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@kerrizor kerrizor released this 14 May 08:10
· 45 commits to master since this release

It took a couple years, but I think we finally tracked down and fixed the segfault issue that was causing so many graphs to break during generation, or simply be entirely blank! We had a ton of great contributions this past year, and I'm glad to finally get them bundled up and shipped.

One big change is dropping support for Rails 3.2 and Rubies < 2.2; they're unsupported, not even receiving major security patches, so it was time. v1.6.0 /may/ still work with some of these versions, but consider them unsupported going forward.

I also added early support for Rails 6.0.0.rc1; its working in testing, but should be considered experimental. Patches welcome, and if needed updates will ship. I suspect we'll see additional bug reports as 6.0.0 reached final release, but if you have a Rails 6 project I encourage you to give it a try.

  • Dropping support for Ruby < 2.2 and Rails < 4.2 (#323)
  • Added early support for Rails 6.0 (#329)
  • Documentation updates (#268, #269, #276, #288, #295)
  • Removed restriction that allowed to exclude only models from a diagram (#279)
  • Added additional margins to cluster (#280)
  • Deprecate safe_level of in Ruby 2.6 (#297)
  • Fixed only_recursion_depth option failure when used from rake erd task (#266, #324)
  • Allow extra config files to be listed via cli (#275, #326)
  • Fixed long-standing segfault issue by removing identifier from association_identity (#296, #327)
  • Fix for bug when parameter to only option is a single model (#300, #328)
  • Properly handle custom version classes. (#304, #325)
  • Fixed a warning from Ruby RE ambiguous arguments (#315)
  • Updated gem dependencies (#311, #313)