We would love to get your feedback, thoughts, and overall improvements to vultr-node
We use Husky to create a lint and test hook before each commit and push to maintain consistency and ensure code is tested thoroughly. Please be sure to respect these build steps.
You will need to fork the vultr-node
repository and submit pull requests off of your fork.
We aim to have as much code coverage as possible.
To run tests locally:
npm run test
vultr-node follows SemVer for versioning. New functionality will result in a increment to the minor version. While, bug fixes will result in a increment to the patch version.
Releases of new versions are done as their independent pull requests - They will also be done by the maintainers.
To release a new version of vultr-node
we must do the following.
- Make the appropriate updates to
. This should include the- Version,
- List of fix/features with accompanying pull request ID
- Description of each fix/feature
## v0.0.1 (2019-06-12)
### Fixes
* Fixed random bug #12
- Submit a pull request with the following changes
- Once the pull request is merged in - create a new tag and publish.