
wasmPath: '../node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm/dist/',
debug: true,
async: false,
warmup: 'full',
cacheSensitivity: 0.75,
filter: {
enabled: true,
width: 0,
height: 0,
flip: true,
return: true,
brightness: 0,
contrast: 0,
sharpness: 0,
blur: 0,
saturation: 0,
hue: 0,
negative: false,
sepia: false,
vintage: false,
kodachrome: false,
technicolor: false,
polaroid: false,
pixelate: 0
gesture: { enabled: true },
face: {
enabled: true,
detector: { modelPath: 'blazeface.json', rotation: false, maxDetected: 10, skipFrames: 15, minConfidence: 0.2, iouThreshold: 0.1, return: false, enabled: true },
mesh: { enabled: true, modelPath: 'facemesh.json' },
iris: { enabled: true, modelPath: 'iris.json' },
description: { enabled: true, modelPath: 'faceres.json', skipFrames: 16, minConfidence: 0.1 },
emotion: { enabled: true, minConfidence: 0.1, skipFrames: 17, modelPath: 'emotion.json' }
body: { enabled: true, modelPath: 'movenet-lightning.json', maxDetected: 1, minConfidence: 0.2 },
hand: {
enabled: true,
rotation: true,
skipFrames: 18,
minConfidence: 0.1,
iouThreshold: 0.1,
maxDetected: 2,
landmarks: true,
detector: { modelPath: 'handdetect.json' },
skeleton: { modelPath: 'handskeleton.json' }
object: { enabled: true, modelPath: 'mb3-centernet.json', minConfidence: 0.2, iouThreshold: 0.4, maxDetected: 10, skipFrames: 19 }
08:52:15.673 Human: version: 2.0.0
08:52:15.674 Human: tfjs version: 3.6.0
08:52:15.674 Human: platform: linux x64
08:52:15.674 Human: agent: NodeJS v16.0.0
08:52:15.674 Human: setting backend: tensorflow
08:52:15.710 Human: load model: file://models/blazeface.json
08:52:15.743 Human: load model: file://models/facemesh.json
08:52:15.744 Human: load model: file://models/iris.json
08:52:15.760 Human: load model: file://models/emotion.json
08:52:15.847 Human: load model: file://models/handdetect.json
08:52:15.847 Human: load model: file://models/handskeleton.json
08:52:15.914 Human: load model: file://models/movenet-lightning.json
08:52:15.957 Human: load model: file://models/mb3-centernet.json
08:52:16.015 Human: load model: file://models/faceres.json
08:52:16.015 Human: tf engine state: 50796152 bytes 1318 tensors
2021-06-01 08:52:16 INFO: Loaded: [ 'face', 'movenet', 'handpose', 'emotion', 'centernet', 'faceres', [length]: 6 ]
2021-06-01 08:52:16 INFO: Memory state: { unreliable: true, numTensors: 1318, numDataBuffers: 1318, numBytes: 50796152 }
2021-06-01 08:52:16 INFO: Loading image: private/daz3d/daz3d-kiaria-02.jpg
2021-06-01 08:52:16 STATE: Processing: [ 1, 1300, 1000, 3, [length]: 4 ]
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Results:
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Face: #0 boxScore:0.88 faceScore:1 age:16.3 genderScore:0.97 gender:female emotionScore:0.85 emotion:happy iris:61.05
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Body: #0 score:0.82 keypoints:17
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Hand: #0 score:0.89
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Hand: #1 score:0.97
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Gesture: face#0 gesture:facing left
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Gesture: body#0 gesture:leaning right
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Gesture: hand#0 gesture:pinky forward middlefinger up
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Gesture: hand#1 gesture:pinky forward middlefinger up
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Gesture: iris#0 gesture:looking left
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Object: #0 score:0.55 label:person
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Object: #1 score:0.23 label:bottle
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: Persons:
2021-06-01 08:52:17 DATA: #0: Face:score:1 age:16.3 gender:female iris:61.05 Body:score:0.82 keypoints:17 LeftHand:no RightHand:yes Gestures:4
: Demo using NodeJS with CommonJS module
Demo that starts n child worker processes for parallel execution
node demo/nodejs/node-multiprocess.js
2021-06-01 08:54:19 INFO: @vladmandic/human version 2.0.0
2021-06-01 08:54:19 INFO: User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v16.0.0
2021-06-01 08:54:19 INFO: FaceAPI multi-process test
2021-06-01 08:54:19 STATE: Enumerated images: ./assets 15
2021-06-01 08:54:19 STATE: Main: started worker: 130362
2021-06-01 08:54:19 STATE: Main: started worker: 130363
2021-06-01 08:54:19 STATE: Main: started worker: 130369
2021-06-01 08:54:19 STATE: Main: started worker: 130370
2021-06-01 08:54:20 STATE: Worker: PID: 130370 TensorFlow/JS 3.6.0 Human 2.0.0 Backend: tensorflow
2021-06-01 08:54:20 STATE: Worker: PID: 130362 TensorFlow/JS 3.6.0 Human 2.0.0 Backend: tensorflow
2021-06-01 08:54:20 STATE: Worker: PID: 130369 TensorFlow/JS 3.6.0 Human 2.0.0 Backend: tensorflow
2021-06-01 08:54:20 STATE: Worker: PID: 130363 TensorFlow/JS 3.6.0 Human 2.0.0 Backend: tensorflow
2021-06-01 08:54:21 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130370
2021-06-01 08:54:21 INFO: Latency: worker initializtion: 1348 message round trip: 0
2021-06-01 08:54:21 DATA: Worker received message: 130370 { test: true }
2021-06-01 08:54:21 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130362
2021-06-01 08:54:21 DATA: Worker received message: 130362 { image: 'samples/ai-face.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:21 DATA: Worker received message: 130370 { image: 'samples/ai-body.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:21 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130369
2021-06-01 08:54:21 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130363
2021-06-01 08:54:21 DATA: Worker received message: 130369 { image: 'assets/human-sample-upper.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:21 DATA: Worker received message: 130363 { image: 'assets/sample-me.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:24 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130362 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 1
2021-06-01 08:54:24 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130362
2021-06-01 08:54:24 DATA: Worker received message: 130362 { image: 'assets/sample1.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130369 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 1
2021-06-01 08:54:25 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130369
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130370 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 1
2021-06-01 08:54:25 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130370
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Worker received message: 130369 { image: 'assets/sample2.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130363 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 2
2021-06-01 08:54:25 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130363
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Worker received message: 130370 { image: 'assets/sample3.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:25 DATA: Worker received message: 130363 { image: 'assets/sample4.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:30 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130362 detected faces: 3 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 7
2021-06-01 08:54:30 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130362
2021-06-01 08:54:30 DATA: Worker received message: 130362 { image: 'assets/sample5.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:31 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130369 detected faces: 3 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 5
2021-06-01 08:54:31 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130369
2021-06-01 08:54:31 DATA: Worker received message: 130369 { image: 'assets/sample6.jpg' }
2021-06-01 08:54:31 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130363 detected faces: 4 bodies: 1 hands: 2 objects: 2
2021-06-01 08:54:31 STATE: Main: dispatching to worker: 130363
2021-06-01 08:54:39 STATE: Main: worker exit: 130370 0
2021-06-01 08:54:39 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130362 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 1
2021-06-01 08:54:39 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130369 detected faces: 1 bodies: 1 hands: 1 objects: 3
2021-06-01 08:54:39 STATE: Main: worker exit: 130362 0
2021-06-01 08:54:39 STATE: Main: worker exit: 130369 0
2021-06-01 08:54:41 DATA: Main: worker finished: 130363 detected faces: 9 bodies: 1 hands: 0 objects: 10
2021-06-01 08:54:41 STATE: Main: worker exit: 130363 0
2021-06-01 08:54:41 INFO: Processed: 15 images in total: 22006 ms working: 20658 ms average: 1377 ms
: Demo that usesffmpeg
to decode video input (can be a file, stream or device such as webcam) and output results in a pipe that are captured by demo app as frames and processed by Human library
: Demo that usesfswebcam
to connect to web cam and take screenshots at regular interval which are then processed by Human library
Human Library Wiki Pages
3D Face Detection, Body Pose, Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Tracking, Age & Gender Prediction, Emotion Prediction & Gesture Recognition