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This sample demonstrates the use of rich content using cards.

Concepts introduced in this sample

What is a bot?

A bot is an app that users interact with in a conversational way using text, graphics (cards), or speech. It may be a simple question and answer dialog, or a sophisticated bot that allows people to interact with services in an intelligent manner using pattern matching, state tracking and artificial intelligence techniques well-integrated with existing business services.

Rich Cards

Most channels support rich content. In this sample we explore the different types of rich cards your bot may use.

To try this sample

  • Clone the repository.
git clone
  • [Optional] Update the appsettings.json file under botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/06.using-cards with your botFileSecret. For Azure Bot Service bots, you can find the botFileSecret under application settings.


Visual Studio

  • Navigate to the samples folder (botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/06.using-cards) and open CardsBot.csproj in Visual Studio
  • Hit F5

Visual Studio Code

  • Open botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/06.using-cards folder
  • Bring up a terminal, navigate to botbuilder-samples/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/06.using-cards
  • Type 'dotnet run'.

Update packages

  • In Visual Studio right click on the solution and select "Restore NuGet Packages".

Deploy this bot to Azure

You can use the MSBot Bot Builder CLI tool to clone and configure any services this sample depends on.

To install all Bot Builder tools -

Ensure you have Node.js version 8.5 or higher

npm i -g msbot chatdown ludown qnamaker luis-apis botdispatch luisgen

To clone this bot, run

msbot clone services -f deploymentScripts/msbotClone -n <BOT-NAME> -l <Azure-location> --subscriptionId <Azure-subscription-id>

Further reading