diff --git a/client/README.md b/client/README.md
index c1ab333..fb7dd2d 100644
--- a/client/README.md
+++ b/client/README.md
@@ -42,6 +42,19 @@ password: useruser
| NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_WEB_STORAGE_BUCKET | Firebase web storage bucket key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file. |
| WATCHPACK_POLLING | Enables hot reload on NextJS apps (tested on NextJS v13.2.1) running inside Docker containers on a Windows host. Set it to `true` if running Docker Desktop with WSL2 on a Windows OS. |
+3. Update the `.firebaserc` file.
+ - Replace all instances of the `FIREBASE_PROJECT_DEV` text with the **development** Firebase project ID.
+ - Replace all instances of the `FIREBASE_PROJECT_PROD` text with eth **production** Firebase project ID.
+ - Replace the `FIREBASE_HOSTING_DEV` text with the **development** Firebase Hosting website name (minus the `".web.app"`)
+> Do not commit the updates in the `.firebaserc` file, if you plan on deploying updates using GitHub Actions.
+> Do the following to avoid commiting local updates in the `.firebaserc` file:
+> - Ignore local changes to the file.
+> `git update-index --assume-unchanged .firebaserc`
+> - Revert/start tracking later if needed.
+> `git update-index --no-assume-unchanged .firebaserc`
3. Switch to the **dev** Firebase target.
`firebase use dev`