All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- none
- None
- None
- None
- Update to Wazuh v4.10.0
- Fix cert gen tool version variable assignment (#1443)
- Update to Wazuh v4.9.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.9.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.9.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.8.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.8.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.8.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.5
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.7.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.6.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.5.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.5.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.5.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.5.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.5.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.5
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.4.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.11
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.10
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.9
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.8
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.7
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.6
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.5
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.3.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.6
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.5
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.1
- Update to Wazuh v4.2.0
- Update to Wazuh v4.1.4
- Update to Wazuh v4.1.3
- Update to Wazuh v4.1.2
- Update to Wazuh v4.1.1
- Apply changes in ossec.conf file
- Modify jvm.options to v7.10
- Change opendistro repository packages (opendistroforelasticsearch, elasticsearch-oss) to Wazuh URL and GPG key
Update to Wazuh v4.0.4
Support for new Wazuh API config options.
Add localfile labels to agent ossec.conf template (@dragospe) PR#521
- Please notice that default Kibana user in role defaults changed from
. See listed PRs below for details.
generates invalid passwords (@singuliere) PR#519- Fix invalid Jinja2 syntax in centralized configuration template (@kravietz) PR#528
- Replace default user for
role (@zenidd) PR#529 - Remove legacy declarations of
(@neonmei, @dragospe) PR#530 - Add missing variable
(@neonmei) PR#534 - Add missing variable
(@neonmei) PR#540
- Update to Wazuh v4.0.3
- Fix wrong
in task added by PR#488, hotfixed inv4.0.2
in PR#511
- Update to Wazuh v4.0.2
- New role variables have been introduced (e.g:
), see documentation or PRs listed here for details. - Some variables have been deprecated (e.g:
) in favour of other ones, see documentation or PRs listed here for details.
- Fix agent enrollment default value. Fix authd registration. PR#505
- Remove async clause causing agent install timeout on resource-constrained Centos installations PR#507
- Fix REST registration method for agents PR#509
precedence too high, lower to role defaults PR#488
- Update to Wazuh v4.0.1
- Allow installing fixed Filebeat-oss version (@Zenidd) PR#486
- Feature adapt molecule tests (@neonmei) PR#477
- Roles/elastic-stack: update jvm.options template per upstream updates (@neonmei) PR#501
- Improve linting history (@neonmei)
- Fix lint opendistro kibana PR#497
- Feature lint roles configurations PR#496
- Feature lint role wazuh agent PR#495
- Feature lint role filebeat oss PR#494
- Lint role wazuh-manager PR#493
- Feature lint role elasticsearch PR#492
- Feature lint role opendistro-elasticsearch PR#491
- Feature lint remove unused variables PR#487
- Feature agent default vars depth reduction PR#485
- Remove unnecesary nodejs dependency (@neonmei) PR#482
- Feature manager configuration unnest (@neonmei) PR#481
- Elastic API check fix (@Zenidd) PR#480
- Improve handling of run_once at opendistro-elasticsearch role (@neonmei) PR#478
- Ensure recursive /usr/share/kibana permissions before installing WUI (@Zenidd) PR#471
- Remove vuls integration (@manuasir) PR#469
- Update to Wazuh v3.13.1
- Add support to configure path.repo option in ES. Required for backups/snapshots (@pescobar) PR#433
- Update Opendistro tasks (@jm404) PR#443
- Provide ansible.cfg with merge hash_behaviour (@xr09) PR#440
- Fixes for wazuh-agent registration (@pchristos) PR#406
- Fixes for OpenDistro deployments (@xr09) PR#445
- Update Kibana optimize task parameters and command (@jm404) PR#404
- Update Kibana optimize folder and owner (@jm404) PR#404
- Update to Wazuh v3.12.2
- Adjusting Kibana plugin optimization max memory (@Zenidd) PR#404
- Removed python-cryptography library tasks (@Zenidd) PR#401
- Removed duplicated task block (@manuasir) PR#400
- Update to Wazuh v3.12.0
- Added registration address variable to wazuh-agent playbook (@Zenidd) PR#392
- Bump NodeJS version to 10.x (@manuasir) PR#386
- Add flag to enable/disable Windows MD5 check (@jm404) PR#383
- Rule paths are now relative to playbooks. (@Zenidd ) PR#393
- Add the option to create agent groups and add an agent to 1 or more group. (@rshad) PR#361
- Removed bad formed XML comments. (@manuasir) PR#391
- NodeJS node_options variable and Kibana plugin optimization fix. (@Zenidd) PR#385
- Restrictive permissions for certificate files. (@Zenidd) PR#382
- Disabled shared configuration by default (@jm404) PR#369
- Add chdir argument to Wazuh Kibana Plugin installation tasks (@jm404) PR#375
- Adjustments for systems without (direct) internet connection (@joschneid) PR#348
- Avoid to install Wazuh API in worker nodes (@manuasir) PR#371
- Conditionals of custom Wazuh packages installation tasks (@rshad) PR#372
- Fix Ansible elastic_stack-distributed template (@francobep) PR#352
- Fix manager API verification (@Zenidd) PR#360
- Update to Wazuh v3.11.3
- Fix Wazuh Agent configuration file for RHEL 8 (@xr09) PR#354
- Fix default port used in Wazuh Agent playbook (@jm404) PR#347
- Update to Wazuh v3.11.2
- Update to Wazuh v3.11.1
Update to Wazuh v3.11.0
Implemented changes to configure Wazuh API using the
file (@xr09) PR#342 -
Wazuh Agent registration task now explicitly notify restart (@jm404) PR#302
Support both IP and DNS when creating elastic cluster (@xr09) PR#252
Added config tag to the Wazuh Agent's enable task (@xr09) PR#261
Implement task to configure Elasticsearch user on every cluster node (@xr09) PR#270
Added SCA to Wazuh Agent and Manager installation (@jm404) PR#260
Added support for environments with low disk space (@xr09) PR#281
Add parameters to configure an Elasticsearch coordinating node (@jm404) PR#292
Updated Filebeat and Elasticsearch templates (@manuasir) PR#285
Make ossec.conf file more readable by removing trailing whitespaces (@jm404) PR#286
Wazuh repositories can now be configured to different sources URLs (@jm404) PR#288
Agent installation task now does not hardcodes the "-1" sufix (@jm404) PR#310
Enhanced task importation in Wazuh Manager role and removed deprecated warnings (@xr09) PR#320
Wazuh API installation task have been upgraded (@rshad) PR#330
It's now possible to install Wazuh Manager and Agent from sources (@jm404) PR#329
Wazuh Agent registration using agent name has been fixed (@jm404) PR#298
Fix Wazuh repository and installation conditionals (@jm404) PR#299
Fixed Wazuh Agent registration using an Agent's name (@jm404) PR#334
- Update to Wazuh v3.11.0
- Update to Wazuh v3.10.0
- Updated Kibana @jm404 #237
- Updated agent.conf template @moodymob #222
- Improved molecule tests @rshad #223
- Moved "" script to molecule folder @jm404 #a9d2c52
- Fixed typo in the
template @joey1a2b3c #227 - Updated conditionals in tasks to fix Amazon Linux installation @jm404 #229
- Fixed Kibana installation in Amazon Linux @jm404 #232
- Fixed Windows Agent installation and configuration @jm404 #234
- Update to Wazuh v3.9.5
- Update to Elastic Stack to v7.2.1
- Support for registring agents behind NAT @jheikki100 #208
- Default protocol to TCP @ionphractal #204.
- Update to Wazuh v3.9.3 (rshad PR#206)
- Added Versioning Control for Wazuh stack's components installation, so now it's possible to specify which package to install for wazuh-manager, wazuh-agent, Filebeat, Elasticsearch and Kibana. (rshad PR#206)
- Fixes for Molecule testing issues. Issues such as Ansible-Lint and None-Idempotent tasks. (rshad PR#206)
- Fixes for Wazuh components installations' related issues. Such issues were related to determined OS distributions such as
Ubuntu Trusty
andCetOS 6
. (rshad PR#206) - Created Ansible playbook and role in order to automate the uninstallation of already installed Wazuh components. (rshad PR#206)
- Update to Wazuh v3.9.2
- Support for Elastic 7
- Ability to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster #6b95e3
- Update to Wazuh v3.9.2
- Update to Wazuh v3.9.1
- Support for ELK v6.8.0
- Update to Wazuh Wazuh v3.9.0 (manuasir #177).
- Support for Elasticsearch v6.7.1 (LuisGi91 #168).
- Added Molecule testing suit (JJediny #151).
- Added Molecule tests for Wazuh Manager (dj-wasabi #169).
- Added Molecule tests for Wazuh Agent (dj-wasabi #174).
- Fix default active response (LuisGi93 #164).
- Changing from Oracle Java to OpenJDK (LuisGi93 #173).
- Adding alias to agent config file template (LuisGi93 #163).
- Update to Wazuh version v3.8.2. (#150)
- Update to Wazuh version v3.8.1. (#148)
- Added custom name for single agent registration (#117)
- Adapt ossec.conf file for windows agents (#118)
- Added labels to ossec.conf (#135)
- Changed Windows installation directory (#116)
- move redundant tags to the outer block (#133)
- Adapt new version (3.8.0-6.5.4) (#144)
- Fixed a couple linting issues with yamllint and ansible-review (#111)
- Fixes typos: The word credentials doesn't have two consecutive e's (#130)
- Fixed multiple remote connection (#120)
- Fixed null value for wazuh_manager_fqdn (#132)
- Erasing extra spaces in playbooks (#131)
- Fixed oracle java cookies (#143)
- delete useless files from wazuh-manager role (#137)
- Adapt configuration to current release (#106)
- include template local_internal_options.conf. (#87)
- Add multiple Elasticsearch IPs for Logstash reports. (#92)
- Solve the conflict betwwen tha agent configuration and the shared master configuration. Also include monitoring for
. (#90) - Moved custom_ruleset files. (#98)
- Add authlog fix to localfile. (#99)
- Exceptions reload systemd. (#114)
- clean old code for windows agent. (#86)
- Amazon Linux deployments are now supported (#71) and for the old repository structure (#67)
- Added the option to add rule files and decoders directly over the local rule and decoder directories in /var/ossec/etc (#81).
- Added the necessary variables to configure a new configuration template for the Wazuh API (#80).
- Added the option to verify the shared configuration for agents set in the manager (#76).
- Added the option to configure the active response (#75).
- Repository restructure.
- Extended conditions to register a Wazuh agent. Now will register the agent in cases where there is no client.keys or the file exists but this empty (#79).
- Grouping of tasks in a block under the same condition to improve the efficiency of the code (#74).
- Improved efficiency of the Java repository (#73).
- Fix oracle java cookie (#71).
- include the logall_json label in ossec.conf template. This was causing an error when recreating the cdb_lists (#84).
Ansible starting point.
- Elastic Stack:
- ansible-elasticsearch: This role is prepared to install elasticsearch on the host that runs it.
- ansible-kibana: Using this role we will install Kibana on the host that runs it.
- Wazuh:
- ansible-filebeat: This role is prepared to install filebeat on the host that runs it.
- ansible-wazuh-manager: With this role we will install Wazuh manager and Wazuh API on the host that runs it.
- ansible-wazuh-agent: Using this role we will install Wazuh agent on the host that runs it and is able to register it.