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Releases: vmware/differential-datalog

DDlog v0.41.0

17 Jun 16:33
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[0.41.0] - Jun 17, 2021

  • Addressed some warnings from rustc 1.52+.
  • New release process: we now use GitHub actions instead of Travis to create binary DDlog releases. This should not have any effect on users.

DDlog v0.40.2

12 May 15:46
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[0.40.2] - May 11, 2021


  • time.dl: Improved support for times and dates. The library now uses the
    chrono crate (instead of time) internally, which in particular supports

Bug fix

  • Segfault in the Java API in transactionCommitDumpChanges.

DDlog v0.40.1

10 May 02:02
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[0.40.1] - May 7, 2021


  • ddlog_std:dl: More string conversions from utf-8 and utf-16.
  • print.dl: print/debug functions.

Bug fix

  • Rust compilation error due to missing parens in generated code.

DDlog v0.40.0

30 Apr 02:24
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  • Upgraded to timely dataflow and differential dataflow dependencies to v0.12.
  • Worked on improving the debuggability of ddlog dataflow graphs

DDlog v0.39.0

11 Apr 17:51
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[0.39.0] - April 11, 2021


  • Experimental compiler support for D3log (wip).

New features

  • We now support rules that don't start with a positive literal, e.g.,
    R() :- not R2(...).
    R() :- var x = 5.

Bug fix

  • Delete old Rust files in the generated project. This prevents compilation
    errors when upgrading to a new version of DDlog.

DDlog v0.38.0

12 Mar 16:42
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[0.38.0] - Mar 11, 2021

API changes

There are some breaking API changes in this release:

  • Rust API:

    • Factored the Rust API into several traits declared in the
      differential_datalog crate:
      • trait DDlogDynamic - works with data represented as records.
      • trait DDlog - extends DDlogDynamic to work with strongly typed
        values wrapped in DDValue.
      • trait DDlogProfiling - profiling API.
      • trait DDlogDump - dump tables and indexes.
      • DDlogInventory - convert between relation/index names and numeric ids.
    • Renamed apply_valupdates -> apply_updates,
      apply_updates -> apply_updates_dynamic.
    • Changed method signatures to eliminate any generics. This way we will
      be able to implement dynamic dispatch for the DDlog API (i.e., pass
      references to a DDlog program as &dyn DDlogXXX) in the future.
  • C, Java, Go API. ddlog_get_table_id, ddlog_get_index_id methods now
    require a DDlog instance, e.g., old signature:

    extern table_id ddlog_get_table_id(const char* tname);

    new signature:

    extern table_id ddlog_get_table_id(ddlog_prog hprog, const char* tname);


  • Functional HashSets, aka immutable hashsets (lib/hashset.dl). At the API
    level functional hashsets behave just like regular hashsets; however their
    internal implementation supports cloning a hashset in time O(1) by sharing the
    entire internal state between the clone and the parent. Modifying the clone
    updates only the affected state in a copy-on-write fashion, with the
    rest of the state still shared with the parent.

    Example use case: computing the set of all unique id's that appear in a
    stream. At every iteration, we add all newly observed ids to the set of
    id's computed so far. This would normally amount to cloning and modifying a
    potentially large set in time O(n), where n is the size of the set. With
    functional sets, the cost if O(1).

    Functional data types are generally a great match for working with immutable
    collections, e.g., collections stored in DDlog relations. We therefore plan
    to introduce more functional data types in the future, possibly even
    replacing the standard collections (Set, Map, Vec) with functional

ovsdb2ddlog compiler

  • Added --intern-table flag to the compiler to declare input tables coming from
    OVSDB as Intern<...>. This is useful for tables whose records are copied
    around as a whole and can therefore benefit from interning performance- and
    memory-wise. In the past we had to create a separate table and copy records
    from the original input table to it while wrapping them in Intern<>. With
    this change, we avoid the extra copy and intern records as we ingest them
    for selected tables.

DDlog v0.37.1

24 Feb 02:31
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[0.37.1] - Feb 23, 2021


  • Internal refactoring to improve DDlog's scalability with multiple worker


Bug fix

  • Compiler crashed when differentiation or delay operators were applied to
    relations declared outside of the main module of the program.

DDlog v0.37.0

15 Feb 22:04
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[0.37.0] - Feb 15, 2021

Language improvements

  • Enable pattern matching in for loops and FlatMap. One can now write:

    for ((k,v) in map) {}

    instead of

    for ((kv in map) { var k = kv.0}


    (var x, var y) = FlatMap(expr)

    instead of:

    var xy = FlatMap(expr),
    var x = xy.0
  • Remove the hardwired knowledge about iterable types from the compiler.
    Until now the compiler only knew how to iterate over Vec, Set,
    Map, Group, and TinySet types. Instead we now allow the programmer
    to label any extern type as iterable, meaning that it implements iter()
    and into_iter() methods, that return Rust iterators using one of two




    where type is the type yielded by the next() method of the iterator
    The former indicates that the iter() method returns a by-reference
    iterator, the latter indicates that iter() returns a by-value

    As a side effect of this change, the compiler no longer distinguishes
    maps from other cotnainers that over 2-tuples. Therefore maps are
    represented as lists of tuples in the Flatbuf-based Java API.

  • Groups now iterate with weight. Internally, all DDlog relations are
    multisets, where each element has a weight associated with it. We change
    the semantics of groups to expose these weights during iteration.
    Specifically, when iterating over a group in a for-loop or flattening it
    with FlatMap, each value in the iterator is a (v, w) tuple, where w
    is the weight of element v.

    We keep the semantics of all existing library aggregates unchanged,
    i.e., they ignore weights during iteration. This means that most existing
    user code is not affected (custom aggregates are not that common).

  • The group_by operator now works on streams and produces a stream of groups,
    one for each individual transaction.
    (Tutorial section)

  • Two new DDlog operators: delay and differentiation. The former refers
    to the contents of a relation from N transactions ago, where N is a positive
    integer constant. The latter converts a stream into a relation that contains new
    values added to the stream byt the last transaction.
    (Tutorial section)

DDlog v0.36.0

08 Feb 06:44
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[0.36.0] - Feb 7, 2021

API changes

  • Support insert_or_update and delete_by_key in flatbuf API, including in Java.

Other improvements

  • Introduced a benchmarking framework for DDlog (see rust/ddlog_benches/
  • Format compiler error messages so that emacs can parse the error location.

DDlog v0.35.0

20 Jan 06:40
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[0.35.0] - Jan 19, 2021


  • Use internment crate instead of arc-interner to make Intern<T>
    more scalable.