name: empty layout layout: true
name: title class: center, middle
Tiago Coutinho - Vincent Michel
ICALEPCS 2017 - Barcelona
GitHub: vxgmichel/icalepcs-workshop
name: presentation layout: true class: middle
Python library
Binding over the C++ tango libray
... using boost-python
relies on numpy
Multi OS: Linux, Windows, Mac
Works on python 2.7 .. 3.6
... plus some extras:
Pythonic API
asyncio and gevent event loop
ITango (now a separate project)
alternative TANGO Database server (sqlite, redis backends)
name: menu class: middle layout: true
A fresh python3 tango install using conda
ITango, a powerful client interface
Writing tango servers with 15 lines of python
Testing our servers without a database
A dive into Jupyter notebooks
class: middle layout: true
an open source package management system
an environment management system
it runs on Windows, macOS and Linux
class: middle layout: true
A 64 bits linux machine
An internet connection
A Tango database accessible (optional)
No sudo access is required
# Download the latest miniconda
$ wget
# Extract to a local directory (~/miniconda3)
$ bash -b # No manual intervention
# Activate the conda environment
$ source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
# Test python
(root) $ python
Python 3.6.2 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Sep 30 2017, 18:42:57)
indicates we the main conda environment activated
# Conda information
(root) $ conda info
# Create a python3 + tango envrionment
(root) $ conda create --name tango3 --channel tango-controls itango python=3
# Activate the tango3 environment
(root) $ source activate tango3
# Test itango
(tango3) $ itango
ITango 9.2.2 -- An interactive Tango client.
Running on top of Python 3.6.2, IPython 6.1 and PyTango 9.2.2
name: ITango layout: true class: middle
IPython (jupyter) console
Direct access to tango classes
TANGO class sensitive device name auto-completion
Event monitor
Qt console
User friendly error handling
(tango3) $ conda install jupyter matplotlib
(tango3) $ jupyter notebook
In [2]: tg_test = TangoTest("sys/tg_test/1")
name: Server layout: true class: middle
Device servers with pytango >=9.2.1
from time import sleep
from tango.server import Device, attribute, command
class PowerSupply(Device):
def voltage(self):
return 1.23
def calibrate(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
layout: true
class: middle
$ python -m tango.test_context ps0.PowerSupply --host $(hostname)
Ready to accept request
PowerSupply started on port 8888 with properties {}
Device access: tango://yourhostname:8888/test/nodb/powersupply#dbase=no
Server access: tango://yourhostname:8888/dserver/PowerSupply/powersupply#dbase=no
$ itango
ITango 9.2.2 -- An interactive Tango client.
In [1]: d = Device('tango://yourhostname:8888/test/nodb/powersupply#dbase=no')
In [2]: d.calibrate()
In [3]: d.voltage
Out[3]: 1.23
class: middle
Adding a polled attribute:
import random
polling_period=500, # 0.5 seconds
rel_change=1e-3) # 0.1% relative change
def random(self):
return random.random()
Going back to ITango:
In [4]: cb = tango.utils.EventCallback()
In [5]: eid = d.subscribe_event('random', tango.EventType.CHANGE_EVENT, cb)
... [ATTR_VALID] 0.9369674083770559
class: middle
# Install Jupyter
$ conda install jupyter
# Make sure the itango jupyter kernel is installed
$ itango
# Enjoy!
$ jupyter notebook
class: middle, center
class: middle, center
Tiago Coutinho - Vincent Michel
ICALEPCS 2017 - Barcelona
GitHub: vxgmichel/icalepcs-workshop
class: middle
1 listener + 1 thread per client
Cons: race conditions and thread overhead
Pros: parallelization
Single-threaded with a selector
Pros: support >10K clients
Cons: require specific libraries
Don't communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating. (R. Pike)
See Erlang and Go
Not incompatible with the previous two approaches.
⚠ Concurrency IS NOT parralellism
class: middle
- threading: a tango server is at least 8 threads
threading since it's a binding to cppTango
asynchronous programming is also supported
For both client and server interfaces
Through Gevent or Asyncio
class: middle
We have a problem!
Let's add a thread...
No**•w we ha2ve prob!**lems
All requests are serialized using a monitor lock
Useful trick: use a polled update command
class: middle
class: middle
a selector monitors the file descriptors
a loop manages a callback queue
a user interface is provided:
concurrency is achieved using execution units (pseudo-threads):
greenlet (gevent)
task (asyncio, curio, trio)
class: middle
class: middle
# Install gevent
$ conda install gevent
# Run python
$ python
>>> # Import from tango.gevent
>>> from tango.gevent import DeviceProxy
>>> # Create proxy (uses gevent)
>>> dev = DeviceProxy("sys/tg_test/1")
>>> # Read the state asynchronously
>>> result = dev.state(wait=False)
>>> result
<gevent.event.AsyncResult at 0x1a74050>
>>> # Wait for the result
>>> state = result.get()
>>> print(state)
class: middle
# Install an asyncio console
$ pip install aioconsole
# Run apython
$ apython
>>> # Import from tango.asyncio
>>> from tango.asyncio import DeviceProxy as asyncio_proxy
>>> # Create proxy
>>> device = await asyncio_proxy('sys/tg_test/1')
>>> # Read attribute
>>> result = await device.read_attribute('ampli')
>>> result.value
class: middle
It runs on all interfaces on port 8888:
$ python Serving on port 8888
It can be accessed through netcat:
$ ncat localhost 8888 >>> sys/tg_test/1/ampli 0.0 >>> sys/tg_test/1/state RUNNING >>> sys/tg_test/1/nope DevFailed[ DevError[ desc = Attribute nope is not supported by device sys/tg_test/1 origin = AttributeProxy::real_constructor() reason = API_UnsupportedAttribute severity = ERR] ]
class: middle
name: none class: middle, center layout: true
name: PyTango History layout: true
Started at SOLEIL.
2005 - Moved to ALBA. M. Taurel develops server.
2006 - T. Coutinho main contributor.
2012 - A new API for device servers.
2013 - Project moves with Tiago to the ESRF.
2015 - MaxIV joins the game.
2016 - PyTango 9 is realeased.
2017 - Welcome to Solaris.
name: Current Status layout: true
886 commits
11 releases
26 contributors
latest release: v9.2.2
name: Contributing to PyTango layout: true
Github issues
Pull request
PR merged in develop branch (reviewed and approved)
develop branch merged into master at each release
develop branch as default branch in github
Based on Pytest
Continious integration:
TravisCI is running tests in a conda environment
for python2.7, python3.5, python3.6
606 tests:
client tests
server tests
event tests
Useful test context, introduced in 9.2.1:
from tango.test_utils import DeviceTestContext
with DeviceTestContext(SomeDevice) as proxy:
assert proxy.state() == DevState.ON
$ python -m tango.test_context some_module.SomeDevice --debug=3
Ready to accept request
SomeDevice started on port 8888 with properties {}
Device access: tango://hostname:8888/test/nodb/somemodule#dbase=no
Server access: tango://hostname:8888/dserver/Empty/somemodule#dbase=no
Documentation is generated from the sources.
The documentation is now hosted on readthedocs. (PyTango version >= 9.)
Only works with >= python3.5 (because of the _tango module patch)
There are plugins for most IDEs !
Got rid of metaclass definition
ITango moved to a different project
Rename PyTango module to tango
Refactoring (asynchronous layer, etc.)
Cleaning repo
Device servers with pytango >=9.2.1
from time import sleep
from tango.server import Device, attribute, command
class PowerSupply(Device):
def voltage(self):
return 1.23
def calibrate(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
name: Pending issues and future work. layout: true
Pytango server restart segfault
Deprecated NumPy API warnings
Compilation warnings related to zero message queue.
Pipe events (WIP)
Pipe write (client & server, WIP)
Dynamic commands
Forwarded attributes API
Device interface change event
Fill polling cache from the code ?
Unit tests (always!)
Continius integration:
Official Conda Tango channel
Conda package build by travis
Windows build
Change of binding (hard one --')
Server argparse (easy one!)
Clean python module (try tango.+TAB in IPython!)
Refactor tango objects
Add documentation about the documentation generation and mock system
Documentation need to be reviewed:
Make documentation up to date
Promote HL API as the default way of programming in Python
Document and promote new features
name: The MAX-IV approach to tango events. layout: true
Problem with archiving
Change events as default event stream
Facade device approach
Archive events as filtered events
name: The facadedevice library. layout: true
Facadedevice library: A reactive event-based approach to high-level tango devices
name: ITango layout: true
IPython (jupyter) console
Direct access to tango classes
TANGO class sensitive device name auto-completion
Event monitor
Qt console
User friendly error handling
(tango3) $ conda install jupyter matplotlib
(tango3) $ jupyter notebook
In [2]: tg_test = TangoTest("sys/tg_test/1")
name: threading with PyTango layout: true
"Adding a thread is adding at least one problem" V.Michel
Monitor lock
Alternative :
- Tango Polling
- Polled Update command
Fill free to test it !