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812 lines (756 loc) · 43.7 KB


Note: we simply use the name 'Dictionary' for VsmDictionary.


Dictionary is a provider (or an interface to an online server/provider) of 'terms' and 'concepts'. Note:

    • A 'concept' is any thing, or general idea, that we can mentally point to.
    • A 'term' is just a text-representation/string for communicating a concept.
  • Dictionary does not use the typical approach of representing each concept by one unique term/string, because Dictionary is built to support VSM-terms.
    See for a detailed list of reasons. Instead:
    • any concept may be represented by multiple terms (synonymous terms), and
    • any term may represent multiple concepts (homonymous terms);
      just like in natural language.
  • A 'VSM-term' is the necessary combination of a human-friendly term, and a for-computation-needed 'concept-identifier', or conceptID.

Dictionary can provide unified access to multiple, domain-specific '(sub-)dictionaries' (e.g. human gene names, mouse proteins, relations etc).

Dictionary returns concepts & terms via two entity types: entries and matches.

  • The entry type provides a concept-centric view. It represents what a Dictionary knows about a certain concept. So an entry will include a list of the concept's synonymous terms.
  • The match type provides a one-term-with-a-concept view. It is returned when using a string (a partial term) to search for some concept. It provides all information that an Autocomplete component may need to let a user distinguish synonymous terms, and to describe a term+ID's linked concept.


A Dictionary provides access to a (local or remote) list of 'dictInfo', 'entry', and 'refTerm' objects, and derived 'match' objects.

  1. A 'dictInfo' is an object with info on one subdictionary, with properties:

    • id: {String}:
      the subdictionary's unique identifier;
      • for a public, server-based collection of dictionaries, this should be a globally unique identifier, typically a URI;
        (e.g.: '');
      • for a local demo-VsmDictionary, it may be anything (it could be just an abbreviation of the subdictionary name);
    • abbrev: {String} (optional):
      an abbreviation or acronym of the subdictionary's name, meant as a human-friendly identifier; it should be unique among the VsmDictionary's subdictionaries;
      (e.g. 'HUGO');
    • name: {String} (opt.):
      the full name of the subdictionary;
      (e.g. 'Human Genome Organization Gene Symbols');
  2. An 'entry' represents a concept and is an object with properties:

    • id: {String}:
      the concept's unique (among all dictionaries!) identifier; for a local demo-dictionary this could be anything; for a server-based dictionary this would typically be a URI (as in Linked Data); (we also refer to this ID as a 'conceptID', since an entry represents a single concept);
    • dictID: {String}:
      a subdictionary-ID, which refers to a dictInfo's id; this gives access to the entry's dictInfo-specific functionality;
    • descr: {String} (optional):
      an explanation/description/definition of the concept;
    • terms: {Array(Object)}:
      a non-empty list of the concept's synonymous terms, i.e. a list of all of its string-representations, each represented by an Object with properties:
      • str: {String}:
        the term as a pure string, making it findable via string-search;
      • style: {String|Object} (optional):
        style-information; this could be a html-representation of str, e.g. with sub/superscript, or an object, or a code-string with styling-instructions as described in string-style-html;
      • descr: {String} (optional):
        if present, this descr overrides the entry's descr, enabling us to give a custom description of a concept, from a particular term's perspective;
      • Note: in some domains of expertise, it is defined that a concept has one unique, identifying 'main term', in addition to zero or more (non-preferred) 'synonyms'.
        In a VSM-dictionary, however, the list of 'synonymous terms' terms would then be the list of both that main term and those synonyms, whereby the main term would be identified by being the first element of terms.
    • z: {Object} (optional):
      any extra information, free in form, related to the entry;
      this extra data can be used by e.g. any third-party customization function that is given to vsm-autocomplete or vsm-box;
      as z is an Object, the extra info must be set on properties of z.
  3. A 'refTerm' ('reference term') is a pure string that does not represent a concept on its own, but that is commonly used to refer to another concept, like "it" or "that". A Dictionary deals with refTerms as well, in order to support a vsm-box's autocomplete as a single access point to string- and concept-type match-objs.

  4. A 'match' is an object returned by search-string querying functionality. It represents one specific term linked to one specific entry. It provides the necessary data to build an autocomplete item, which links a term+concept into a VSM-term. It has properties:

    • id: {String}:
      concept-ID, i.e. unique identifier of the matched entry, e.g. URI;
    • dictID: {String}:
      subdictionary-ID, giving access to one dictInfo's functionality;
    • str: {String}:
      pure string-representation of a term that matches the string-query;
    • style: {String|Object} (optional):
      style/d string (as stored in the entry's particular term-object);
    • descr: {String} (opt.):
      explanation of the entry, or the overriding explanation for this term;
    • type: {1-char-String}:
      what type of match it is:
      • 'S' = search-string matches the start of the term, or is fully equal;
      • 'T' = search-string appears somewhere in the term, but not its start; or it does not appear in the term, which matched for some other reason;
      • 'F' = it matches a 'fixedTerm' term+concept, as in 'S' (see later);
      • 'G' = it matches a 'fixedTerm' term+concept, as in 'T';
      • 'R' = it is fully equal to a 'refTerm'; a refTerm 'match' has empty-string properties id and dictID;
      • 'N' = a generated match that represents a number, + standard-made ID;
    • terms: {Array(Object)} (opt.):
      this may contain the entry's full terms-list terms;
    • z: {Object} (opt.):
      is the entry's z info, filtered according to the query's options.z (see getMatchesForString()).
    • Note:
      • In one query result, multiple match-objects may have a same term str, which will then be linked to a different conceptID id. And multiple match-objects can be linked to the same ID, but will then have a different term-string str!
      • When multiple match-objects are returned as a list, they should be sorted in the order: N, R, F, G, and then S and T.


Dictionary is a parent class for subclasses that will do most of the work. A subclass module represents a specific data-repository, and translates requests and responses with the datastore through a common interface, which e.g. a vsm-autocomplete can use. - E.g.:

  • 'vsm-dictionary-local': implements an in-memory 'vsm-dictionary';
  • 'vsm-dictionary-xyz': would interface with a database-server "xyz"'s API.
  • Note: in the functions below, any string-sorting (such as by dictID, conceptID, or term-string) happens case-insensitively.
  • Note: in functions below, any options.sort should be seen as declaring a preference only.
    So, implementation of sort-functionality is optional, and may be ignored. It would depend on the capability of the API of the backend-service that the particular VsmDictionary-subclass depends on. (If the server-side does not provide sorting, it would likely be too complicated to implement it on the client side).
    Sorting is nice to have though, as it makes results being returned in a consistent way, which is useful for debugging and for the end-user experience.
  • Note: all functions below must return their results via a callback cb that is called in a truly asynchronous way.
    This means: in case results would not be fetched from a database but directly from a memory cache (e.g. in vsm-dictionary-local), they must be returned on the next event-loop (via setTimeout(() => cb(err, res), 0);). This leads to reliable and consistent, guaranteed async behavior.
  • Note: for the functions below, that support filtering by dictID (via, and that query data from a remote DB-server's API, it is advised to check if the given dictIDs are relevant for that DB.
    Because a vsm-dictionary subclass may be combined with other vsm-dictionaries in a vsm-dictionary-combiner, which creates a virtual vsm-dictionary that makes all subdictionaries accessible through a single vsm-dictionary interface. Then, when the combiner receives a (dictID-filtered) request, it is sent to each of the combined vsm-dictionaries, so each may receive requests that are not relevant for its particular dataset; i.e. when the dictIDs target another one of the combined vsm-dictionaries.
    By checking if any of the filtered-for dictIDs are relevant, a vsm-dictionary can avoid sending requests to its DB that will not return anything anyway.
    • For example: vsm-dictionary-bioportal checks if there is a dictID-filter, and if so, only launches queries to the BioPortal server if that filter includes some dictID-URI that matches a pattern BioPortal is responsible for.

Subclasses must implement the following functions:

  1. getDictInfos(options, cb): Gets the "dictInfo"-objects (=subdictionary-info), as specified in options:
  • options: {Object}: supports these all-optional properties:
    • filter: {Object}: filter-options; properties are combined in AND-mode:
      • id: {Array(String)} (optional): a list of dictIDs; returns for all dictIDs, combined in OR-mode;
      • Note: when no filter is given (default), returns all dictInfo objects;
    • page {int}: because too many items could match, the results will be paginated; this field tells which 'page' of results is requested by this call; counting starts from page 1, which is also the default value (so not 0);
    • perPage {int}: how many items should be returned by one call; this can be overridden by some DictionaryX-subclass implementation's particular limit (without notification); if not given it will be DictionaryX's own default value.
  • cb: {Function}: is a callback function with arguments:
    • err: {null|String|Object}: null if no error, else the error/message;
      • Note: no error should be returned if for some id in filter, no associated dictInfo could be found; this is even so if a DB-server's API itself would return an error for absent dictIDs.
        See the earlier note on dictID filtering and on combining vsm-dictionaries for the rationale behind this.
    • res: {Object}: a result-object, with properties:
      • items: {Array(Object)}: has a 'dictInfo' object for each subdictionary;
      • Note: we wrap the result array into an object, so that future implementations may still add meta-information in extra fields, e.g. a hasMore field.
  • Note: the function getDictInfos() is useful for vsm-autocomplete, to retrieve each match's subdictionary's abbreviation or full name.
  1. getEntries(options, cb): Gets the "entry"-objects specified by options:
  • options: {Object}: supports these all-optional properties:
    • filter: {Object}: filter-options; properties are combined in AND-mode:
      • id: {Array(String)} (opt.): a list of conceptIDs; returns for all ids, combined in OR-mode;
      • dictID: {Array(String)} (opt.): a list of dictIDs; returns for all dictIDs, combined in OR-mode;
      • Note: when no filter is given (default), returns all entry objects;
    • sort: {String}: one of:
      • 'dictID' (default, is same as not giving an options.sort): returned items are sorted by their dictID, then conceptID id;
      • 'id': sorts by conceptID id only;
      • 'str': sorts entries by their first term-string terms[0].str, then by dictID, and then by id;
      • Note: as stated above, support for options.sort is optional.
    • z: {true|Array(String)}: (default: true):
      the returned entries will have a z-object that contains all, or only the given selection of the stored entries' z-properties, respectively;
      to get all z-properties: use true or omit it; or to get none: use [];
      a subclass may define its own default selection for when no options.z is given;
      if the result would be an empty z-object, then the returned entry's z-property is dropped;
    • page {int}: which page of the paginated result is requested (starting from 1);
    • perPage {int}: how many items should be returned by one call.
    • getAllResults {Boolean}: (true or false/absent; default: absent):
      This should be taken into account only during queries with a, and only by vsm-dictionary subclasses that depend on a server-API that can return multiple results per unique entry-ID.
      (This is e.g. the case with 'vsm-dictionary-bioportal', which serves terms from BioPortal, which combines many dictionaries/ontologies, of which some reuse/import some of the other ontologies' concepts).
      If true, then such a vsm-dictionary should ignore perPage and page, and query its datastore in such a way that all entries that match filter.ids are returned.
      • Why? : This feature is needed when loadFixedTerms() tries to receive one entry for each fixedTerm id. – Now, as it may need entries for more IDs than the vsm-dictionary's default perPage (and it sends only a single request), it explicitly requests fixedTerms.length results. – But if IDs can appear multiple times in the server response, then the number of results could exceed that perPage, which would cause pagination after all, and could make page 1 exclude some of the requested IDs.
      • So a vsm-dictionary subclass that has this duplicate ID problem should, during queries with and getAllResults==true, ignore any given perPage/page, and run the query to its backend's API in such a way that all possible results are returned. – Also then, it is recommended (if possible) to sort the results in such a way that, of all the duplicate entries for id, it returns the entry from the original dictionary earliest in the list; as this is the entry that loadFixedTerms() will use.
  • cb: {Function}: callback with arguments:
    • err: {null|String|Object}
    • res: {Object}: with properties:
      • items: {Array(Object)}: a list of 'entry'-objects, as described above, i.e. like: {id, dictID, descr, terms[{str, style, descr}, ...], z}.
    • Note: this function is necessary for term/concept-search functionality that is more powerful than just using autocomplete or string-based search. This includes ID-based search, used for 'fixedTerms'-preloading (see later).
  1. getRefTerms(options, cb): Returns all "refTerm" strings, sorted alphabetically.
  • options: {Object}: supports these all-optional properties:
    • filter: {Object}: filter-options:
      • str: {Array(String)} (opt.): a list of refTerm-strings; returns for all, combined in OR-mode;
      • Note: when no filter is given (default), returns all refTerm-strings;
      • Note: when str is the empty string, returns no refTerms;
    • page {int}: which page of the paginated result is requested (starting from 1);
    • perPage {int}: how many items should be returned by one call.
  • cb: {Function}: callback with arguments:
    • err: {null|String|Object}
    • res: {Object}: with properties:
      • items: {Array(String)}: a list of refTerms. This list must be sorted.
  • Note: it is optional to implement this function in the subclass, because the parent class includes a default implementation: one that works with a small, in-memory list of default refTerms.
    (Note that there happens no mixing between these default refTerms and subclass-managed refTerms; because when a subclass implements its own getRefTerms(), it overrides and cancels this parent-class functionality completely).
  1. getEntryMatchesForString(str, options, cb): Gets "match"-objects for term(+concept)s that match the search-string. This searches only for S/T-type matches that come directly from 'entry' objects. (Other match types are handled by the parent class's getMatchesForString(), see later).
  • str: the search-string.
  • options: {Object}: supports these all-optional properties:
    • filter: {Object}: filter-options:
      • dictID: {Array(String)} (opt.): a list of dictIDs; returns only for these, combined in OR-mode;
      • Note: when no filter is given (default), returns for all sub-dicts;
    • sort: {Object}:
      • dictID: {Array(String)} (opt.): sorts matches whose dictID is in this list, first; then sorts as usual; see the extensive notes below for details on sorting;
      • Note: only supported in combination with page: 1 (see notes below);
    • z: {true|Array(String)}: (default: true):
      will include full, partial, or no z-object; as described for the options.z of getEntries();
    • page {int}: which page of the paginated result is requested (starting from 1);
    • perPage {int}: how many items should be returned by one call.
  • cb: {Function}: callback with arguments:
    • err: {null|String|Object}
    • res: {Object}: with properties:
      • items: {Array(Object)}: a list of 'match'-objects, as described above, i.e. like: {id, dictID, str, style, descr, type, terms[{str, style, descr}, ...], z}.
  • Notes:
    • If str is empty, then it returns no matches.
    • Returned matches are filtered: only those belonging to any of the subdictionaries given in filter.dictID (if given), will be returned.
    • Returned matches can also be sorted, as follows:
      If a sort.dictID is given, then matches that belong to any of the subdicts given in that list, are placed before matches that do not.
      • This property essentially enables defining 'preferred dictionaries'.
      • Note: the order of dictIDs within sort.dictID is not important;
        sort.dictID simply splits matches into 2 blocks: those with a dictID in the list vs. those without.
      • So e.g.:
        • options = { filter: { dictID: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] } } returns only matches from subdicts A/B/C/D.
        • options = { sort: { dictID: ['A', 'B'] } } prioritizes matches from subdicts A/B in the returned list, while non-A/B-matches (from subdicts like C/D/E/etc.) may still appear after A/B-matches,
        • options = { filter: { dictID: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] }, sort: { dictID: ['A', 'B'] }} returns only matches from A/B/C/D, while putting any matches that belong to either A or B in front.
      • Why this feature?:
        Use case 1: the user wants to search for only Protein names and Gene names from Human, Mouse, and Rat (=2x3=6 subdictionaries), whereby Protein names will usually be selected, and should thus always be shown on top in an autocomplete list; but whereby the user also wants to see Gene names as a fallback, in case some gene does not yet have a listed, associated Protein name in its dictionary.
        Then filter will refer to the 6 subdicts, and sort will refer to the 3 preferred Protein-name term lists.
        Use case 2: the designer of a VSM-template creates an empty field in a VSM-sentence, that is expected to hold a location-like term. The designer expects that the field will be filled with terms from a Cell Line dictionary, but anticipates that users of the template will regularly find additional useful dictionaries.
        Therefore, the designer does not want to limit the field to Cell Line terms only, but just wants to make autocomplete rank those terms on top. Therefore, Cell-Line's ID goes into options.sort, and there is no options.filter.
      • Note that the backend-service may not directly support this. In that case, this functionality can be implemented by launching two parallel queries: one query that that filters for the dictIDs that are in both sort and filter, and one query that filters for dictIDs in filter (if any) but not in sort; and then concatenating (and if needed de-dup'ing) the result lists; and trimming this to length perPage.
      • Limitation: this sorting is really only useful for an autocomplete result-list, where only a limited of number of terms can be shown, and where the best matches really should consistently appear on top.
        If the backend-service does not support this kind of sorting, then it is impractical to implement this on the client-side using parallel queries, when the page number is larger than 1.
        Note that autocomplete is expected to launch page: 1-queries only, and that only some more advanced term-search and -management dialog window is expected to enable a user to navigate to other page numbers, or even to inspect whole subdictionaries.
        • Therefore, sort.dictID may only be requested (and should only be followed) in combination with a page: 1.
        • And so, also for consistent navigation, an 'advanced-search' component that expects to show also pages > 1, should not query with a sort.dictID option for any of its pages, including its page 1.
    • Returned matches may be sorted further, as follows.
      This is only a suggestion, for if the backend-service supports it, or for who designs their own backend-service.
      (Note: all this sorting should happen on the server-side, as it is the only place where it can happen reliably, in order to have no confusion with paginated results).
      (And note that 'vsm-dictionary-local' implements this 'server-side' code on the client, which is why that one package does contain sorting-code).
      Optional sorting, continued:
      • Within each of the one or two sort.dictID groups, matches that got type 'S' are sorted before those with 'T' (i.e. first prefix matches, then infix/etc matches);
        • Note: any S/T-type match-sorting is the responsibility of VsmDictionary-subclasses (or their backend-service),
          while the VsmDictionary parent class code will mix N/R/F/G- type matches with these, to create the order N/R/F/G/S&T; (see later, under getMatchesForString());
      • then, within each S/T-group, either..:
        • alphabetically and case-insensitively by term-string;
        • then: sorted by own dictID;
        • then, optionally and for making the order fully determinate:
          • by the term's position in its concept's term/synonym list;
            this sorts matches that are linked to the first term of their entry, before those linked to a not-first term);
          • then by conceptID;
      • ..or:
        • sorted by some measure of relevance, e.g. how often the term is used in general, or based on some context (would be future implementation).
    • A maximum of perPage S/T-type matches is returned. But in addition, for a first result-page only, any parent-class-made N/R/F/G-matches may be added.
    • (Idea: filtering matches based on the entries's z-object properties could be a future implementation).


This parent class Dictionary defines an interface (as described above and later below), that subclasses should follow, for managing 'entries' and 'match-objects', among others.
In addition, it adds a layer of own functionality (that augments the main functionality that is left to be implemented by a subclass), for managing so-called 'fixedTerms' and 'number-strings' too, among others.

Note: the constructor can be given an options object (see also later). When a subclass's constructor is called, it must make a call to its parent class(=this class)'s constructor, and pass on the options object, via super, i.e.: super(options).

Note: we will first discuss fixedTerms and number-strings. After that we will explain how match-objects for them are combined with the normal, entry-derived match-objects.

1. FixedTerms

  • A 'fixedTerm' is a concept, paired with one of its representative terms, that is meant to appear in a VSM-template field's autocomplete list, even when the user has not yet typed anything. So they are one-click matches, which appear as soon as the field gets the webpage's focus.
    In addition, when the user has typed some character/s, any still-matching (by prefix or infix) fixedTerms will remain shown above any other normal matching terms.
    A VSM-template stores fixedTerms efficiently: just by their conceptID + (usually also) term-string. But VSM-autocomplete needs full match-objects. Therefore, and because of query efficiency, the Dictionary parent class provides the function loadFixedTerms(), to pre-load (from the subclass's storage resource) and pre-build match-objects for them (which are then stored in-memory in the VsmDictionary) :

  • loadFixedTerms(idts, options, cb):
    Preloads match-objects for fixedTerms and stores them in a cache.

    • idts: {Array(Object)}:
      a list of fixedTerms represented by a conceptID + optional term, having the form: {id: 'id'} or {id: 'id', str: 'term'}.
    • options: {Object}:
      • Note: loadFixedTerms() will use the subclass's getEntries() to query for entries and build match-objects from them;
      • this options object is used for that getEntries() call (after being augmented with changes like 'no pagination', to prevent cut-off of results);
      • this options can be used to configure z-object-pruning of the in-memory-stored match-objects, via options.z.
    • Note: for any idts-item for which the getEntries() call returned an entry:
      • a match-object is created based on that entry, and on one of the entry's term-objects (meaning: the match-object gets the entry's fields, plus the term-object's fields str, style, descr), as follows:
        • if the idts-item has a term-string str that is also present in the returned entry's terms list, then we use that term-object;
        • if its str is not in terms, or if no str was given, then we just use the first term-object of the entry's terms list;
      • this match-object is added to the cache Dictionary.fixedTermsCache, accessible via a lookup key, which is calculated by concatenating the conceptID, a newline, and (if present) the idts-item's term-string.
    • Note: for any idts-item for which no entry was returned (so there was no entry with that id), no item is added to the cache.
    • Note: the cache stores only one version of a fixedTerm, regardless of how it may have been z-pruned. It stores fixedTerms by 'id+str' cache-key, (not by id+str+zOptions).
      This is because we assume that requested fixedTerms/entries will always be z-pruned/requested in the same way. (This may be changed though in a future implementation, perhaps by always preloading fixedTerms with their full z-object).
    • cb: {Function}: callback with argument:
      • err: {null|String|Object}:
        an error will be generated if some maximum number of requested items was exceeded (specific to the subclass's getEntries() implementation), because all items are requested as a non-paginated list.
        In order to pre-load many fixedTerms, use several loadFixedTerms() calls.

2. Number-strings

  • Numbers can be 'concepts' too in a VSM-sentence. But no dictionary can store all possible or necessary numbers beforehand.
    So to support VSM-autocomplete, a VsmDictionary will also detect strings that represent a numeric value. It will generate a unique, value-based ID for it, on-the-fly, and serve a match-object for it.
    This is a common functionality for any Dictionary implementation, so this happens in the parent class.

    • The generated ID is a standardized exponential notation, which maps different strings that represent the same value, onto the same ID. A prefix is added too.
      • E.g. it maps both '105' and '0.105E3' onto the same ID: '00:1.05e+2'. (the prefix here is '00:', and both numbers equal '1.05e+2').
      • For strings representable as a 64-bit number in JavaScript, this corresponds to a prefix plus the result of Number(str).toExponential(). And for higher-precision numbers (many decimals), and for very large or small numbers (> 64-bit exponent), the ID is also generated correctly, using the module to-exponential.
    • The prefix '00:' represents an implicit 'sub-dictionary of numbers'.
      So this implicit subdictionary must have also a 'dictID' identifier.
      Its dictID and prefix are set to default values, but these can be changed by specifying them in options.numberMatchConfig (in the options given to the Dictionary constructor). This is then stored as:
      Dictionary.numberMatchConfig {false|Object}:
      • If false, then the addition of number-string match-objects is deactivated.
        • So, new DictionaryX({ numberMatchConfig: false }) would create a subclass DictionaryX that does not generate number-string matches.
      • If an Object, then it has properties:
        • dictID: {String}: is used as the dictID for a generated number-string match-object;
        • conceptIDPrefix: {String} (default: '00:'): is used as prefix (before the standard-exponential-form part), for the generated conceptID.
  • Because the above introduces a new dictID, we need a function that can provide a dictInfo-object for it:

    • Returns an Array of dictInfos, for all the custom dictIDs that a VsmDictionary can create. Currently, this is only the dictInfo for number-string matches.
    • So, code that uses a VsmDictionary, and that needs to load dictInfos for any possibly occurring dictID, needs to call both (the subclass's) getDictInfos() (async), and (the parent class's) getExtraDictInfos() (sync). The latter returns the dictInfo for number-string matches, (and in future implementations perhaps more).

3. Combining all match-objects

  • getMatchesForString(str, options, cb):
    This is the function that retrieves all possible types of match-objects from a VsmDictionary, for a given str. It is this function that 'vsm-autocomplete' will call.


    • Same as defined for the subclass's getEntryMatchesForString().
    • options may have additional properties, which are discussed further below.

    This function:

    • calls the subclass's getEntryMatchesForString() to get normal, S/T-type match-objects;
    • calls getRefTerms() to get a possible matching refTerm, and builds a match-object around it;
      • (note: it calls the above two query-functions in parallel);
    • searches in the pre-loaded 'fixedTerms', for any matches that it is currently told to consider (according to options (see below));
    • considers if a number-string match-object should be built.
    • Finally, it merges/edits and sorts this list of collected match-objects.

    The 'extra', non-S/T-type matches are considered only for the first page of possibly paginated results (i.e. with equal to 1, or omitted).
    Note: since options.perPage pertains to S/T-type matches only, the extra matches may cause that getMatchesForString() returns more than perPage matches in total, for the first page only.

    The addition/merging of some non-S/T match-objects is elaborated below:

  • Addition of match-objects from fixedTermsCache:

    • It will consider the following options properties:
      • options.z: as in getEntryMatchesForString();
      • options.idts: {Array(Object)}:
        a selection of fixedTerms, represented by a conceptID + optional term, in the same format as the options.idts of loadFixedTerms();
    • Only fixedTerms that are in options.idts and already pre-loaded in fixedTermsCache are considered.
      • From those, only those with str as a prefix or infix will yield an extra match-object, with type 'F' or 'G' respectively.
      • If str is empty, then the entire given list options.idts is considered, to find and add corresponding match-objects from the fixedTerm-cache.
    • options.z works on the z-objects as stored by loadFixedTerms(), so these may already be pre-pruned z-objects.
  • Addition of a match-object for a number-string:

    • A number-string match-object gets the type 'N'.
  • Merging and sorting all collected match-objects:

    • It sorts a possible 'N'-type (number-string) match on top.
      • If a number-string match is a duplicate of a normal 'S'/'T'-match returned by the subclass (so, if that number was already stored as a concept in the dictionary, i.e. with same conceptID), then the normal match is used instead of the generated one. This is because it may be more informative than the generated one (e.g. '12' may have extra terms like 'twelve' or 'dozen'). That normal match is then moved to the top of the matches-list, and gets its type set to 'N'.
    • Next, it puts a possible 'R'-type (refTerm) match.
    • Next, it puts 'F'/'G'-type (fixedTerm) matches. Hereby:
      • it sorts 'F'-type (prefix) matches before 'G'-type (infix) matches, and then case-insensitively according to term-string, then dictID, then conceptID;
      • if a fixedTerm-match is a duplicate of a normal match, then the normal match will be removed.
    • Next, it puts the (remaining) normal, 'S'/'T'-type matches from the subclass, leaving them ordered as received from the subclass.
    • So match-objects are ordered overall by type: N-R-F-G-S&T.


Dictionary exposes additional functionality that subclasses can use, in the form of static methods.

  • prepTerms():
    this can take a list of term-objects, and transforms it (and hereby deep-clones it) like this:
    • if any one of the term-objects has any unsupported properties, then these properties will be pruned away;
    • if the term-list has two term-objects with a same term-string, then the second one will be moved to replace the first one in the list; this is repeated until there are no more such duplicates.
    • Note: this function may be useful for a subclass, to (partially) sanitize given entries's term-objects, especially for updateEntries() (see below).
    • Arguments:
      • an entry's term-objects list {Array(Object)}.
  • prepEntry():
    this can take an entry-object, and transforms it (and hereby shallow-clones it) like this:
    • if the entry-object has any unsupported properties, then these properties will be pruned away;
    • the entry's term-objects are processed by prepTerms().
    • Note: this function may be useful for a subclass, to (partially) sanitize entry-objects given to it, especially for addEntries() (see below).
    • Arguments:
      • an entry {Object}.
  • zPropPrune():
    performs z-property pruning as described above (under getEntries()'s options.z).
    This is used in Dictionary while adding fixedTerm-matches, and may be useful for a subclass as well (especially for 'vsm-dictionary-local').
    • Arguments:
      • an entry or match-object {Object},
      • a {true|Array(String)}, like getEntries()'s options.z.


Subclasses could implement the following functions, if the underlying storage (e.g. an own or third-party database) allows it.

  • Note:
    All cb(err, ..) functions under ADD/UPDATE/DELETE report errors or success in this way:
    • if no error occurred, then err is simply null;
    • if one/more errors occurred with the individual add/update/deletes, then err is an {Array(null|String|Object)}, with items representing the success (null) or error (String|Object) for each element in the given array, in given order.
    • if another type of error occurred (e.g. database problem), then err is a {String|Object}.
  1. addDictInfos(dictInfos, cb): Adds subdictionary-info objects to the storage.

    • dictInfos: an {Array(Object)} of 'dictInfo'-type objects;
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      An error is added for any dictInfo for which the same id already exists.
  2. addEntries(entries, cb): Adds 'entry'-type objects to the storage. Only valid properties for an entry should make it to storage (prepEntry() can assist in this).

    • entry: {Array(Object)};
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      • An error is added for an entry, if an entry for id already exists.
      • An error is added for an entry, if no dictInfo for its dictID exists yet.
  3. addRefTerms(refTerms, cb): Adds refTerms to the storage.

    • refTerm: {Array(String)};
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      • An error is added for a refTerm, it if is an empty string.
      • No error is added if the refTerm was already present in the storage.


Subclasses could implement these functions, if the underlying storage allows it:

  1. updateDictInfos(dictInfos, cb): Updates a list of subdictionary info-objects in the storage, by copying each object's valid properties into its corresponding stored object.

    • dictInfos: an {Array(Object)} of 'dictInfo'-type objects;
    • cb(err, result): {Function}.
      • err: an error is added for any 'dictInfo' for which no dictID id exists.
      • result: {Array(null|Object)}: a list of updated 'dictInfo'-objects (also if unchanged), and null for those whose id was not found.
    • Note that a dictInfo's dictID id can not be changed. (One could effectively do it like this though: add one with the new dictID, then update all dependent entries with it, and then delete the old one).
  2. updateEntries(entryLikes, cb): Updates one/more 'entry'-type objects in the storage.

    • entryLikes: {Array(Object)};
      • These are basically 'entry'-type objects, which will be used to update the corresponding entry in storage, i.e. the one with same id.
      • Their dictID and descr properties will replace the ones in the entry, or be added if not present.
      • But their terms-array terms and extra-info object z have a deeper structure. So because of race conditions, it is not supported to let an entryLike's terms or z completely replace those of the entry.
      • Instead, terms and z will only be used for adding or replacing term-object items or z-properties, while the special properties termsDel and zDel can be used to delete these.
      • So:
        • terms {Array(Object)}: each item in an entryLike's terms array replaces the term-object in the entry's terms array that has the same term-string str; or it is added to the array if there is no such term-object yet;
          • Only valid properties for an entry and its term-objects should make it to storage (prepTerms() can assist in the second part).
        • z {Object}: each property of an entryLike's z object replaces the same-named one in the entry's z object, or gets added if no such property exists yet;
        • termsDel {Array(String)}: deletes terms in terms, based on these given term-strings; no error if some term-string does not occur; but errors when trying to delete an entry's last term-object, without adding any new one/s (this then also cancels all of the entryLike's other requested changes);
        • zDel {true|Array(String)}: deletes the given properties from the entry's z-object; if true then deletes z entirely; no error if some properties do not exist.
      • Deletions happen before additions. So to install a brand new z object, use zDel: true, together with the new z, i.e. use an entryLike like: { zDel: true, z: {...} }.
    • cb(err, result): {Function}.
      • err: an error is added for any entryLike for which no id exists;
      • result: {Array(null|Object)}: a list of updated 'entry'-objects (whether changed or not), and null for those whose id was not found.
    • Note that an entry's id can not be changed.
  3. There is no updateRefTerm() function, because refTerms are not editable objects.


Subclasses could implement these functions, if the underlying storage allows it:

  1. deleteDictInfos(dictIDs, cb):

    • dictIDs: {Array(String)}: a list of subdictionary-IDs;
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      • Adds an error for any subdictionary for which there still exist an entry linked to its dictID in storage.
      • Adds an error if some dictID did not exist in storage.
  2. deleteEntries(conceptIDs, cb):

    • conceptIDs: {Array(String)}: a list of conceptIDs that correspond to entry-objects.
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      • Adds an error if some conceptID id did not exist in storage.
  3. deleteRefTerms(refTerms, cb):

    • refTerms: {Array(String)}: a list of refTerms;
    • cb(err): {Function}.
      • Adds an error if some refTerm did not exist in storage.