From f2920d9a0dc5dc2bf3dbb1300d115061ba2b2b31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Hauser Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:39:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] --- src/app/services/route-validator.service.ts | 4 + src/assets/i18n/de.json | 401 +++++++++---------- src/assets/i18n/en.json | 397 +++++++++---------- src/assets/i18n/fr.json | 403 ++++++++++---------- src/assets/i18n/it.json | 395 +++++++++---------- src/assets/i18n/tr.json | 393 +++++++++---------- 6 files changed, 1001 insertions(+), 992 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/services/route-validator.service.ts b/src/app/services/route-validator.service.ts index d420cfa6..bbe56c58 100644 --- a/src/app/services/route-validator.service.ts +++ b/src/app/services/route-validator.service.ts @@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ export class RouteValidatorService { code: "fr-paris", aliases: ["Paris", 'paris', 'Parigi', '75','fr-75','parigi','fr-paris'] }, + { + code: "in-ch", + aliases: ["Chennai", 'chennai', ,'in-ch'] + }, { code: "test", aliases: ["Test-City", 'dev', 'dev-city', 'test'] diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/de.json b/src/assets/i18n/de.json index 887dd830..ea127a8f 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/de.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/de.json @@ -1,200 +1,201 @@ -{ - "action": { - "close": "schliessen", - "cta_contribute": "beitragen", - "cta_contribute_name": "Kennen Sie den Namen dieses Brunnens? Falls ja, bitte in Wikidata:P1476 oder in OpenStreetMap:Name anfügen!", - "cta_image": "Contribution Guide öffnen (Englisch)", - "editSource": "Daten an der Quelle bearbeiten", - "findNearestStations": "Nächste Haltestellen finden", - "hide_call_to_action": "ausblenden", - "modifyProp": "bearbeiten", - "more": "mehr", - "navigate": "navigieren", - "navigate_with_google": "mit öffentlichem Verkehr navigieren (Google Maps)", - "navigate_tooltip": "Lokalisieren Sie sich zuerst (doppelklicken Sie auf die Karte oder verwenden Sie GPS).", - "refresh": "neueste Daten abrufen. Letzter Datenabruf {{date}}.", - "report_issue_to_city": "Problem bei der Stadt melden", - "return": "zurück", - "showGuide": "Guide ansehen (English)", - "showStationTimetable": "Abfahrtstabelle anzeigen" - }, - "detail": { - "how_to_refresh_message": "Sind die Daten nicht mehr aktuell? Sie können die neuesten Daten dieses Brunnens von OpenStreetMap und Wikidata abrufen, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche 'neueste Daten abrufen' klicken. Warnung: Änderungen an OpenStreetMap dauern bis zu einigen Minuten, um in der Datenbank aktualisiert zu werden.", - "operator": { - "view_website": "Betreiber-Website in neuem Tab öffnen.", - "edit_wikidata": "Betreiber-Website auf Wikidata ändern. (Z.B. Aussage \"offizielle Website\" definieren oder anpassen)." - }, - "artist": { - "view_website": "Website zum Künstler in neuem Tab öffnen.", - "edit_wikidata": "Künstler-Daten auf Wikidata (z.B. Aussage \"offizielle Website\" anpassen oder Wikipediaseite verlinken)." - }, - "pano_url": { - "edit_wikidata": "URLs auf Wikidata ändern (Aussage \"Bodennahe 360-Grad-Ansicht\" - P5285).", - "contribute": "nicht kuratiert - URLs auf Wikidata hinzufügen (Aussage \"Bodennahe 360-Grad-Ansicht\" - P5285)." - }, - "show_all_properties": "alle Brunnen-Eigenschaften", - "street_level_view": "externe Straßenaufnahmen", - "only_with_values": "Nur Eigenschaften mit Werten anzeigen", - "youtube_videos": "YouTube-Videos" - }, - "dialog": { - "comments": "Bemerkungen", - "data_raw": "Rohdaten", - "data_extracted": "Extrahierte Daten", - "description": "Beschreibung", - "property": "Eigenschaftdetails", - "source_name": "Quellename", - "source_url": "Quelle-URL", - "value": "Wert", - "metadata": "Metadaten", - "guide": "Contribution Guide (Englisch)", - "edit_at_source": "Brunnen ansehen und Attribut '{{property_name}}' bearbeiten oder erstellen.", - "see_source_wiki": "Name des Attributs für diese Datenquelle. Clicke, um die offizielle Beschreibung zu lesen.", - "open_guide": "Guide öffnen", - "edit": "Daten bearbeiten", - "fountain_no_exist": "nicht gefunden", - "type": "Datentyp", - "preferred_source": "Bevorzugte Datenquelle für diese Eigenschaft", - "preferred_source_short": "bevorzugt", - "used_source": "Verwendete Datenquelle zur Darstellung in der App.", - "used_source_short": "verwendet", - "status": { - "fountain_not_exist_short": "keiner Brunnen", - "fountain_not_exist": "In dieser Datenquelle wurde keinen passenden Brunnen gefunden. Könntest Du ihn erstellen?", - "fountain_not_exist_create": "Brunnen erstellen", - "property_not_available_short": "keine Eigenschaft", - "property_not_available": "Diese Eigenschaft ist in dieser Datenquelle nicht verfügbar oder wird noch nicht extrahiert." - } - }, - "directions":{ - "biking": "Fahrrad", - "walking": "Zu Fuss", - "travel_time": "Dauer: ", - "minutes": " Minute(n)" - }, - "editMenu": { - "direct_link": "Daten an der Datenquelle bearbeiten", - "direct_link_osm": "Auf OpenStreetMap bearbeiten", - "direct_link_wikidata": "Auf Wikidata bearbeiten", - "image_title": "Hauptbild bearbeiten" - }, - "filter": { - "before": "existierte in", - "after": "gebaut nach", - "date_tooltip": "Auch Brunnen ohne Baujahr werden angezeigt wenn das ausgewählte Datum in der Zukunft liegt und 'vor' ausgewählt ist.", - "with": "mit", - "without": "ohne", - "photo": "Foto", - "show_removed": "Entfernte Brunnen anzeigen", - "strict": "streng", - "strict_explain": "Nur diejenige Brunnen anzeigen, wo diese Eigenschaft den Wert 'ja' hat.", - "only": "nur", - "text_placeholder": "Textsuche", - "age": "Baujahr vor", - "springwater": "nur Quellwasser", - "title": "Brunnen filtern", - "wikipedia": "nur mit Wikipedia-Seite" - }, - "gallery": { - "call_to_action": "Hast Du eine bessere Foto?", - "watermark": "nicht kuratiert" - }, - "groundwater": "Grundwasser", - "guide": { - "direct_link": "", - "gallery_title": "", - "image_title": "" - }, - "home": "Zu Hause", - "intro": { - "title": "Willkommen bei", - "intro-text": " ist eine Open-Data-basierte Webapplikation, mit der Du Trinkbrunnen finden und entdecken kannst. Schreibe uns eine Mail, wenn Du auch Deine Stadt auf dieser Seite sehen möchtest.", - "legend-title": "Legende", - "disclaimer-title": "Haftungsausschluss", - "disclaimer": "Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Informationen stammen aus offenen Datenbanken, für die die Qualität nicht garantiert werden kann. kann nicht für die dargebotenen Informationen haftbar gemacht werden.", - "similar-title": "Ähnliche Anwendungen", - "action-never-show": "nicht mehr anzeigen (verwendet lokalen Speicherplatz)", - "action-explore": "Erkunde die Karte!", - "more-title": "Mehr Informationen", - "description": " ist eine Web-App zum Auffinden von Trinkbrunnen. Es zielt darauf ab, Daten aus offenen staatlichen Datenspeichern und den Wikicommons Webseiten zu kommunizieren.", - "help_heading": "Hilf uns!", - "help_body": "Wir haben noch viele Ideen diese Webapplikation zu erweitern - Programmierer sind gesucht! Du kannst über das Projekt im Wiki lesen.", - "myd": "Die MY-D Stiftung fördert und unterstützt die Forschung und Entwicklung von Open Source Software.", - "source_code": "Sourcecode", - "version_information": "Versionsangaben", - "sponsors": "Sponsoren" - }, - "legend": { - "symbols-title": "Symbole", - "symbols-drinking-water": "Trinkwasser", - "symbols-no-drinking-water": "kein Trinkwasser", - "symbols-other-water": "Informationen nicht verfügbar oder spezielle Kategorie", - "actions-title": "Aktionen", - "actions-info": "Anzeigen von Anwendungsinformationen und Ändern von Einstellungen wie Sprache und Stadt", - "actions-search": "Brunnensuche nach Name und Eigenschaften", - "actions-gps": "Zeigt Deinen aktuellen Standort mit GPS an.", - "actions-layers": "Satellitenschicht ein-/ausblenden" - }, - "list": { - "report_missing": "Fehlender Brunnen hinzufügen", - "showing": "{{visible}} von {{total}} Brunnen" - }, - "menu": { - "tab_info": "Informationen", - "tab_settings": "Einstellungen" - }, - "none": "Keine", - "own_supply": "eigene Versorgung", - "other": { - "unnamed_fountain": "Unbenannter Brunnen" - }, - "property": { - "merge_distance": "Merge-Distanz", - "merge_notes": "Merge-Bemerkungen", - "merge_date": "Letzter Datenabruf", - "object": "Objekt", - "undefined": "undefiniert - bitte beitragen!" - }, - "quicklink":{ - "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", - "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", - "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", - "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", - "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", - "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", - "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", - "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", - "pano_url": "externe Panoramabilder" - }, - "selector": { - "en": "English", - "de": "Deutsch", - "fr": "Français", - "it": "Italiano", - "tr": "Türkçe", - "ch-ge": "Genf", - "ch-bs": "Basel", - "ch-zh": "Zürich", - "ch-lu": "Luzern", - "ch-nw": "Nidwalden", - "de-hh": "Hamburg", - "fr-paris": "Paris", - "it-roma": "Rom", - "us-nyc": "New York", - "tr-be": "Bergama", - "test": "Test-City-Beta" - }, - "settings": { - "city": "Stadt ändern", - "city_last_scan": "Letzte Aktualisierung am", - "city_next_scan_info": "Aktualisierungen finden automatisch alle zwei Stunden Statt.", - "lang": "Sprache ändern", - "reprocess_city": "alle Brunnen aktualisieren" - }, - "springwater": "Quellwasser", - "tapwater": "Leitungswasser", - "undefined": "nicht definiert", - "yes": "ja", - "no": "nein", - "limited": "limitiert" -} +{ + "action": { + "close": "schliessen", + "cta_contribute": "beitragen", + "cta_contribute_name": "Kennen Sie den Namen dieses Brunnens? Falls ja, bitte in Wikidata:P1476 oder in OpenStreetMap:Name anfügen!", + "cta_image": "Contribution Guide öffnen (Englisch)", + "editSource": "Daten an der Quelle bearbeiten", + "findNearestStations": "Nächste Haltestellen finden", + "hide_call_to_action": "ausblenden", + "modifyProp": "bearbeiten", + "more": "mehr", + "navigate": "navigieren", + "navigate_with_google": "mit öffentlichem Verkehr navigieren (Google Maps)", + "navigate_tooltip": "Lokalisieren Sie sich zuerst (doppelklicken Sie auf die Karte oder verwenden Sie GPS).", + "refresh": "neueste Daten abrufen. Letzter Datenabruf {{date}}.", + "report_issue_to_city": "Problem bei der Stadt melden", + "return": "zurück", + "showGuide": "Guide ansehen (English)", + "showStationTimetable": "Abfahrtstabelle anzeigen" + }, + "detail": { + "how_to_refresh_message": "Sind die Daten nicht mehr aktuell? Sie können die neuesten Daten dieses Brunnens von OpenStreetMap und Wikidata abrufen, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche 'neueste Daten abrufen' klicken. Warnung: Änderungen an OpenStreetMap dauern bis zu einigen Minuten, um in der Datenbank aktualisiert zu werden.", + "operator": { + "view_website": "Betreiber-Website in neuem Tab öffnen.", + "edit_wikidata": "Betreiber-Website auf Wikidata ändern. (Z.B. Aussage \"offizielle Website\" definieren oder anpassen)." + }, + "artist": { + "view_website": "Website zum Künstler in neuem Tab öffnen.", + "edit_wikidata": "Künstler-Daten auf Wikidata (z.B. Aussage \"offizielle Website\" anpassen oder Wikipediaseite verlinken)." + }, + "pano_url": { + "edit_wikidata": "URLs auf Wikidata ändern (Aussage \"Bodennahe 360-Grad-Ansicht\" - P5285).", + "contribute": "nicht kuratiert - URLs auf Wikidata hinzufügen (Aussage \"Bodennahe 360-Grad-Ansicht\" - P5285)." + }, + "show_all_properties": "alle Brunnen-Eigenschaften", + "street_level_view": "externe Straßenaufnahmen", + "only_with_values": "Nur Eigenschaften mit Werten anzeigen", + "youtube_videos": "YouTube-Videos" + }, + "dialog": { + "comments": "Bemerkungen", + "data_raw": "Rohdaten", + "data_extracted": "Extrahierte Daten", + "description": "Beschreibung", + "property": "Eigenschaftdetails", + "source_name": "Quellename", + "source_url": "Quelle-URL", + "value": "Wert", + "metadata": "Metadaten", + "guide": "Contribution Guide (Englisch)", + "edit_at_source": "Brunnen ansehen und Attribut '{{property_name}}' bearbeiten oder erstellen.", + "see_source_wiki": "Name des Attributs für diese Datenquelle. Clicke, um die offizielle Beschreibung zu lesen.", + "open_guide": "Guide öffnen", + "edit": "Daten bearbeiten", + "fountain_no_exist": "nicht gefunden", + "type": "Datentyp", + "preferred_source": "Bevorzugte Datenquelle für diese Eigenschaft", + "preferred_source_short": "bevorzugt", + "used_source": "Verwendete Datenquelle zur Darstellung in der App.", + "used_source_short": "verwendet", + "status": { + "fountain_not_exist_short": "keiner Brunnen", + "fountain_not_exist": "In dieser Datenquelle wurde keinen passenden Brunnen gefunden. Könntest Du ihn erstellen?", + "fountain_not_exist_create": "Brunnen erstellen", + "property_not_available_short": "keine Eigenschaft", + "property_not_available": "Diese Eigenschaft ist in dieser Datenquelle nicht verfügbar oder wird noch nicht extrahiert." + } + }, + "directions":{ + "biking": "Fahrrad", + "walking": "Zu Fuss", + "travel_time": "Dauer: ", + "minutes": " Minute(n)" + }, + "editMenu": { + "direct_link": "Daten an der Datenquelle bearbeiten", + "direct_link_osm": "Auf OpenStreetMap bearbeiten", + "direct_link_wikidata": "Auf Wikidata bearbeiten", + "image_title": "Hauptbild bearbeiten" + }, + "filter": { + "before": "existierte in", + "after": "gebaut nach", + "date_tooltip": "Auch Brunnen ohne Baujahr werden angezeigt wenn das ausgewählte Datum in der Zukunft liegt und 'vor' ausgewählt ist.", + "with": "mit", + "without": "ohne", + "photo": "Foto", + "show_removed": "Entfernte Brunnen anzeigen", + "strict": "streng", + "strict_explain": "Nur diejenige Brunnen anzeigen, wo diese Eigenschaft den Wert 'ja' hat.", + "only": "nur", + "text_placeholder": "Textsuche", + "age": "Baujahr vor", + "springwater": "nur Quellwasser", + "title": "Brunnen filtern", + "wikipedia": "nur mit Wikipedia-Seite" + }, + "gallery": { + "call_to_action": "Hast Du eine bessere Foto?", + "watermark": "nicht kuratiert" + }, + "groundwater": "Grundwasser", + "guide": { + "direct_link": "", + "gallery_title": "", + "image_title": "" + }, + "home": "Zu Hause", + "intro": { + "title": "Willkommen bei", + "intro-text": " ist eine Open-Data-basierte Webapplikation, mit der Du Trinkbrunnen finden und entdecken kannst. Schreibe uns eine Mail, wenn Du auch Deine Stadt auf dieser Seite sehen möchtest.", + "legend-title": "Legende", + "disclaimer-title": "Haftungsausschluss", + "disclaimer": "Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Informationen stammen aus offenen Datenbanken, für die die Qualität nicht garantiert werden kann. kann nicht für die dargebotenen Informationen haftbar gemacht werden.", + "similar-title": "Ähnliche Anwendungen", + "action-never-show": "nicht mehr anzeigen (verwendet lokalen Speicherplatz)", + "action-explore": "Erkunde die Karte!", + "more-title": "Mehr Informationen", + "description": " ist eine Web-App zum Auffinden von Trinkbrunnen. Es zielt darauf ab, Daten aus offenen staatlichen Datenspeichern und den Wikicommons Webseiten zu kommunizieren.", + "help_heading": "Hilf uns!", + "help_body": "Wir haben noch viele Ideen diese Webapplikation zu erweitern - Programmierer sind gesucht! Du kannst über das Projekt im Wiki lesen.", + "myd": "Die MY-D Stiftung fördert und unterstützt die Forschung und Entwicklung von Open Source Software.", + "source_code": "Sourcecode", + "version_information": "Versionsangaben", + "sponsors": "Sponsoren" + }, + "legend": { + "symbols-title": "Symbole", + "symbols-drinking-water": "Trinkwasser", + "symbols-no-drinking-water": "kein Trinkwasser", + "symbols-other-water": "Informationen nicht verfügbar oder spezielle Kategorie", + "actions-title": "Aktionen", + "actions-info": "Anzeigen von Anwendungsinformationen und Ändern von Einstellungen wie Sprache und Stadt", + "actions-search": "Brunnensuche nach Name und Eigenschaften", + "actions-gps": "Zeigt Deinen aktuellen Standort mit GPS an.", + "actions-layers": "Satellitenschicht ein-/ausblenden" + }, + "list": { + "report_missing": "Fehlender Brunnen hinzufügen", + "showing": "{{visible}} von {{total}} Brunnen" + }, + "menu": { + "tab_info": "Informationen", + "tab_settings": "Einstellungen" + }, + "none": "Keine", + "own_supply": "eigene Versorgung", + "other": { + "unnamed_fountain": "Unbenannter Brunnen" + }, + "property": { + "merge_distance": "Merge-Distanz", + "merge_notes": "Merge-Bemerkungen", + "merge_date": "Letzter Datenabruf", + "object": "Objekt", + "undefined": "undefiniert - bitte beitragen!" + }, + "quicklink":{ + "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", + "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", + "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", + "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", + "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", + "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", + "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", + "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", + "pano_url": "externe Panoramabilder" + }, + "selector": { + "en": "English", + "de": "Deutsch", + "fr": "Français", + "it": "Italiano", + "tr": "Türkçe", + "ch-ge": "Genf", + "ch-bs": "Basel", + "ch-zh": "Zürich", + "ch-lu": "Luzern", + "ch-nw": "Nidwalden", + "de-hh": "Hamburg", + "fr-paris": "Paris", + "in-ch": "Chennai", + "it-roma": "Rom", + "us-nyc": "New York", + "tr-be": "Bergama", + "test": "Test-City-Beta" + }, + "settings": { + "city": "Stadt ändern", + "city_last_scan": "Letzte Aktualisierung am", + "city_next_scan_info": "Aktualisierungen finden automatisch alle zwei Stunden Statt.", + "lang": "Sprache ändern", + "reprocess_city": "alle Brunnen aktualisieren" + }, + "springwater": "Quellwasser", + "tapwater": "Leitungswasser", + "undefined": "nicht definiert", + "yes": "ja", + "no": "nein", + "limited": "limitiert" +} diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/en.json b/src/assets/i18n/en.json index a15d895e..a31f47c0 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/en.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/en.json @@ -1,198 +1,199 @@ -{ - "action": { - "close": "close", - "cta_contribute": "contribute", - "cta_contribute_name": "Do you know the name of this fountain? If so, please add it in Wikidata:P1476 or in OpenStreetMap:Name.", - "cta_image": "Open contribution guide", - "editSource": "Edit at source", - "findNearestStations": "Find nearest public transportation stops", - "hide_call_to_action": "hide", - "modifyProp": "modify", - "more": "more", - "navigate": "navigate", - "navigate_with_google": "navigate with public transport (Google Maps)", - "navigate_tooltip": "locate yourself first (double-click map or use GPS)", - "refresh": "Pull latest data. Data last collected {{date}}.", - "report_issue_to_city": "report problem to city", - "return": "return to fountain", - "showGuide": "See guide", - "showStationTimetable": "see departures" - }, - "detail": { - "how_to_refresh_message": "Is data out-of-date? You can pull this fountain's data from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata by clicking the button 'pull latest data'. Warning: edits made to OpenStreetMap take up to several minutes to be updated in the database.", - "operator": { - "view_website": "Open operator website in new tab.", - "edit_wikidata": "Edit operator website in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\")." - }, - "artist": { - "view_website": "Open website describing artist in new tab.", - "edit_wikidata": "Edit artist website information in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\" or create sitelink to Wikipedia page)." - }, - "pano_url": { - "edit_wikidata": "Edit street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285).", - "contribute": "not curated - add street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285)." - }, - "show_all_properties": "all fountain properties", - "street_level_view": "external street level imagery", - "only_with_values": "Only show properties with values", - "youtube_videos": "YouTube videos" - }, - "dialog": { - "comments": "comments", - "data_raw": "raw data", - "data_extracted": "extracted data", - "description": "description", - "property": "Property details", - "source_name": "source name", - "source_url": "source URL", - "value": "value", - "metadata": "Metadata", - "guide": "Contribution guide", - "edit_at_source": "View fountain and create or edit attribute '{{property_name}}'.", - "see_source_wiki": "Name of attribute to modify. Click to open property description page.", - "open_guide": "open guide", - "fountain_no_exist": "not found", - "type": "Data type", - "preferred_source": "Source preferred for display in app", - "preferred_source_short": "preferred", - "used_source": "Source used for display in app", - "used_source_short": "displayed", - "status": { - "fountain_not_exist_short": "no fountain", - "fountain_not_exist": "No fountain was found in this data source. Please consider creating the fountain yourself.", - "fountain_not_exist_create": "Create fountain", - "property_not_available_short": "no property", - "property_not_available": "This data source does not support this property, or extraction of the property is not yet implemented." - } - }, - "directions":{ - "biking": "Bicycle", - "walking": "Walking", - "travel_time": "Duration: ", - "minutes": " minute(s)" - }, - "editMenu": { - "direct_link": "Directly edit data", - "direct_link_osm": "Edit in OpenStreetMap", - "direct_link_wikidata": "Edit in Wikidata" - }, - "filter": { - "before": "existed in", - "after": "built after", - "date_tooltip": "fountains without a construction date will be shown if a future date and 'before' are selected", - "with": "with", - "without": "without", - "photo": "photo", - "show_removed": "show removed fountains", - "strict": "strict", - "strict_explain": "Only show fountains where the property value is strictly 'yes'.", - "only": "only", - "text_placeholder": "Text search", - "age": "only built before", - "springwater": "only spring water", - "title": "filter fountains", - "wikipedia": "only with wikipedia page" - }, - "gallery": { - "call_to_action": "Do you have a better photo?", - "watermark": "not curated" - }, - "groundwater": "Ground water", - "guide": { - "direct_link": "Edit source data", - "gallery_title": "Modify gallery", - "image_title": "Add or modify featured image" - }, - "home": "Home", - "intro": { - "title": "Welcome to", - "intro-text": " is an Open-Data-based Web application where you can find and discover drinking fountains. Contact us if you would like to add your city to the application.", - "legend-title": "Legend", - "disclaimer-title": "Disclaimer", - "disclaimer": "The information presented on this page is extracted from open databases for which quality cannot be guaranteed. cannot be held accountable for the information presented.", - "similar-title": "Similar applications", - "action-never-show": "don't show again (uses local storage)", - "action-explore": "explore the map!", - "more-title": "More information", - "description": " is a web app for finding nearby drinking fountains. It aims to communicate data from open government data repositories and the Wikicommons websites. Read ", - "help_heading": "Help the project!", - "help_body": "We have many ideas on how to improve this Web application and are looking for developers! Learn more about the project and how to improve the map by visiting the project Wiki.", - "myd": "The MY-D foundation promotes and supports the research and development of open source software.", - "source_code": "Source code", - "version_information": "Version information", - "sponsors": "Sponsors" - }, - "legend": { - "symbols-title": "symbols", - "symbols-drinking-water": "drinking water", - "symbols-no-drinking-water": "not drinking water", - "symbols-other-water": "information not available, or special category", - "actions-title": "actions", - "actions-info": "view application information and change settings like language and city", - "actions-search": "search fountains by name and characteristics", - "actions-gps": "show your current location with GPS", - "actions-layers": "show/hide satellite layer" - }, - "list": { - "report_missing": "add a missing fountain", - "showing": "Showing {{visible}} of {{total}} fountains" - }, - "menu": { - "tab_info": "About", - "tab_settings": "Settings" - }, - "none": "none", - "own_supply": "Own supply", - "other": { - "unnamed_fountain": "Unnamed fountain" - }, - "property": { - "merge_distance": "merge distance", - "merge_notes": "merge notes", - "merge_date": "last data collection", - "object": "object", - "undefined": "undefined - please contribute!" - }, - "quicklink":{ - "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", - "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", - "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", - "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", - "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", - "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", - "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", - "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", - "pano_url": "external panorama" - }, - "selector": { - "en": "English", - "de": "Deutsch", - "fr": "Français", - "it": "Italiano", - "tr": "Türkçe", - "ch-ge": "Geneva", - "ch-bs": "Basel", - "ch-zh": "Zurich", - "ch-lu": "Lucerne", - "ch-nw": "Nidwalden", - "de-hh": "Hamburg", - "fr-paris": "Paris", - "it-roma": "Rome", - "us-nyc": "New York", - "tr-be": "Bergama", - "test": "Test-City-Beta" - }, - "settings": { - "city": "Change city", - "city_last_scan": "Last processing", - "city_next_scan_info": "Data is reprocessed every two hours.", - "lang": "Change language", - "reprocess_city": "reprocess all fountains now" - }, - "springwater": "Spring water", - "tapwater": "Tap water", - "undefined": "undefined", - "yes": "yes", - "no": "no", - "limited": "limited" -} +{ + "action": { + "close": "close", + "cta_contribute": "contribute", + "cta_contribute_name": "Do you know the name of this fountain? If so, please add it in Wikidata:P1476 or in OpenStreetMap:Name.", + "cta_image": "Open contribution guide", + "editSource": "Edit at source", + "findNearestStations": "Find nearest public transportation stops", + "hide_call_to_action": "hide", + "modifyProp": "modify", + "more": "more", + "navigate": "navigate", + "navigate_with_google": "navigate with public transport (Google Maps)", + "navigate_tooltip": "locate yourself first (double-click map or use GPS)", + "refresh": "Pull latest data. Data last collected {{date}}.", + "report_issue_to_city": "report problem to city", + "return": "return to fountain", + "showGuide": "See guide", + "showStationTimetable": "see departures" + }, + "detail": { + "how_to_refresh_message": "Is data out-of-date? You can pull this fountain's data from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata by clicking the button 'pull latest data'. Warning: edits made to OpenStreetMap take up to several minutes to be updated in the database.", + "operator": { + "view_website": "Open operator website in new tab.", + "edit_wikidata": "Edit operator website in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\")." + }, + "artist": { + "view_website": "Open website describing artist in new tab.", + "edit_wikidata": "Edit artist website information in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\" or create sitelink to Wikipedia page)." + }, + "pano_url": { + "edit_wikidata": "Edit street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285).", + "contribute": "not curated - add street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285)." + }, + "show_all_properties": "all fountain properties", + "street_level_view": "external street level imagery", + "only_with_values": "Only show properties with values", + "youtube_videos": "YouTube videos" + }, + "dialog": { + "comments": "comments", + "data_raw": "raw data", + "data_extracted": "extracted data", + "description": "description", + "property": "Property details", + "source_name": "source name", + "source_url": "source URL", + "value": "value", + "metadata": "Metadata", + "guide": "Contribution guide", + "edit_at_source": "View fountain and create or edit attribute '{{property_name}}'.", + "see_source_wiki": "Name of attribute to modify. Click to open property description page.", + "open_guide": "open guide", + "fountain_no_exist": "not found", + "type": "Data type", + "preferred_source": "Source preferred for display in app", + "preferred_source_short": "preferred", + "used_source": "Source used for display in app", + "used_source_short": "displayed", + "status": { + "fountain_not_exist_short": "no fountain", + "fountain_not_exist": "No fountain was found in this data source. Please consider creating the fountain yourself.", + "fountain_not_exist_create": "Create fountain", + "property_not_available_short": "no property", + "property_not_available": "This data source does not support this property, or extraction of the property is not yet implemented." + } + }, + "directions":{ + "biking": "Bicycle", + "walking": "Walking", + "travel_time": "Duration: ", + "minutes": " minute(s)" + }, + "editMenu": { + "direct_link": "Directly edit data", + "direct_link_osm": "Edit in OpenStreetMap", + "direct_link_wikidata": "Edit in Wikidata" + }, + "filter": { + "before": "existed in", + "after": "built after", + "date_tooltip": "fountains without a construction date will be shown if a future date and 'before' are selected", + "with": "with", + "without": "without", + "photo": "photo", + "show_removed": "show removed fountains", + "strict": "strict", + "strict_explain": "Only show fountains where the property value is strictly 'yes'.", + "only": "only", + "text_placeholder": "Text search", + "age": "only built before", + "springwater": "only spring water", + "title": "filter fountains", + "wikipedia": "only with wikipedia page" + }, + "gallery": { + "call_to_action": "Do you have a better photo?", + "watermark": "not curated" + }, + "groundwater": "Ground water", + "guide": { + "direct_link": "Edit source data", + "gallery_title": "Modify gallery", + "image_title": "Add or modify featured image" + }, + "home": "Home", + "intro": { + "title": "Welcome to", + "intro-text": " is an Open-Data-based Web application where you can find and discover drinking fountains. Contact us if you would like to add your city to the application.", + "legend-title": "Legend", + "disclaimer-title": "Disclaimer", + "disclaimer": "The information presented on this page is extracted from open databases for which quality cannot be guaranteed. cannot be held accountable for the information presented.", + "similar-title": "Similar applications", + "action-never-show": "don't show again (uses local storage)", + "action-explore": "explore the map!", + "more-title": "More information", + "description": " is a web app for finding nearby drinking fountains. It aims to communicate data from open government data repositories and the Wikicommons websites. Read ", + "help_heading": "Help the project!", + "help_body": "We have many ideas on how to improve this Web application and are looking for developers! Learn more about the project and how to improve the map by visiting the project Wiki.", + "myd": "The MY-D foundation promotes and supports the research and development of open source software.", + "source_code": "Source code", + "version_information": "Version information", + "sponsors": "Sponsors" + }, + "legend": { + "symbols-title": "symbols", + "symbols-drinking-water": "drinking water", + "symbols-no-drinking-water": "not drinking water", + "symbols-other-water": "information not available, or special category", + "actions-title": "actions", + "actions-info": "view application information and change settings like language and city", + "actions-search": "search fountains by name and characteristics", + "actions-gps": "show your current location with GPS", + "actions-layers": "show/hide satellite layer" + }, + "list": { + "report_missing": "add a missing fountain", + "showing": "Showing {{visible}} of {{total}} fountains" + }, + "menu": { + "tab_info": "About", + "tab_settings": "Settings" + }, + "none": "none", + "own_supply": "Own supply", + "other": { + "unnamed_fountain": "Unnamed fountain" + }, + "property": { + "merge_distance": "merge distance", + "merge_notes": "merge notes", + "merge_date": "last data collection", + "object": "object", + "undefined": "undefined - please contribute!" + }, + "quicklink":{ + "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", + "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", + "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", + "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", + "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", + "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", + "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", + "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", + "pano_url": "external panorama" + }, + "selector": { + "en": "English", + "de": "Deutsch", + "fr": "Français", + "it": "Italiano", + "tr": "Türkçe", + "ch-ge": "Geneva", + "ch-bs": "Basel", + "ch-zh": "Zurich", + "ch-lu": "Lucerne", + "ch-nw": "Nidwalden", + "de-hh": "Hamburg", + "fr-paris": "Paris", + "in-ch": "Chennai", + "it-roma": "Rome", + "us-nyc": "New York", + "tr-be": "Bergama", + "test": "Test-City-Beta" + }, + "settings": { + "city": "Change city", + "city_last_scan": "Last processing", + "city_next_scan_info": "Data is reprocessed every two hours.", + "lang": "Change language", + "reprocess_city": "reprocess all fountains now" + }, + "springwater": "Spring water", + "tapwater": "Tap water", + "undefined": "undefined", + "yes": "yes", + "no": "no", + "limited": "limited" +} diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/fr.json b/src/assets/i18n/fr.json index 8b4a6ae3..f3a26fbc 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/fr.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/fr.json @@ -1,201 +1,202 @@ - - -{ - "action": { - "close": "fermer", - "cta_contribute": "contribuer", - "cta_contribute_name": "Connaissez-vous le nom de cette fontaine? Si oui, prière de l'indiquer dans Wikidata:P1476 ou dans OpenStreetMap:Name.", - "cta_image": "Guide contribueur", - "editSource": "éditer à la source", - "findNearestStations": "Trouver les arrêts les plus proches", - "hide_call_to_action": "masquer", - "modifyProp": "modifier", - "more": "plus", - "navigate": "naviguer", - "navigate_with_google": "naviguer avec les transports publics (Google Maps)", - "navigate_tooltip": "il faut d'abord se localiser (double-cliquer sur la carte map ou utiliser la localisation automatique)", - "refresh": "Actualiser les données. Dernière actualisation {{date}}.", - "report_issue_to_city": "annoncer un problème auprès de la ville", - "return": "retourner à la fontaine", - "showGuide": "Voir le guide (en anglais)", - "showStationTimetable": "afficher les départs" - }, - "detail": { - "how_to_refresh_message": "Les données sont-elles datées ? Vous pouvez actualiser les données de cette fontaine depuis OpenStreetMap et Wikidata en cliquant sur le bouton 'actualiser données'. Attention : les modifications apportées à OpenStreetMap prennent jusqu'à plusieurs minutes pour être mises à jour dans la base de données.", - "operator": { - "view_website": "Ouvrir le site web de l'opérateur dans un nouvel onglet.", - "edit_wikidata": "Editer les données opérateur sur Wikidata (modifier ou ajouter la déclaration \"site officiel\")." - }, - "artist": { - "view_website": "Ouvrir site web décrivant l'artiste dans un nouvel onglet.", - "edit_wikidata": "Editer le site web décrivant l'artist sur Wikidata (par example, modifier ou ajouter la déclaration \"site officiel\" ou créer un lien vers une page Wikipedia)." - }, - "pano_url": { - "edit_wikidata": "Modifier les URLs dans Wikidata (la déclaration \"vue à 360 degrés depuis le sol\" - P5285).", - "contribute": "non-vérifié - ajouter les URLs dans Wikidata (la déclaration \"vue à 360 degrés depuis le sol\" - P5285)." - }, - "show_all_properties": "toutes propriétés", - "street_level_view": "imagerie au niveau de la rue", - "only_with_values": "Seulement les propriétés avec valeurs", - "youtube_videos": "Vidéos YouTube" - }, - "dialog": { - "comments": "commentaires", - "data_raw": "données brutes", - "data_extracted": "données extraites", - "description": "description", - "property": "Détails de la propriété", - "source_name": "nom de la source", - "source_url": "URL de la source", - "value": "valeur", - "metadata": "metadonnée", - "guide": "Guide de contribution", - "edit_at_source": "Voir la fontaine et créer ou modifier l'attribut '{{property_name}}'", - "see_source_wiki": "Nom de l'attribut à modifier. Cliquer pour lire la description officielle de l'attribut.", - "open_guide": "ouvrir le guide (en anglais)", - "edit": "éditer les données", - "fountain_no_exist": "introuvable", - "type": "type de donnée", - "preferred_source": "Source préfèrée pour l'affichage dans l'application", - "preferred_source_short": "préfèré", - "used_source": "Source utilisée pour l'affichage dans l'application", - "used_source_short": "affiché", - "status": { - "fountain_not_exist_short": "pas de fontaine", - "fountain_not_exist": "Aucune fountaine n'a été trouvée dans cette source de données. Pourrais-tu la créer toi-même?", - "fountain_not_exist_create": "Créer la fontaine", - "property_not_available_short": "pas de propriété", - "property_not_available": "Cette propriété n'est pas extraite de cette source de données." - } - }, - "directions":{ - "biking": "À vélo", - "walking": "À pied", - "travel_time": "Durée: ", - "minutes": " minute(s)" - }, - "editMenu": { - "direct_link": "Modifier directement", - "direct_link_osm": "Modifier dans OpenStreetMap", - "direct_link_wikidata": "Modifier dans Wikidata" - }, - "filter": { - "before": "exista en", - "after": "construit après", - "date_tooltip": "les fountaines sans date de construction sont affichées lorsque 'avant' et une date future sont selectionnées", - "with": "avec", - "without": "sans", - "photo": "photo", - "show_removed": "afficher les fontaines enlevées", - "strict": "strict", - "strict_explain": "Seulement montrer les fontaines où la valeur de cette propriété est strictement 'oui'.", - "only": "seul.", - "text_placeholder": "Recherche texte", - "age": "datant d'au moins", - "springwater": "seul. eau de source", - "title": "filter les fontaines", - "wikipedia": "seul. avec page Wikipedia" - }, - "gallery": { - "call_to_action": "As-tu une meilleure photo?", - "watermark": "non-vérifié" - }, - "groundwater": "Eau de nappe", - "guide": { - "direct_link": "Éditer les données", - "gallery_title": "Modifier la galerie", - "image_title": "Ajouter ou modifier une image" - }, - "home": "Home", - "intro": { - "title": "Bienvenue sur", - "intro-text": " est une application Web basée sur des données ouvertes où tu peux trouver et découvrir des fontaines. Ecris-nous un message si tu aimerais que ta ville soit inclue dans l'application.", - "legend-title": "Légende", - "disclaimer-title": "Clause de non-responsabilité", - "disclaimer": "Les informations présentées sur cette page sont extraites de bases de données ouvertes dont la qualité ne peut être garantie. ne peut être tenu responsable des informations présentées.", - "similar-title": "Applications similaires", - "action-never-show": "ne réapparaissent pas (utilise le stockage local)", - "action-explore": "explorer la carte", - "more-title": "Plus d'informations", - "description": " est une application web pour trouver des fontaines à proximité. Elle vise à communiquer des données provenant de dépôts de données gouvernementaux ouverts et des sites Web de Wikicommons.", - "help_heading": "Deviens collaborateur!", - "help_body": "Nous avons encore un bon nombre d'idées pour améliorer cette application Web et nous cherchons des développeurs! Tu peux apprendre plus sur le projet sur la page wiki.", - "myd": "La fondation MY-D encourage et soutient la recherche et le développement de logiciels libres.", - "source_code": "Code source", - "version_information": "Version", - "sponsors": "Sponsors" - }, - "legend": { - "symbols-title": "symboles", - "symbols-drinking-water": "eau potable", - "symbols-no-drinking-water": "ne pas boire d'eau", - "symbols-other-water": "information non disponible, ou catégorie spéciale", - "actions-title": "actions", - "actions-info": "afficher les informations de l'application et modifier les paramètres tels que la langue et la ville", - "actions-search": "rechercher des fontaines par nom et caractéristiques", - "actions-gps": "afficher ta position actuelle avec le GPS", - "actions-layers": "Afficher/masquer la couche satelliter" - }, - "list": { - "report_missing": "ajouter une fontaine manquante", - "showing": "{{visible}} de {{total}} fontaines" - }, - "menu": { - "tab_info": "À propos", - "tab_settings": "Préférences" - }, - "none": "absent", - "own_supply": "Approvisionnement propre", - "other": { - "unnamed_fountain": "Fontaine sans nom" - }, - "property": { - "merge_distance": "distance de confluence", - "merge_notes": "notes de confluence", - "merge_date": "dernière actualisation", - "object": "objet", - "undefined": "non défini - prière de contribuer!" - }, - "quicklink":{ - "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", - "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", - "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", - "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", - "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", - "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", - "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", - "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", - "pano_url": "images panoramiques externes" - }, - "selector": { - "en": "English", - "de": "Deutsch", - "fr": "Français", - "it": "Italiano", - "tr": "Türkçe", - "ch-ge": "Genève", - "ch-bs": "Bâle", - "ch-zh": "Zurich", - "ch-lu": "Lucerne", - "ch-nw": "Nidwald", - "de-hh": "Hambourg", - "fr-paris": "Paris", - "it-roma": "Rome", - "us-nyc": "New York", - "tr-be": "Bergama", - "test": "Test-City-Beta" - }, - "settings": { - "city": "Changer de lieu", - "city_last_scan": "Dernier scan le", - "city_next_scan_info": "Un scan est effectué automatiquement toutes les deux heures.", - "lang": "Changer la langue", - "reprocess_city": "re-scanner toute la ville" - }, - "springwater": "Eau de source", - "tapwater": "Eau du robinet", - "undefined": "non défini", - "yes": "oui", - "no": "non", - "limited": "limité" -} + + +{ + "action": { + "close": "fermer", + "cta_contribute": "contribuer", + "cta_contribute_name": "Connaissez-vous le nom de cette fontaine? Si oui, prière de l'indiquer dans Wikidata:P1476 ou dans OpenStreetMap:Name.", + "cta_image": "Guide contribueur", + "editSource": "éditer à la source", + "findNearestStations": "Trouver les arrêts les plus proches", + "hide_call_to_action": "masquer", + "modifyProp": "modifier", + "more": "plus", + "navigate": "naviguer", + "navigate_with_google": "naviguer avec les transports publics (Google Maps)", + "navigate_tooltip": "il faut d'abord se localiser (double-cliquer sur la carte map ou utiliser la localisation automatique)", + "refresh": "Actualiser les données. Dernière actualisation {{date}}.", + "report_issue_to_city": "annoncer un problème auprès de la ville", + "return": "retourner à la fontaine", + "showGuide": "Voir le guide (en anglais)", + "showStationTimetable": "afficher les départs" + }, + "detail": { + "how_to_refresh_message": "Les données sont-elles datées ? Vous pouvez actualiser les données de cette fontaine depuis OpenStreetMap et Wikidata en cliquant sur le bouton 'actualiser données'. Attention : les modifications apportées à OpenStreetMap prennent jusqu'à plusieurs minutes pour être mises à jour dans la base de données.", + "operator": { + "view_website": "Ouvrir le site web de l'opérateur dans un nouvel onglet.", + "edit_wikidata": "Editer les données opérateur sur Wikidata (modifier ou ajouter la déclaration \"site officiel\")." + }, + "artist": { + "view_website": "Ouvrir site web décrivant l'artiste dans un nouvel onglet.", + "edit_wikidata": "Editer le site web décrivant l'artist sur Wikidata (par example, modifier ou ajouter la déclaration \"site officiel\" ou créer un lien vers une page Wikipedia)." + }, + "pano_url": { + "edit_wikidata": "Modifier les URLs dans Wikidata (la déclaration \"vue à 360 degrés depuis le sol\" - P5285).", + "contribute": "non-vérifié - ajouter les URLs dans Wikidata (la déclaration \"vue à 360 degrés depuis le sol\" - P5285)." + }, + "show_all_properties": "toutes propriétés", + "street_level_view": "imagerie au niveau de la rue", + "only_with_values": "Seulement les propriétés avec valeurs", + "youtube_videos": "Vidéos YouTube" + }, + "dialog": { + "comments": "commentaires", + "data_raw": "données brutes", + "data_extracted": "données extraites", + "description": "description", + "property": "Détails de la propriété", + "source_name": "nom de la source", + "source_url": "URL de la source", + "value": "valeur", + "metadata": "metadonnée", + "guide": "Guide de contribution", + "edit_at_source": "Voir la fontaine et créer ou modifier l'attribut '{{property_name}}'", + "see_source_wiki": "Nom de l'attribut à modifier. Cliquer pour lire la description officielle de l'attribut.", + "open_guide": "ouvrir le guide (en anglais)", + "edit": "éditer les données", + "fountain_no_exist": "introuvable", + "type": "type de donnée", + "preferred_source": "Source préfèrée pour l'affichage dans l'application", + "preferred_source_short": "préfèré", + "used_source": "Source utilisée pour l'affichage dans l'application", + "used_source_short": "affiché", + "status": { + "fountain_not_exist_short": "pas de fontaine", + "fountain_not_exist": "Aucune fountaine n'a été trouvée dans cette source de données. Pourrais-tu la créer toi-même?", + "fountain_not_exist_create": "Créer la fontaine", + "property_not_available_short": "pas de propriété", + "property_not_available": "Cette propriété n'est pas extraite de cette source de données." + } + }, + "directions":{ + "biking": "À vélo", + "walking": "À pied", + "travel_time": "Durée: ", + "minutes": " minute(s)" + }, + "editMenu": { + "direct_link": "Modifier directement", + "direct_link_osm": "Modifier dans OpenStreetMap", + "direct_link_wikidata": "Modifier dans Wikidata" + }, + "filter": { + "before": "exista en", + "after": "construit après", + "date_tooltip": "les fountaines sans date de construction sont affichées lorsque 'avant' et une date future sont selectionnées", + "with": "avec", + "without": "sans", + "photo": "photo", + "show_removed": "afficher les fontaines enlevées", + "strict": "strict", + "strict_explain": "Seulement montrer les fontaines où la valeur de cette propriété est strictement 'oui'.", + "only": "seul.", + "text_placeholder": "Recherche texte", + "age": "datant d'au moins", + "springwater": "seul. eau de source", + "title": "filter les fontaines", + "wikipedia": "seul. avec page Wikipedia" + }, + "gallery": { + "call_to_action": "As-tu une meilleure photo?", + "watermark": "non-vérifié" + }, + "groundwater": "Eau de nappe", + "guide": { + "direct_link": "Éditer les données", + "gallery_title": "Modifier la galerie", + "image_title": "Ajouter ou modifier une image" + }, + "home": "Home", + "intro": { + "title": "Bienvenue sur", + "intro-text": " est une application Web basée sur des données ouvertes où tu peux trouver et découvrir des fontaines. Ecris-nous un message si tu aimerais que ta ville soit inclue dans l'application.", + "legend-title": "Légende", + "disclaimer-title": "Clause de non-responsabilité", + "disclaimer": "Les informations présentées sur cette page sont extraites de bases de données ouvertes dont la qualité ne peut être garantie. ne peut être tenu responsable des informations présentées.", + "similar-title": "Applications similaires", + "action-never-show": "ne réapparaissent pas (utilise le stockage local)", + "action-explore": "explorer la carte", + "more-title": "Plus d'informations", + "description": " est une application web pour trouver des fontaines à proximité. Elle vise à communiquer des données provenant de dépôts de données gouvernementaux ouverts et des sites Web de Wikicommons.", + "help_heading": "Deviens collaborateur!", + "help_body": "Nous avons encore un bon nombre d'idées pour améliorer cette application Web et nous cherchons des développeurs! Tu peux apprendre plus sur le projet sur la page wiki.", + "myd": "La fondation MY-D encourage et soutient la recherche et le développement de logiciels libres.", + "source_code": "Code source", + "version_information": "Version", + "sponsors": "Sponsors" + }, + "legend": { + "symbols-title": "symboles", + "symbols-drinking-water": "eau potable", + "symbols-no-drinking-water": "ne pas boire d'eau", + "symbols-other-water": "information non disponible, ou catégorie spéciale", + "actions-title": "actions", + "actions-info": "afficher les informations de l'application et modifier les paramètres tels que la langue et la ville", + "actions-search": "rechercher des fontaines par nom et caractéristiques", + "actions-gps": "afficher ta position actuelle avec le GPS", + "actions-layers": "Afficher/masquer la couche satelliter" + }, + "list": { + "report_missing": "ajouter une fontaine manquante", + "showing": "{{visible}} de {{total}} fontaines" + }, + "menu": { + "tab_info": "À propos", + "tab_settings": "Préférences" + }, + "none": "absent", + "own_supply": "Approvisionnement propre", + "other": { + "unnamed_fountain": "Fontaine sans nom" + }, + "property": { + "merge_distance": "distance de confluence", + "merge_notes": "notes de confluence", + "merge_date": "dernière actualisation", + "object": "objet", + "undefined": "non défini - prière de contribuer!" + }, + "quicklink":{ + "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", + "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", + "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", + "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", + "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", + "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", + "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", + "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", + "pano_url": "images panoramiques externes" + }, + "selector": { + "en": "English", + "de": "Deutsch", + "fr": "Français", + "it": "Italiano", + "tr": "Türkçe", + "ch-ge": "Genève", + "ch-bs": "Bâle", + "ch-zh": "Zurich", + "ch-lu": "Lucerne", + "ch-nw": "Nidwald", + "de-hh": "Hambourg", + "fr-paris": "Paris", + "in-ch": "Chennai", + "it-roma": "Rome", + "us-nyc": "New York", + "tr-be": "Bergama", + "test": "Test-City-Beta" + }, + "settings": { + "city": "Changer de lieu", + "city_last_scan": "Dernier scan le", + "city_next_scan_info": "Un scan est effectué automatiquement toutes les deux heures.", + "lang": "Changer la langue", + "reprocess_city": "re-scanner toute la ville" + }, + "springwater": "Eau de source", + "tapwater": "Eau du robinet", + "undefined": "non défini", + "yes": "oui", + "no": "non", + "limited": "limité" +} diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/it.json b/src/assets/i18n/it.json index 05884e80..f2862542 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/it.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/it.json @@ -1,197 +1,198 @@ -{ - "action": { - "close": "chiudi", - "cta_contribute": "contribuisci", - "cta_contribute_name": "Conosci il nome di questa fontana? Se lo conosci, per favore aggiungilo in Wikidata:P1476 o in OpenStreetMap:Name.", - "cta_image": "Apri la guida delle contribuzioni", - "editSource": "Modifica una risorsa", - "findNearestStations": "Trova la fermata più vicina dei trasporti pubblici", - "hide_call_to_action": "nascondi", - "modifyProp": "modifica", - "more": "altro", - "navigate": "naviga", - "navigate_with_google": "naviga con i trasporti pubblici (Google Maps)", - "navigate_tooltip": "seleziona prima la tua posizione (doppio click sulla mappa o usando il GPS)", - "refresh": "Richiedi i dati più recenti. Dati aggiornati il {{date}}.", - "report_issue_to_city": "segnala problemi alla città", - "return": "ritorna alla fontana", - "showGuide": "Vai alla guida", - "showStationTimetable": "guarda le partenze" - }, - "detail": { - "how_to_refresh_message": "I dati non sono aggiornati? Puoi richiedere i dati OpenStreetMap e Wikidata cliccando il pulsante 'richiedi i dati più recenti'. Attenzione: modifiche fatte a OpenStreetMap possono impiegare diversi minuti per essere aggiornate nel database.", - "operator": { - "view_website": "Apri il sito dell'operatore in una nuova finestra.", - "edit_wikidata": "Modifica il sito dell'operatore in Wikidata (per esempio, modifica o aggiungi una dichiarazione \"official website\")." - }, - "artist": { - "view_website": "Apri il sito che descrive l'artista in una nuova finestra.", - "edit_wikidata": "Modifica le informazioni del sito dell'artista in Wikidata (per esempio, modifica o aggiungi una dichiarazione \"official website\" o crea un link al sito nella pagina Wikipedia)." - }, - "pano_url": { - "edit_wikidata": "Modifica gli URL delle immagini a livello strada nei Wikidata (dichiarazione \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285).", - "contribute": "non curato - aggiungi gli URL delle immagini a livello strada nei Wikidata (dichiarazione \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285)." - }, - "show_all_properties": "tutte le proprietà della fontana", - "street_level_view": "immagini esterne a livello strada", - "only_with_values": "Mostra solo proprietà con dei valori", - "youtube_videos": "Video YouTube" - }, - "dialog": { - "comments": "commenti", - "data_raw": "dati grezzi", - "data_extracted": "dati estratti", - "description": "descrizione", - "property": "Dettagli della proprietà", - "source_name": "nome della fonte", - "source_url": "URL della fonte", - "value": "valore", - "metadata": "Metadati", - "guide": "Guida per le contribuzione", - "edit_at_source": "Vedi la fontana e crea o modifica l'attributo '{{property_name}}'.", - "see_source_wiki": "Nome dell'attributo da modificare. Clicca per aprire la pagina di descrizione della proprietà.", - "open_guide": "apri la guida", - "fountain_no_exist": "non trovato", - "type": "Tipo di dati", - "preferred_source": "Fonte preferita per visualizzazione nell'app", - "preferred_source_short": "preferita", - "used_source": "Fonte utilizzata per la visualizzazione nell'app", - "used_source_short": "visualizzata", - "status": { - "fountain_not_exist_short": "nessuna fontana", - "fountain_not_exist": "Nessuna fontana è stata trovata in questa fonte di dati. Considera di creare la fontana da te.", - "fountain_not_exist_create": "Creare la fontana", - "property_not_available_short": "nessuna proprietà", - "property_not_available": "Questa fonte di dati non supporta questa proprietà, o l'estrazione della proprietà non è ancora implementata." - } - }, - "directions":{ - "biking": "Bicicletta", - "walking": "A piedi", - "travel_time": "Durata: ", - "minutes": " minuti" - }, - "editMenu": { - "direct_link": "Modifica direttamente i dati", - "direct_link_osm": "Modifica in OpenStreetMap", - "direct_link_wikidata": "Modifica in Wikidata" - }, - "filter": { - "before": "esistente nel", - "after": "costruita dopo", - "date_tooltip": "fontane senza data di costruzione saranno mostrate se una data futura e 'before' sono selezionati", - "with": "con", - "without": "senza", - "photo": "foto", - "show_removed": "mostra fontane rimosse", - "strict": "strettamente", - "strict_explain": "Mostra solo fontane dove il valore della proprietà è strettamente 'yes'.", - "only": "solo", - "text_placeholder": "Cerca testo", - "age": "solo costruite prima", - "springwater": "solo acqua di sorgente", - "title": "filtra le fontane", - "wikipedia": "solo con pagina wikipedia" - }, - "gallery": { - "call_to_action": "Hai una foto migliore?", - "watermark": "non curato" - }, - "groundwater": "Acqua di falda", - "guide": { - "direct_link": "Modifica la fonte dei dati", - "gallery_title": "Modifica la galleria", - "image_title": "Aggiungi o modifica l'immagine" - }, - "home": "Home", - "intro": { - "title": "Benvenuto su", - "intro-text": " è un'applicazione Web basata su Open-Data dove puoi trovare e scoprire fontane. Contattaci se ti piacerebbe aggiungere la tua città alla nostra applicazione.", - "legend-title": "Legenda", - "disclaimer-title": "Clausole di non responsabilità", - "disclaimer": "Le informazioni presenti in questa pagina sono estratte da un database aperto per il quale la qualità dei dati non può essere garantita. non può essere ritenuta responsabile per le informazioni presentate.", - "similar-title": "Applicazioni simili", - "action-never-show": "non mostrare più (usa archiviazione locale)", - "action-explore": "esplora la mappa!", - "more-title": "Più informazioni", - "description": " è un'applicazione web per trovare fontane nei paraggi. Ha lo scopo di comunicare informazioni da archivi di dati governativi e da siti web Wikicommons. Leggi ", - "help_heading": "Aiuta il progetto!", - "help_body": "Abbiamo molte idee su come migliorare l'applicazione web e siamo alla ricerca di sviluppatori! Scopri di più sul progetto e come migliorare la mappa visitando la Wiki del progetto.", - "myd": "La fondazione MY-D promuove e supporta la ricerca e lo sviluppo di software open source.", - "source_code": "Codice sorgente", - "version_information": "Infomazioni sulla versione", - "sponsors": "Sponsor" - }, - "legend": { - "symbols-title": "simboli", - "symbols-drinking-water": "acqua potabile", - "symbols-no-drinking-water": "acqua non potabile", - "symbols-other-water": "informazione non disponibile, o categoria speciale", - "actions-title": "azioni", - "actions-info": "vedi le informazioni sull'applicazione e cambia le impostazioni come lingua e città", - "actions-search": "cerca fontane per nome e caratteristiche", - "actions-gps": "mostra la tua posizione attuale tramite GPS", - "actions-layers": "mostra/nascondi l'immagine da satellite" - }, - "list": { - "report_missing": "aggiungi una fontana mancante", - "showing": "Visualizzando {{visible}} di {{total}} fontane" - }, - "menu": { - "tab_info": "Riguardo il sito", - "tab_settings": "Impostazioni" - }, - "none": "nessuno", - "own_supply": "Aggiungi da te", - "other": { - "unnamed_fountain": "Fontana senza nome" - }, - "property": { - "merge_distance": "unisci distanza", - "merge_notes": "unisci note", - "merge_date": "ultima raccolta dei dati", - "object": "oggetto", - "undefined": "non definito - per favore, contribuisci!" - }, - "quicklink":{ - "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", - "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", - "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", - "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", - "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", - "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", - "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", - "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", - "pano_url": "panorama esterno" - }, - "selector": { - "en": "English", - "de": "Deutsch", - "fr": "Français", - "it": "Italiano", - "tr": "Türkçe", - "ch-ge": "Ginevra", - "ch-bs": "Basilea", - "ch-zh": "Zurigo", - "ch-lu": "Lucerna", - "ch-nw": "Nidvaldo", - "de-hh": "Amburgo", - "fr-paris": "Parigi", - "it-roma": "Roma", - "us-nyc": "New York", - "tr-be": "Bergama" - }, - "settings": { - "city": "Cambia la città", - "city_last_scan": "Ultima elaborazione", - "city_next_scan_info": "I dati sono elaborati ogni due ore.", - "lang": "Cambia la lingua", - "reprocess_city": "Elabora nuovamente tutte le fontane ora" - }, - "springwater": "Acqua di sorgente", - "tapwater": "Acqua di rubinetto", - "undefined": "non definito", - "yes": "si", - "no": "no", - "limited": "limitato" -} +{ + "action": { + "close": "chiudi", + "cta_contribute": "contribuisci", + "cta_contribute_name": "Conosci il nome di questa fontana? Se lo conosci, per favore aggiungilo in Wikidata:P1476 o in OpenStreetMap:Name.", + "cta_image": "Apri la guida delle contribuzioni", + "editSource": "Modifica una risorsa", + "findNearestStations": "Trova la fermata più vicina dei trasporti pubblici", + "hide_call_to_action": "nascondi", + "modifyProp": "modifica", + "more": "altro", + "navigate": "naviga", + "navigate_with_google": "naviga con i trasporti pubblici (Google Maps)", + "navigate_tooltip": "seleziona prima la tua posizione (doppio click sulla mappa o usando il GPS)", + "refresh": "Richiedi i dati più recenti. Dati aggiornati il {{date}}.", + "report_issue_to_city": "segnala problemi alla città", + "return": "ritorna alla fontana", + "showGuide": "Vai alla guida", + "showStationTimetable": "guarda le partenze" + }, + "detail": { + "how_to_refresh_message": "I dati non sono aggiornati? Puoi richiedere i dati OpenStreetMap e Wikidata cliccando il pulsante 'richiedi i dati più recenti'. Attenzione: modifiche fatte a OpenStreetMap possono impiegare diversi minuti per essere aggiornate nel database.", + "operator": { + "view_website": "Apri il sito dell'operatore in una nuova finestra.", + "edit_wikidata": "Modifica il sito dell'operatore in Wikidata (per esempio, modifica o aggiungi una dichiarazione \"official website\")." + }, + "artist": { + "view_website": "Apri il sito che descrive l'artista in una nuova finestra.", + "edit_wikidata": "Modifica le informazioni del sito dell'artista in Wikidata (per esempio, modifica o aggiungi una dichiarazione \"official website\" o crea un link al sito nella pagina Wikipedia)." + }, + "pano_url": { + "edit_wikidata": "Modifica gli URL delle immagini a livello strada nei Wikidata (dichiarazione \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285).", + "contribute": "non curato - aggiungi gli URL delle immagini a livello strada nei Wikidata (dichiarazione \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285)." + }, + "show_all_properties": "tutte le proprietà della fontana", + "street_level_view": "immagini esterne a livello strada", + "only_with_values": "Mostra solo proprietà con dei valori", + "youtube_videos": "Video YouTube" + }, + "dialog": { + "comments": "commenti", + "data_raw": "dati grezzi", + "data_extracted": "dati estratti", + "description": "descrizione", + "property": "Dettagli della proprietà", + "source_name": "nome della fonte", + "source_url": "URL della fonte", + "value": "valore", + "metadata": "Metadati", + "guide": "Guida per le contribuzione", + "edit_at_source": "Vedi la fontana e crea o modifica l'attributo '{{property_name}}'.", + "see_source_wiki": "Nome dell'attributo da modificare. Clicca per aprire la pagina di descrizione della proprietà.", + "open_guide": "apri la guida", + "fountain_no_exist": "non trovato", + "type": "Tipo di dati", + "preferred_source": "Fonte preferita per visualizzazione nell'app", + "preferred_source_short": "preferita", + "used_source": "Fonte utilizzata per la visualizzazione nell'app", + "used_source_short": "visualizzata", + "status": { + "fountain_not_exist_short": "nessuna fontana", + "fountain_not_exist": "Nessuna fontana è stata trovata in questa fonte di dati. Considera di creare la fontana da te.", + "fountain_not_exist_create": "Creare la fontana", + "property_not_available_short": "nessuna proprietà", + "property_not_available": "Questa fonte di dati non supporta questa proprietà, o l'estrazione della proprietà non è ancora implementata." + } + }, + "directions":{ + "biking": "Bicicletta", + "walking": "A piedi", + "travel_time": "Durata: ", + "minutes": " minuti" + }, + "editMenu": { + "direct_link": "Modifica direttamente i dati", + "direct_link_osm": "Modifica in OpenStreetMap", + "direct_link_wikidata": "Modifica in Wikidata" + }, + "filter": { + "before": "esistente nel", + "after": "costruita dopo", + "date_tooltip": "fontane senza data di costruzione saranno mostrate se una data futura e 'before' sono selezionati", + "with": "con", + "without": "senza", + "photo": "foto", + "show_removed": "mostra fontane rimosse", + "strict": "strettamente", + "strict_explain": "Mostra solo fontane dove il valore della proprietà è strettamente 'yes'.", + "only": "solo", + "text_placeholder": "Cerca testo", + "age": "solo costruite prima", + "springwater": "solo acqua di sorgente", + "title": "filtra le fontane", + "wikipedia": "solo con pagina wikipedia" + }, + "gallery": { + "call_to_action": "Hai una foto migliore?", + "watermark": "non curato" + }, + "groundwater": "Acqua di falda", + "guide": { + "direct_link": "Modifica la fonte dei dati", + "gallery_title": "Modifica la galleria", + "image_title": "Aggiungi o modifica l'immagine" + }, + "home": "Home", + "intro": { + "title": "Benvenuto su", + "intro-text": " è un'applicazione Web basata su Open-Data dove puoi trovare e scoprire fontane. Contattaci se ti piacerebbe aggiungere la tua città alla nostra applicazione.", + "legend-title": "Legenda", + "disclaimer-title": "Clausole di non responsabilità", + "disclaimer": "Le informazioni presenti in questa pagina sono estratte da un database aperto per il quale la qualità dei dati non può essere garantita. non può essere ritenuta responsabile per le informazioni presentate.", + "similar-title": "Applicazioni simili", + "action-never-show": "non mostrare più (usa archiviazione locale)", + "action-explore": "esplora la mappa!", + "more-title": "Più informazioni", + "description": " è un'applicazione web per trovare fontane nei paraggi. Ha lo scopo di comunicare informazioni da archivi di dati governativi e da siti web Wikicommons. Leggi ", + "help_heading": "Aiuta il progetto!", + "help_body": "Abbiamo molte idee su come migliorare l'applicazione web e siamo alla ricerca di sviluppatori! Scopri di più sul progetto e come migliorare la mappa visitando la Wiki del progetto.", + "myd": "La fondazione MY-D promuove e supporta la ricerca e lo sviluppo di software open source.", + "source_code": "Codice sorgente", + "version_information": "Infomazioni sulla versione", + "sponsors": "Sponsor" + }, + "legend": { + "symbols-title": "simboli", + "symbols-drinking-water": "acqua potabile", + "symbols-no-drinking-water": "acqua non potabile", + "symbols-other-water": "informazione non disponibile, o categoria speciale", + "actions-title": "azioni", + "actions-info": "vedi le informazioni sull'applicazione e cambia le impostazioni come lingua e città", + "actions-search": "cerca fontane per nome e caratteristiche", + "actions-gps": "mostra la tua posizione attuale tramite GPS", + "actions-layers": "mostra/nascondi l'immagine da satellite" + }, + "list": { + "report_missing": "aggiungi una fontana mancante", + "showing": "Visualizzando {{visible}} di {{total}} fontane" + }, + "menu": { + "tab_info": "Riguardo il sito", + "tab_settings": "Impostazioni" + }, + "none": "nessuno", + "own_supply": "Aggiungi da te", + "other": { + "unnamed_fountain": "Fontana senza nome" + }, + "property": { + "merge_distance": "unisci distanza", + "merge_notes": "unisci note", + "merge_date": "ultima raccolta dei dati", + "object": "oggetto", + "undefined": "non definito - per favore, contribuisci!" + }, + "quicklink":{ + "id_wikidata": "Wikidata", + "id_osm": "OpenStreetMap", + "wikipedia_en_url": "Wikipedia (en)", + "wikipedia_de_url": "Wikipedia (de)", + "wikipedia_fr_url": "Wikipedia (fr)", + "wikipedia_it_url": "Wikipedia (it)", + "wikipedia_tr_url": "Wikipedia (tr)", + "wiki_commons_name": "Wikimedia Commons", + "pano_url": "panorama esterno" + }, + "selector": { + "en": "English", + "de": "Deutsch", + "fr": "Français", + "it": "Italiano", + "tr": "Türkçe", + "ch-ge": "Ginevra", + "ch-bs": "Basilea", + "ch-zh": "Zurigo", + "ch-lu": "Lucerna", + "ch-nw": "Nidvaldo", + "de-hh": "Amburgo", + "fr-paris": "Parigi", + "in-ch": "Chennai", + "it-roma": "Roma", + "us-nyc": "New York", + "tr-be": "Bergama" + }, + "settings": { + "city": "Cambia la città", + "city_last_scan": "Ultima elaborazione", + "city_next_scan_info": "I dati sono elaborati ogni due ore.", + "lang": "Cambia la lingua", + "reprocess_city": "Elabora nuovamente tutte le fontane ora" + }, + "springwater": "Acqua di sorgente", + "tapwater": "Acqua di rubinetto", + "undefined": "non definito", + "yes": "si", + "no": "no", + "limited": "limitato" +} diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/tr.json b/src/assets/i18n/tr.json index 389aed39..d48400ff 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/tr.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/tr.json @@ -1,196 +1,197 @@ -{ - "action": { - "close": "kapat", - "cta_contribute": "katkıda bulun", - "cta_contribute_name": "Bu çeşmenin adını biliyor musunuz? Eğer biliyorsanız lütfen Wikidata:P1476 ya da OpenStreetMap:Name ‘e ekleyiniz.", - "cta_image": "Daha iyi bir fotoğrafın var mı?", - "editSource": "Kaynağında düzenle", - "findNearestStations": "En yakın toplu taşıma durağını bul.", - "hide_call_to_action": "gizle", - "modifyProp": "değiştir", - "more": "daha fazla", - "navigate": "yönlendir", - "navigate_with_google": "toplu taşıma ile yönlendir (Google Maps)", - "navigate_tooltip": "önce kendini bul (haritayı çift tıkla veya GPS kullan)", - "refresh": "en son verileri al", - "return": "çeşmeye dön", - "showGuide": "Kılavuza bakın" - }, - "detail": { - "how_to_refresh_message": "Veriler güncel değil mi? Bu çeşmenin verilerini OpenStreetMap ve Wikidata'dan 'en son verileri al' düğmesini tıklayarak çekebilirsiniz. Uyarı: OpenStreetMap'te yapılan düzenlemelerin veritabanında güncellenmesi birkaç dakika kadar sürebilir. ", - "operator": { - "view_website": "Open operator website in new tab.", - "edit_wikidata": "Edit operator website in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\")." - }, - "artist": { - "view_website": "Open website describing artist in new tab.", - "edit_wikidata": "Edit artist website information in Wikidata (for example, modify or add statement \"official website\" or create sitelink to Wikipedia page)." - }, - "pano_url": { - "edit_wikidata": "Edit street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285).", - "contribute": "not curated - add street-level imagery URLs in Wikidata (statement \"ground level 360 degree view\" - P5285)." - }, - "show_all_properties": "tüm çeşme özellikleri", - "street_level_view": "dış sokak düzeyinde görüntüler", - "only_with_values": "Sadece değerleri olan özellikleri göster", - "youtube_videos": "YouTube videos" - }, - "dialog": { - "comments": "yorumlar", - "description": "Açıklama", - "data_extracted": "ayıklanmış veri", - "description": "açıklama", - "property": "Özellik", - "source_name": "kaynak adı", - "source_url": "kaynak URL", - "value": "değer", - "metadata": "Meta veriler", - "guide": "Açık katkı kılavuzu", - "edit_at_source": "Çeşmeyi görüntüle ve bir nitelik oluştur ya da niteliği düzenle '{{property_name}}'.", - "see_source_wiki": "Düzenlenecek niteliğin ismi. 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