FengYunWeather for Android is an open source weather APP that allows developers to quickly publish and integrate weather services.
- Global daily and hourly weather forecast, including: Weather Conditions, Temperature, Pressure, Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Wind, Visibility, sun and moon
- AQI for Chinese cities
- Hourly forecasts with dynamic curves
- City search, support for fuzzy search and search suggestions
- Multilingual, Chinese and English
- Unit switch
- Different font sizes
- Notification
- Widget
- background change with weather
- temp number animation effect
- background animation effect
- sun & moon
- city manager
Copyright 2021 wangsj Inc.
本项目为 GPL3.0 协议,请所有进行二次开发的开发者遵守 GPL3.0协议,并且不得将代码用于商用。