diff --git a/bin/xbps-pkgdb/xbps-pkgdb.1 b/bin/xbps-pkgdb/xbps-pkgdb.1 index bab7ca053..a43dd4084 100644 --- a/bin/xbps-pkgdb/xbps-pkgdb.1 +++ b/bin/xbps-pkgdb/xbps-pkgdb.1 @@ -41,6 +41,19 @@ Updates the pkgdb format to the latest version. .Bl -tag -width -x .It Fl a, Fl -all Process all registered packages, regardless of its state. +.It Fl c, Fl -checks Ar checks +Run only the checks specified in +.Ar checks , +a comma separated list. The available checks are +.Sy files , +.Sy dependencies , +which has a +.Sy deps +alias, +.Sy alternatives +and +.Sy pkgdb , +for internal checks. .It Fl C, Fl -config Ar dir Specifies a path to the XBPS configuration directory. If the first character is not '/' then it's a relative path of