Generate unique, random, and hard to guess coupon / voucher codes. Use cases: promo codes, loyalty coupons, gift vouchers, in-app purchases, referral links
This is a Java counterpart of
This library originates from Voucherify.
Voucherify - programmable building blocks for coupon, referral, and loyalty programs.
Our developer friendly, API-first platform helps developers integrate digital promotions across any marketing channel or customer touchpoint - eventually giving full control over campaigns back to the marketing team.
Why Voucherify?
- RESTful API with pre-built client libraries and comprehensive documentation
- Configurable webhooks allow you to integrate Voucherify with any API service out there
- Get real-time visibility into every change in your system with monitoring & logs
- Explore the possibilities with dozens of working demos and test mode
- Livechat & Slack support
See the full documentation -