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Remedial Unix Shell

Useful Unix shortcuts

These are essential if you spend a lot of time in the shell. See the preface readme for more details on how I set up my terminal (some of these changes are necessary for the following to work):

  • control-a: move cursor to beginning of terminal line.
  • control-e: move cursor to end of terminal line.
  • control-k: delete (or kill) all text from cursor to end of line.
  • option-delete: delete an entire word
  • option-b: move cursor backwards an entire word.
  • option-f: move cursor forwards an entire word.
  • control-c: cancel input text or when a command is running, stop it.
  • up arrow: access last entered command.
  • control-r: start searching shell history. Start typing to search -- enter will enter the current command. control-c will cancel.

I recommend you learn all of these -- they will greatly make working in the shell easier and more enjoyable.

The Unix Chainsaw

I use this quote from Gary Bernhardt's excellent talk The UNIX Chainsaw. It's entertaining and includes some very nice examples of how powerful Unix (in the context of software development, but still generally applicable).

Doug McIlroy's "Garden Hose" Pipe Quote

The "garden hose" quote is from an October 1964 Bell Labs memo. There's a cool image of the memo here:

Brian Kernighan gives a great interview about the pipeline concept on the Computerphile YouTube channel.

The Modular Unix Approach versus Monolithic Programs

There has been some debate about the Unix approach to bioinformatics versus alternatives (e.g. giant monolithic programs). One counter argument (incorrect in my opinion) is spelled out in The iniquities of the Unix shell (note this write has left bioinformatics). I've also written about this topic, in Bioinformatics and Interface Design.

The prevalence of Unix in not only bioinformatics, but also more generally data science and statistics, indicates its success. I describe why this approach is a good one both in this chapter and in chapter 7 when I discuss Unix data tools.

Z Shell

I use Z shell in my daily bioinformatics work -- if you're an advanced reader, you may wan to try it. Configuring your shell to your exact needs is one of the great joys of being a nerd; with Z shell, this is made much easier through a project called Oh My Zsh. I would recommend using Oh My Zsh if you're just getting started. You can take a closer look at my configurations in my dotfiles repository. Below are some other resources to get started with Z shell:

Latency Figures and Pipes

You can learn more about the latency statistics from this chapter from Peter Norvig's terrific classic essay, Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years and this awesome interactive explanation, Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know.

Resource Management

Managing Processes with ps and Brief Look at Memory Management

Quick note: I have not had time to proof-read this section extensively

When we start running computationally intensive tasks, we want to keep track of how they're running. One way of doing this is by following the output they create, perhaps by using tail -f on a log file or even ls -lrt (list all files by reverse time order) to see if the program is writing to disk (you would see the output files' sizes increasing). In cases where a program isn't writing to output files or actively logging what it's doing require a different way monitoring their activity, and the two most programs to do this are top and ps.

ps stands for process status, as it gives you the status of all running processes. Without any arguments, it's not too useful; systems administrators and bioinformaticians usually run it as ps aux. Note that aux isn't a special keyword, but rather merged options which display processes for all users (from -a), adding a column indicating the user (from -u), and outputs processes that are running even if they weren't started from a terminal (-x). A feud between different Unix variants from UC Berkeley (BSD) and AT&T (System V) and their different ps variants in the 1980s means that the cryptic, engrained aux option is supported widely still (i.e. even in Apple's OS X). Since ps aux gives us a lot of processes to sort through, it's common to pipe the output to grep to give us a more powerful little combination (there's also a tool called psgrep just for this task). Below, let's take a look at the top of ps output (so we can see its column names) and then look for "samtools":

$ ps aux | head -n3
todd    6384  12.7  4.0  4047300 166032   pts/7  S    Thu10AM  37:42.69 samtools
todd    90710   8.9  4.6  1403080 193584   ??    S    Thu08PM  57:15.12 fastq_stats
$ ps aux | grep "samtools"
todd    6384  12.7  4.0  4047300 166032   pts/7  S    Thu10AM  42:16.59 samtools

We use ps and grep to search for our particular processes, which is useful to see how much of our CPU (the third column above) and memory (the fourth column) a process is using. The process ID, or PID. in the second column is a unique identifier given to all our processes. Thee allows us to interact with running processes through terminating and adjusting their priority (topics we cover in the next section). Since ps aux is such a common idiom to monitor process, a table of the columns and their meaning is included below.

Columns in ps aux:

  • USER: user running the process
  • PID: process ID
  • CPU: percentage of CPU used
  • VSZ: virtual memory size (in kilobytes)
  • RSS: resident set size (in kilobytes)
  • TT: controlling terminal
  • STAT: process state code
  • START: time command was started (sometimes this is STARTED)
  • TIME: time running
  • COMMAND: command that started process

When interacting with processes, it's common to read output and see columns that look cryptic. With ps aux, what the columns VSZ, RSS, TT, and STAT mean isn't exactly clear. First, TT is the controlling terminal, which your or another user is using. Occasionally the process was started by another process or your operating system, so this may appear as ??. STAT is a "state code", a jargon term for a letter that tells you if your process is running (R), sleeping (S), stopped (T), or in another state (see man ps for a full list). VSZ and RSS are more interesting to us, so we'll explore them in more detail.

Occasionally your system runs low on physical memory (RAM), and your operating system does its best to manage. Unfortunately the only way your operating system can give a process more memory than is physical available is by taking a chunk of less-used memory (these chunks are used by pages, a word you may see in the ps and top manuals), writing it to disk (this is slow!), and then using that now-free page for your process. Since you're swapping a in-memory physical page of memory for one on a hard drive, the part of your disk that manages this type of activity is called swap space. This may seem like a lot of technical detail, but it has a very real result in day-to-day bioinformatics work: if you run out of physical memory, your processes will be forced to start swapping memory to the hard disk, and hard disks are really slow. High-memory tasks like assembly (and in some cases alignment) on machines with insufficent physical memory will halt even the fastest machines to a stand still.

With this information, VSZ and RSS will now make more sense. VSZ is the amount of virtual memory and RSS is the amount of physical memory. Virtual memory includes both swap and physical memory, so VSZ is larger than RSS. ps aux gives you a quick glance at these values, but the way an operating system allocates memory can be a very baffling process to decode. When we want to integate our processes to see which are using the most memory, CPU, or swap space, ps becomes a less useful and top becomes our tool of choice. But remember, for searching for processes, ps and grep can be combined in great ways.

Interrogating Processes with +top+ and Understanding Bottlenecks

Unlike ps, top keeps refreshing your list of processes. Enter top at a command line, and it will update (Linux versions usually update every three seconds and OS X every one second). To exit top, just press 'q'. But constantly updating isn't top's greatest strength — be able to interactively look at which processes are using the most resources is.

Unfortunately, top differs considerably between Linux and Apple's OS X (and other Unix variants that have UC Berkeley's BSD as their ancestor). Since most bioinformatics servers we interact with over SSH are Linux-based, I will cover the Linux version. If you have a Mac workstation, consult the table <> and the top manual.

Let's start top with the handy -M option, which displays our memory units in larger units than kilobytes where appropriate. You should see something like the below:

$ top -M
top - 19:49:58 up 22 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.88, 0.45, 0.23
Tasks:  62 total,   3 running,  59 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 70.9%us,  2.0%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id, 27.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si
Mem:   594.219M total,  304.293M used,  289.926M free, 4268.000k buffers
Swap: 1983.992M total,   88.387M used, 1895.605M free,  248.055M cached

 1978 dalilah   20   0 65896  48m  864 R 86.7  8.2   0:10.17 bwa
 1979 dalilah   20   0 17940 1240  812 S 11.3  0.2   0:01.95 samtools
 1980 dalilah   20   0 66492  48m  724 S  1.7  8.1   0:00.25 samtools
    1 root      20   0 19356 1544 1240 S  0.0  0.3   0:00.69 init
    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd

There's undoubtly a lot going on here, but let's take a look at the most important parts. The manual for top are quite dense, so I'll cover the most commonly used sections. The very first line covers the uptime (22 minutes), how many users are on the system, and the load averages. Loads in Unix systems are given as three numbers: the load in the past one minute, five minutes, and fifteen minutes. The number ranges from 0 to over 1, but the interpretation depends on how many cores your processor has, and what's holding up processes. When we run bioinformatics programs, we can hit different bottlenecks: memory running out requiring we use swap space, reading large files from a slow disk, waiting for BLAST results to be recieved over the network from another machine, or actually processing done in the CPU. In cases where we have many processes all trying to use our CPU, we will see the load average rise. Processes will have to wait for their turn to use our CPUs, and this can lead to slow behavior. This is why if we have a single processor machine, we don't want to use GNU Parallel or xargs in parallel: it would create two processes that would have to weight on each other to share the only CPU.

On a two core system, a load average of 2 means that both CPU cores are constantly working over a given time period (in the load average case, one, five, or fifteen minutes). A load average over 2 means that now processes are having wait for each other. Under 2 means that our CPU has periods where it's not doing processing. Load averages are a very important statistic to look at when running large bioinformatics jobs because they could give you a hint if you're doing too much at once, and maxing out your CPU (load average above the number of cores you have), or if processes have been running for a while and load average is low, this could indicate something else (disk, memory, or network) is a the bottleneck.

The next line breaks gives you the number of processes broken down by state (running, sleeping, etc), which we saw in ps aux's output per process. The third line is another important one: it specifies what the CPU spent its time on since the last update of top. In our example, we see it spent 70.9% of it's time in "us", 2% of it's time in "sy", and 27.1% of its time in "wa". There are many options that we don't need to go into too much detail about (see the manual if you are curious), but it's worth know that Unix systems divide up userland ("us") and system ("sy"), and most of our data crunching bioinformatics work will tax our userland resources. More importantly, Linux top gives "wa", which is the percent of time the CPU is waiting on other stuff, and a consistenly high percent "wa" is a good warning sign something other than CPU is the bottleneck.

The next too lines cover memory and swap space usage. This machine has physically more than 594 megabytes of memory, but this is the amount accessible to the operating system. The amount of free memory can be an indicator as to whether we're running out of memory and our machine is about to hit the much slower swap space.

The next lines are each process running, and a summary of their process ID (PID), who started them (USER), their priority (PR), the amount of virtual and physical memory (VIRT and RES, repsectively), the state (S), percentage CPU and memory usage (%CPU and %MEM), the time running (TIME), and finally the actual command (COMMAND). We had many of these same columns with ps aux, but a big advantage with top is that we can interactively sort them and watch them update. Recall that your bioinformatics processes may need lots of memory one minute, then start getting CPU-hungry the next, and finally start reading gigabytes of information off the disk. We can watch our process's resource requirements live with top.

Particularly useful is being able to sort this live in top (and for completness, note this is possible with ps too). To sort by memory, just press O (capital letter "o"), which brings up a list of possible sort fields. One of these fields is %MEM, and corresponds to the letter "n" (recall, this is only Linux top, consult man top if your version is different). Pressing "n", then enter will resort your top process list by memory usage. Other options I commonly use are "K" for CPU usage, "p" for swap size, "e" for user name, and "l" for CPU time. If your machine is running slowly, using top interactively to find greedy processes should be the first place to start.

Interacting with Processes Through Signals: Using Kill

If you've used ps aux and grep to find a particular program, or you've spotted a greedy process with top, you can kill or set its priority using the Unix tools kill and renice respectively.

The command kill is used to send signals to running processes. The default signal it sends to a running program is to terminate a program. A signal is a way to communicate with a running process. The termination signal, called SIGTERM, and we can terminate a program called "greedy_cmd" by first getting its process ID with ps aux and grep (or through top too) and then using kill:

$ ps aux | grep "greedy_cmd"
vinceb  10141   99.0  0.0  9235248  428 s004  U+  1:48PM  0:00.00 greedy_cmd
$ kill 10141

However, programs can choose how they wish to handle a SIGTERM. Some programs could even ignore a termination signal entirley, although this is not common practice with most programs we'll use. Still, sometimes you'll need to send a more forceful signal like SIGKILL, which can't be ignored by programs. To specify the signal with kill, we use kill -s SIGKILL 10141

If you've used Unix for a while, you've probably run across pressing control-C to stop a program. This sends another common signal called SIGINT, of which the the "int" is short for interupt. kill -s SIGINT is the same as pretty control-C in the same terminal as a program is running. If you've ever used control-Z (for suspend), this is very similar too, as it sends the signal SIGSTP. SIGSTP is an signal that suspends a process. Suspending a process pauses it, and this paused process can then be changed to run in the background or foreground with the jobs, bg, and fg commands we learned earlier.

Most of the time when we're using kill we're not using it to send these other signals to processes, we're trying to quickly kill an out of control command that's using too many resources. For this, kill -s SIGKILL <pid> is the standard tool we reach for. Signals also have numeric shortcuts, and 9 corresponds to SIGKILL, so kill -9 <pid> does the same thing.

Prioritizing Processes: Using Nice and Renice

Resources are finite on even our most powerful servers, so it's necessary to mind how many resources are being used by programs. This is especially the case with Unix machines which multitask, running many processes simultaneously. Since multitasking is such a core part of Unix (and Unix comes from an era of comparatively slower machines with fewers resources), there's a way to prioritize certain processes: through a process's nice value.

The nice value of a process ranges from -20 to 20 (19 on some systems), where a lower nice value gives a process more priority. A good way to remember this is that a lower nice value means a program isn't being nice to other processes, and is instead using all the CPU resources for itself. A very high nice value like 19 tells your operating system that this process is pretty low priority, so it should run it whenever resources are available. Note that the nice value only affects how much CPU priority a process gets. Memory or disk-bound processes will not gain much from getting a lower nice value.

The default nice value a process is 0, but this can be set by a using the command nice to run a program under a specified nice value. Good usage examples include tasks like backups, system updates, or archiving old projects. For example, if you want to run gzip on a large FASTQ file in the background, with lower priority, you would use nice:

$ nice -n 10 gzip zmaysA_R1.fastq

This runs the command gzip zmaysA_R1.fastq, incrementing the default value of 0 to 10. If we have an already running process, we could adjust its nice value with the command renice, which takes a nice value and a process ID, like: renice 10 <pid>. This sets the nice value of the process with ID <pid>.

As more cores are packed into modern CPUs, CPUs are less likely to be the bottleneck than the disk or memory. Nice is handy, but it's not can't work miracles on heavily-taxed systems. If a program is hanging, or your system feels sluggish, it's very important to use top to monitor CPU and memory usage. Somewhat surprisingly for beginners in large data processing, the disk is usually the culprit for processing bottlenecks, so in the next section we'll look at a way to monitor disk input and output.

Monitoring Disk Input and Output

It's not uncommon for the disk to be the bottleneck in bioinformatics. Unfortunately, monitoring disks is a bit tricky, as intepretating the results can depend quite a bit on your actual hardware. Some readers may wish to skip this section, and revisit it if they experience a sluggish system that appears to have free memory and CPU. Also, as with top, we'll focus on the Linux iostat, which is the version more likely to be found on the large Linux servers we do bioinformatics on.

Below is an example of a single disk that's facing too likely too much usage. Using the iostat command without any arguments, we see that there's around 42% usage (this is a single core system), and around 51% of the time the CPU is waiting for I/O tasks to complete. In this case, we see that the disk, and not the CPU would likely the cause of a sluggish process.

$ iostat
avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          41.52    0.00    7.59   50.89    0.00    0.00

Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
xvdap1           59.83       528.73      4310.89    1002588    8174440

Additionally, for each disk, iostat outputs the transfers per second (tps), block reads and writes per second (Blk_read/s and Blk_wrtn/s), and total blocks read and written (Blk_read and Blk_wrtn). For simple monitoring, we need to primarily look at iostat (to see if there CPU is waiting for disk I/O), and then Blk_read/s and Blk_wrtn/s to see if the disk usage is reading or writing. Additionally, if you wish to continually monitor disk activity, iostat can be run with two optional arguments, the interval at which a report is generated, and the number of reports to generate. For example, we could generate three reports continually (until we exit with Control-C) in 10 seconds intervals with: iostat 10 3

If it's unclear which processes are the cause of increased I/O another useful Linux program can help: iotop. Like the top we used earlier to monitor memory and CPU usage, iotop updates at a fixed interval, and indicates which processes have the highest disk I/O usage:

$ iotop
Total DISK READ: 37.67 M/s | Total DISK WRITE: 35.43 M/s
85  be/4 violet  2.37 M/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 % 94.97 % biocmd in.fa -o out.txt
89  be/4 lauren  35.30 M/s   34.72 M/s 0.00 % 56.23 % gzip ref.fa
  1 be/4 root    0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 %  0.00 % init
  6 rt/4 root    0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 %  0.00 % [migration/0]
  7 be/0 root    0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 %  0.00 % [cpuset]
  8 be/0 root    0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 %  0.00 % [khelper]
  9 be/4 root    0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 %  0.00 % [kdevtmpfs]

Here, the imaginary program biocmd appears to be competing with gzip for disk input and output. Gzip is reading and writing a fair amount, whereas biocmd is spending nearly 95% percent of its time waiting for disk I/O.

Finally, a word about disks. Monitoring can only help so much, and it's possible that under normal bioinformatics loads, some servers disk hardware won't be able to keep up. Often systems administrators use RAID (Redundany Array of Indepedent Disks) systems, which can increase disk I/O performance and redundancy against failure. These topics are outside the scope of this book, and in cases where disk I/O are common and continual, it may be worth discussing disk hardware options with the person managing your servers (if it's not you).

Disk Usage

When processing bioinformatics data, it's not uncommon to fill up entire disk volumes. As disks fill up, they also become more fragmented, meaning that they write data to the disk in non-consecutive chunks. Disk fragmentation leads to slower disk performance; disks pushing 80% full not only run a risk of being filled up during data processing, but even performance tasks not requiring lots of disk space will suffer. Thus, it's useful to monitor disk usage periodically.

The two tools used to look at disk usage are df and du. The first, df simply gives you a terminal-based display of your disk usage, broken down by volume. Since I don't like having to trying to count the digits in figures like "51228178" bytes (the default unit), I almost always the -h option to display the units in human readable format. On the machine I'm on now, this looks like:

$ df -h
Filesystem                  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1                   854G   32G  779G   4% /
none                        4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev                         32G  4.0K   32G   1% /dev
tmpfs                       6.3G  372K  6.3G   1% /run
nas-8-0:/export/1/vinceb     11T  2.6G   11T   1% /home/vinceb

Note that there are some file systems in this output that look strange, like none and tmpfs. Many Unix-like operating systems use some virtual disks. This all goes back to how files can be abstracted under Unix-like operating systems. Real disks, like /dev/sda1, are interfaced with device files in /dev on Unix (as well as the psuedo-devices like /dev/null we saw in the redirection section above).

The command df is relatively straight forward: it lists the file system size, the amount used, available, and the percent used, as well as where the file system is mounted. Mounting file systems allows us to access them through a certain point on the Unix filesystem. For example, /home/vinceb is mounted to a directory on nas-8-0, a Network Attached Storage device in the example above. In day-to-day work, it's usually good to check that disks aren't getting too full before running large data processing tasks.

However, now assume you've found that your disk is getting too full, and you want to figure out which files are using the most disk space. One command that's useful in finding large files is du, which recursively lists the sizes of the file in the directory it's being run. For example, if you suspect that there are some large files in a project directory named ~/Projects/tarsier_genes, you could use du to find which directories contain the largest files:

$ du -h ~/Projects/tarsier_genes
20M    /home/vinceb/Projects/tarsier_genes
64K    /home/vinceb/Projects/tarsier_genes/notes
20M    /home/vinceb/Projects/tarsier_genes/data/
640G   /home/vinceb/Projects/tarsier_genes/data/alignments

Clearly, there's some big files in our project alignment/ directory we may want to delete or compress with a program like gzip.

The program du can also be combined with sort and head to find the largest files on a Unix system. This is a good example of how Unix pipes allow many small programs to be connected to create useful other programs. If we run du /, it will output the size of the contents for each directory below / (recursively). With /, this will be a lot of directories, and since we only care about the largest ones, we use sort with the -n option to numerically sort the lines, and to do so -r in reverse order so the largest files are at the top). Then, we pipe all output to head -n 10 to only give us the top five directories containg the most content. Note that we can't use human readble formats (-h) anymore, since numeric sorting doens't understand suffixes like "K" and "M" for kilobytes and megabytes. On some BSD-variant systems, it may be necessary to explicitly say that you want sizes in one unit with (-m). The basic command would like like:

$ du / | sort -r -n | head -n 5
2036816991542 /
411030308497 /share/data/genomes
19390538953 /Users
1042908919 /Users/lauren
1041811032 /Users/lauren/s_cereale_genome

Note that du is hierarchical, so there will be some redundancy as the directory containing many large files, as well as the directory containg this directory, and so on are all included. Finding large files is a common problem, and specialized programs are also u