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Vktrace Trace and Replay Tool

Vktrace is a Vulkan API tracer for graphics applications.

##Using Vktrace on Linux### Vktrace builds two binaries with associated Vulkan libraries: a tracer with Vulkan tracing library and a replayer. The tracing library is a Vulkan layer library.

###Running Vktrace tracer as standalone server on Linux### The Vktrace tracer program can run as a server. Then the app/game to be traced is launched separately with the Vktrace tracer library preloaded. To run Vktrace as a server one should omit the "-p" option.

cd <vktrace build directory>
./vktrace <options>
Example to trace spinning cube demo.
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/main_icd.json
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/loader
./vktrace -o vktrace_cube.vktrace

In a separate terminal run your app, the cube demo in this example:

cd /home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/demos
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/loader

Trace file is written into "vktrace_cube.vktrace". As the app is rerun, the Vktrace tracer server will increment the output file number for each successive run of the app.

One can also set VKTRACE_LIB_IPADDR to a remote system IP address. Then the tracer inserted into an app will send the trace packets to the remote system rather than local system. In this case, the remote system should be running the trace server.

###Running Vktrace tracer and launch app/game from tracer on Linux### The Vktrace tracer program launches the app/game you desire and then traces it. To launch app/game from Vktrace tracer one must use the "-p" option.

cd <vktrace build dir>
./vktrace -p <path to app to launch>  <more options>

Example to trace the spinning cube demo from sample implementation

export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/main_icd.json
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/loader
./vktrace -p /home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/demos/cube -o vktrace_cube.vktrace -w /home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/demos

Trace file is in "vktrace_cube.vktrace".

###Running replayer on Linux### The Vktrace replayer takes a trace file and will launch an Vulkan session based on trace file.

cd <vktrace build dir>
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to>
./vkreplay <options> -t trace_filename

Example to replay trace file captured above

export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/main_icd.json
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild:/home/jon/LoaderAndValidationLayers/dbuild/loader
./vkreplay -t vktrace_cube.vktrace

##Using Vktrace on Windows## Vktrace builds two binaries with associated Vulkan libraries: a tracer with Vulkan tracing library and a replayer. The tracing library is a Vulkan layer library.

###Running Vktrace tracer and launch app/game from tracer on Windows### The Vktrace tracer program launches the app/game you desire and then traces it. To launch app/game from Vktrace tracer one must use the "-p" option. Also, you may need to copy the Vulkan.dll library into the directory of Vktrace, and of the app/game (while we continue to put Windows support into place).

cd <vktrace build dir>
./vktrace -p <path-to-app-to-launch> -w <working-dir-path-of-app>  <more options>

Example to trace the spinning cube demo (Note: see other files for how to configure your ICD):

cd C:\\Users\developer\\Vktrace\\_out64\\Debug

vktrace -p C:\\Users\developer\\LoaderAndValidationLayers\\_out64\\demos\\cube.exe
        -w C:\\Users\developer\\LoaderAndValidationLayers\\_out64\\demos
        -o vktrace_cube.vktrace

Trace file is in "vktrace_cube.vktrace".

###Running replayer on Windows### The Vktrace replayer takes a trace file and will launch an Vulkan session based on trace file.

cd <vktrace build dir>
vkreplay <options> -t trace_filename

Example to replay trace file captured above

cd C:\\Users\developer\\Vktrace\\_out64\\Debug
vkreplay -t vktrace_cube.vktrace

##Building Vktrace## Vktrace is built as part of top level VulkanTools build. Follow the build directions for the top level VulkanTools project build in Vktrace binaries and libraries will be placed in <build_dir>.