All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Displays the create quota button according to the value of the create quota permission
- Provide app token on calls to b2b-organizations-graphql app
- Spanish translations.
- Adjust payment terms on cost center
- Provide correct tokens to clients
- Add catalog-info.yaml
- Adjust sender app name and token to call check user permission
- Add a token to call graphql queries for the client of storefront-permission and b2b-organizations-graphql
- Fix conditional chain causing issue when retrieving Cost Center data
- Remove instore-custom files
- Use payment terms from the cost center when it is configured instead of the organization
- Added semicolon to checkout ui custom
- Set settings back in payment step if don't exist
- Destroy checkout object if user is not logged in
- Add validation to remove the b2bCheckoutSettings Object if user has permission to change address
- Remove validation after retrieving cost center information
- Add reference in addresses to the b2bCheckoutSettings object
- Add new configuration to let user create address in checkout
- Added cost center custom field to the settings backend
- Addded customFields to the b2bCheckoutSettings object
- Fix issue when quotes-graphql isn't available
- [ENGINEERS-1247] - Disable cypress tests in PR level
- Marketing data isn't always present, so it sometimes fails when checkout.marking data is being validated
- Run schedule job only on saturday
- Cypress improvements
- Cypress E2E automations tests.
- GitHub dispatch workflow
- GitHub reusable workflow uptaded to v2
- Show all Shipping and Payment sections for non-B2B users
- Allow non-B2B users to access checkout when B2B Checkout Settings app is installed
- Added @checkAdminAccess @cacheControl directives.
- Added resolvers/constants file.
- Separate Queries, Mutations, Routes and Directives in it's own folder.
- Separate file for Routes queries.
- Bulgarian, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese Romanian, Spanish and Thai translations.
- English translations.
- Initial Crowdin integration
- Fixed bug returning
User not authenticated
error for logged in users when gettingb2b-checkout-settings
in production domains
- Added Spanish translations
- Fixed bug preventing PO Number field from displaying in locales without translations. Default to English if translation for locale is not available
- Fixed bug to set
if orderForm has already been configured to acceptpurchaseOrderNumber
- Fixed the bug related to the quantity when the order comes from quotes.
- Fixed a bug on checking impersonation email expiration
- added an expiration time (5 minutes) for b2b-checkout-settings sessionStorage item
- Use different method to show/hide appropriate payment methods to support internationalized payment method labels
- If user does not have marketing data (organization and cost center IDs) set in their orderForm at time of checkout, set it
- Adjust checkout JS to support showing the
Credit card
payment method
- Added the clear cart button and set the quoteId to 0
- Updated file with correct image links
- Reviewed the file
- docs/images folder and its files to illustrate the documentation
- Apply
to CSS rules to ensure appropriate payment methods are hidden
- Update version number of sender app when performing graphQL queries
- Additional null checking in checkout6-custom.js
- Admin panel to manage app settings
- Store app settings in vbase so that app can function as a dependency
- CSS for Create Quote button width
- Created a quote button which goes to /b2b-quote/create flow
- Added a app setting to enable/disable the create a quote button at the checkout page
- Added a new feature to check if the order form has a custom data property ("b2b-quotes-graphql") from quotes and then the items in the cart will be locked by .item-disabled css class which disables the pointer events from mouse/touch.
- Correct payment methods will be displayed regardless of whether payment terms are shown as tabs or accordions, and regardless of whether this app's checkout JS runs before or after checkout-ui-custom's
- Improve display of allowed payment methods
- SonarCloud PR integration
- Custom Shipping section
to provide context to the checkout customizations
- If a user's organization is "inactive" or "on hold", do not allow user to access checkout
- Filter payment methods to show only allowed ones by the Organization
- Don't allow buyer to checkout
- Loads Cost Center addresses at the checkout page
- PO Number option
- App settings route
- Initial JS
- Add a semicolon at end of checkou6-custom.js to not break functionalities from
checkout ui custom
when using webpack together