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Pivotal story states

Munen Alain M. Lafon edited this page Jan 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

The typical Pivotal story state transitions are as follows:


The story is initially in the Unscheduled state and specification is finished as soon as it has been assigned to an owner and has been moved into the current iteration.


When the developer has started with the implementation, the state is set to Started. For stories that takes more than half a day, a feature branch should be created and code is pushed daily to GitHub ideally. Code on a feature branch is not guaranteed to work at all and the spec suite may fail without notice. As soon as code is in a runnable state, open a pull request where one can ping other developers for review.

There is no state for the review process, thus it is ideally handled as comments in the pull request.


A story is finished as soon as the feature is implemented and it adheres to the Definition of done. In short the feature has been successfully merged into the integration branch.


A story is in Delivered state as soon as it has been deployed to the staging environment. This implies that the developer who deploys to staging, changes all stories in Finished state to Delivered. Now the product owner can review and verify the story.


A story that does not met the product owners expectation will be set to Rejected and feedback is added as comment to the story, so the developer can start the story again.


The story has been reviewed and successfully verified and is ready to be deployed to production.

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