- print resource usage (fps, frametime, object count, etc) in UI labels.
- truncate console text output once it exceeds ~1024 lines.
- see if loading from path can be default rather than loading cached resource file.
- cached files don't always play nice with certain native code changes (i.e. changing
- cached files don't always play nice with certain native code changes (i.e. changing
- create main menu
- create options menu
- create pause menu
- in-game HUD
- look into procedural level generation
- completely dynamic? pieced together using prebuilt scene chunks?
- implement placeholer dynamic enemy spawns
- health
- movement
- attacks
- weapons
- design dynamic projectile system
- custom paths
- tweening
- speed
- size
- acceleration
- distance
- auto tracking
- rayscan / lazer
- pattern
- accuracy / randomness in spray
- implement weapon inventory
- weapon swapping
- weapon pickups / replacement
- randomized properties?
- implement basic item pickup system
- usable items
- passive modifiers
- player health
- score / kills
- survival time
- dungeon depth
- rooms cleared per dungeon / floor
- currency
- apply toward perstent upgrades / weapons / skill tree
- refine controls
- implement basic animations for movement / state change
- Look into shaders
- particle effects (projectiles? dashing?)
- Hook up some basic sfx / music