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bolt-proxy -- a protocol-aware proxy for Bolt clients

“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” -- Edgar Allan Poe (allegedly)

bolt-proxy architecture

But, WHY!?

This is an experiment in finding an easier way to broker connections between remote Bolt clients (e.g. Neo4j Browser) and Neo4j clusters inside container orchestration platforms (i.e. k8s) where the amount of network trickery required usually leads to suffering.

Known Pain I'm Trying to Alleviate

  1. Mixed internal/external access to Neo4j in K8s is extremely painful due to having to pick a single advertised address type (internal vs. external).
  2. Exposing all Neo4j pods in K8s with all individual IPs is painful for k8s amateurs, of which most of us are.

My Hypothesis on What Might Help

  1. It's easier to use normal TCP load balancers to expose a service from k8s to the world.
  2. Exposing a single IP that multi-plexes to the appropriate Neo4j instances will make the average client user/admin's life easier.
  3. With the proper protocol-aware protocol design, it should be possible to deploy this bolt-proxy on the edge and keep the Neo4j cluster configured for just internal k8s networking (which is easy).

And, to be honest, this is the type of stuff I just like hacking on.

Expected Limitations

  1. Bolt protocol auth happens before the client declares their intention (read vs. write transaction), so there will probably be funny business related to auth'ing a client in one connection, but then mapping that client onto a new connection to the proper database reader or writer instance.

It turns out this isn't too bad. A bit of just-in-time switching to existing, auth'd connections can work!

  1. As this is a protocol-aware proxy (since we need to inspect Bolt messages to identify and maintain some transaction state), this will be slower than a TCP proxy that can do zero-copy (in kernal) packet copying.

There's no way around this, sadly. The price we pay.

  1. Yes, another point of failure. Whatever.

If you think about it, most of your life is a single point of failure. Yet, here we are. (Sorry.)

Current Known Capabilities & Limitations

Now that I'm neck deep in's where bolt-proxy stands:

What works:

  1. Can proxy to single-instance and clustered Neo4j via direct TCP connectivity
  2. Tested with auto-commit transactions, transaction functions, and manual transactions (via Python driver and cypher-shell)
  3. Websocket-based connectivity via Neo4j Browser works
  4. Monitors routing table for the backend databases (using Neo4j Go driver) at interval dictated by the backend's ttl settings
  5. Backend supports Neo4j Aura as it now supports TLS-based backend connections.
  6. Large, chunked messages can pass through either from the client or the server. (Thought from the server, they are currently inflated/dechunked before being relayed...wip.)
  7. Picking leader vs. follower for write or read (respectively) transactions works.
  8. TLS support for client-side with default verification rules.
  9. Basic HTTP healthcheck available if sending HTTP GET with path of /health to the listening port. (Will respond with 200 OK.)

What doesn't (yet) work:

  1. No emulation of routing table, so if you use neo4j:// schemes on the front-end, you'll probably bypass the proxy! (If the routing stuff gets pushed into Bolt, this might be easier to deal with.)
  2. No support for "routing policies"
  3. No smart pooling of connections...each client connection results in a connection to each backend host.

Other random known issues:

  1. Go profiler is enabled by default (accessisble via the web interface on http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/)
  2. Some errors purposely cause panics for debugging
  3. No testing yet with reactive driver model
  4. Long living connections might be killed after 30 mins. Not configurable at the moment.


If you read this far, and haven't run away, this should be easy!


Simple! Either go build or make should suffice.


There are a few flags you can set to control things:

Usage of ./bolt-proxy:
  -bind string
        host:port to bind to (default "localhost:8888")
  -cert string
        x509 certificate
        enable debug logging
  -key string
        x509 private key
  -pass string
        Neo4j password
  -uri string
        bolt uri for remote Neo4j (default "bolt://localhost:7687")
  -user string
        Neo4j username (default "neo4j")

You can also use the follow environment variables to make configuration easier in the "cloud":

  • BOLT_PROXY_BIND -- host:port to bind to (e.g. "")
  • BOLT_PROXY_URI -- bolt uri for backend system(s) (e.g. "neo4j+s://host-1:7687")
  • BOLT_PROXY_USER -- neo4j user for the backend monitor
  • BOLT_PROXY_PASSWORD -- password for the backend neo4j user for use by the monitor
  • BOLT_PROXY_CERT -- path to the x509 certificate (.pem) file
  • BOLT_PROXY_KEY -- path to the x509 private key file
  • BOLT_PROXY_DEBUG -- set to any value to enable debug mode/logging


When you start the proxy, it'll immediately try to connect to the target backend using the provided bolt uri, username, and password. The server version is extracted and it will then begin monitoring the routing table.

When clients connect, the following occurs:

  1. The proxy determines the connection type (direct vs. websocket)
  2. The bolt handshake occurs, negotiating a version the client and server can both speak.
  3. The proxy brokers authentication with one of the backend servers.
  4. If auth succeeds, the proxy then authenticates the client with all other servers in the cluster.
  5. The main client event loop kicks in, dealing with mapping bolt messages from the client to the appropriate backend server based on the target database and transaction type.
  6. If all parties enjoy themselves, they say goodbye and everyone thinks fondly of their experience.


You then tell your client application (e.g. cypher-shell, Browser) to connect to bolt://<your bind host:port>. Keep in mind it has to use bolt:// for now!

If the proxy is working properly, it should be seemless and the only thing you should notice is it's maybe slower than a direct connection to the database :-P

NOTE: Keep in mind that the bolt-proxy will use the routing table reported by the backend. If you have advertised addresses set, make sure they are resolvable by this proxy.


If using healthchecks in k8s or something else, a basic healthcheck is currently implemented. Sending a simple HTTP GET with a path of /health should respond with a 200 OK. For instance, if binding to localhost:8888:

kogelvis[bolt-proxy]$ curl -v http://localhost:8888/health
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8888 (#0)
> GET /health HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8888
> User-Agent: curl/7.73.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

A bad request takes 2 forms and each has a different result:

  1. A request to a path other than /health will result in the connection being closed immediately.
  2. A request to /health that's not a valid HTTP request will result in an HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request response.


Some very verbose logging is available behind the -debug flag or the BOLT_PROXY_DEBUG environment variable. It will log most Bolt chatter, truncating messages, and will provide details on the state changes of the event loops. Enjoy paying your log vendor!


Provided under MIT. See LICENSE.