From 17af2502c7d2f67a9e35760f7fa204a7ec84731a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele Well Known URIs
+ OIDC uses Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) + to enable issuer key discovery. +
+ The verifier (or relying party),
+ decodes the JWT claimset, and obtains the iss
+ The iss
is converted to the well known open id connect configuration
+ endpoint by applying the following template URI.
+ https://{iss}/.well-known/openid-configuration ++
+ The OIDC Configuration Endpoint URL is dereferenced to a JSON document which contains issuer configuration details,
+ one of which is the jwks_uri
. This URL might also be well known, for example:
+ https://{iss}/.well-known/jwks ++
+ The OIDC jwks_uri
is dereferenced to a JSON Web Key Set.
+ The content type of the key set could be + application/jwk-set+json + or application/json. +
++ Here is an example of a key set used by an issuer: +
++{ + "keys": [ + { + "alg": "RS256", + "kty": "RSA", + "use": "sig", + "n": "wW9TkSbcn5FV3iUJ-812sqTvwTGCFrDm6vD2U-g23gn6rrBdFZQbf2bgEnSkolph6CanOYTQ1lKVhKjHLd6Q4MDVGidbVBhESxib2YIzJVUS-0oQgizkBEJxyHI4Zl3xX_sdA_yegLUi-Ykt_gaMPSw_vpxe-pBxu-jd14i-jDfwoPJUdF8ZJGS9orCPRiHCYLDgOscC9XibH9rUbTvG8q4bAPx9Ox6malx4OLvU3pXVjew6LG3iBi2YhpCWe6voMvZJYXqC1n5Mk_KOdGcCFtDgu3I56SGSfsF7-tI7qG1ZO8RMuzqH0LkJVirujYzXrnMZ7WgbMPXmHU8i4z04zw", + "e": "AQAB", + "kid": "NTBGNTJEMDc3RUE3RUVEOTM4NDcyOEFDNzEyOTY5NDNGOUQ4OEU5OA", + "x5t": "NTBGNTJEMDc3RUE3RUVEOTM4NDcyOEFDNzEyOTY5NDNGOUQ4OEU5OA", + "x5c": [ + "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" + ] + }, + { + "alg": "RS256", + "kty": "RSA", + "use": "sig", + "n": "ylgVZbNR4nlsU_AbU8Zd7ZhVfmYuwq-RB1_YQWHY362pAed-qgSXV1QmKwCukQ2WDsPHWgpPuEf3O_acmJcCiSxhctpBr5WKkji5o50YX2FqC3xymGkYW5NilvFznKaKU45ulBVByrcb3Vt8BqqBAhaD4YywZZKo7mMudcq_M__f0_tB4fHsHHe7ehWobWtzAW7_NRP0_FjB4Kw4PiqJnChPvfbuxTCEUcIYrshRwD6GF4D_oLdeR44dwx4wtEgvPOtkQ5XIGrhQC_sgWcb2jh7YXauVUjuPezP-VkK7Wm9mZRe758q43SWxwT3afo5BLa3_YLWazqcpWRXn9QEDWw", + "e": "AQAB", + "kid": "aMIKy_brQk3nLd0PKd9ln", + "x5t": "-xcTyx47q3ddycG7LtE6QCcETbs", + "x5c": [ + "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" + ] + } + ] +} ++
+ The verifier (or relying party),
+ uses kid
from the protected header of the JWT,
+ to identify the publc key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
+ The verifier (or relying party), + verifies the signature on the JWT. + After verification, the claims the issuer has made about the subject can be reviewed or processed, + because the integrity of the claims has been protected by a digital signature verification. +
As defined in this specification. See also the security considerations in [[RFC7519]].
Be advised, per the [[VC-DATA-MODEL]], verifiable
presentations are not required to be secured.
From 45d666dd0baca6f0f4a22fd9dc8ecbfe87a6c9dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
From 249eb44fd1cdb384e25e38d84d3882b451d39a96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
- The verifier (or relying party),
+ The verifier (or relying party)
decodes the JWT claimset, and obtains the
- The
The OIDC Configuration Endpoint URL is dereferenced to a JSON document which contains issuer configuration details,
- one of which is the
- The verifier (or relying party),
+ The verifier (or relying party)
The verifier (or relying party)
- uses
The verifier (or relying party),
From 302ac19ebafb596c47e8f67bc212ad76c809fbc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
- The verifier (or relying party),
+ The verifier (or relying party)
verifies the signature on the JWT.
After verification, the claims the issuer has made about the subject can be reviewed or processed,
because the integrity of the claims has been protected by a digital signature verification.
From c7c7bdb30310d0c88c7eb9c46205ecc43fcff1e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
The verifier (or relying party)
The verifier (or relying party)
From eb55c5c28d37484bd9301ab01309a4dc5097ebba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
- OIDC uses Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
+ OpenID Connect uses Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
to enable issuer key discovery.
Key Discovery
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect
is converted to the well known open id connect configuration
+ The iss
value is converted to the well-known OpenID Connect Configuration
endpoint by applying the following template URI.
From 53d4da8ca2b0d48115f5f6738e7531b7005622bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
OpenID Connect
value is converted to the well-known OpenID Connect Configuration
- endpoint by applying the following template URI.
+ Endpoint URL by applying the following URI template:
From a9f8cab17534c9826c3f2a41f26c66eb330ec11e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
OpenID Connect
. This URL might also be well known, for example:
+ one of which is the jwks_uri
. This URL might also be well-known, for example:
From 03b73b8e98b335ea28aa2931334e602f81672846 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Orie Steele
OpenID Connect
from the protected header of the JWT,
to identify the publc key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
OpenID Connect
from the protected header of the JWT,
- to identify the publc key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
+ uses kid
from the protected header of the JWT
+ to identify the public key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
OpenID Connect
to identify the public key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
OpenID Connect
from the protected header of the JWT
- to identify the public key, controlled by the issuer, used to verify the token.
+ to identify the public key, controlled by the issuer, and uses it to verify
+ the token.
Well Known URIs
OpenID Connect