Releases: webarkit/ARnft
0.14.0 Release new disposeAllNFTs
0.14.0 Release
The 0.14.0 add a new method to ARnft to dispose the NFTWorker: disposeAllNFTs and disposeNFT instead remove only the specific NFTWorker, you need to specify the name in the argument. New action script for Continuos Integration and build script to make the final release. From this version only ARnft.js dist file, no zipped package.
Other packages upgrade and improves in the Readme.
Distribution file (ARnft.js)
0.13.1 Release - ARnft-threejs 0.4.5 with OEF
0.13.1 Release
The 0.13.1 is a maintenance release. Upgraded ARnft-threejs to the 0.4.5 version with the new OEF, see PR #249. Other packages upgrade and improves in the Readme.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.13.0 Release - new initializeRaw function
0.13.0 Release
The 0.13.0 version introduce the new initializeRaw method that let the user/dev to initialize his CameraViewRender class. For a reference see PR #245. Upgraded also ARnft-threejs to the 0.4.0 version with a newest addModel and the new addModelWithCallback method, see PR #246.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.12.2 Release - fix for bug #242
0.12.1 Release - upgrading jsartoolkitNFT to 0.9.7
0.12.1 Release
The 0.12.1 is a minor fix for some bug #239 and the jsartoolkitNFT update #240 to 0.9.7 version finally available as npm at @webarkit/jsartoolkit-nft
Now you can install the package with npm:
npm install @webarkit/jsartoolkit-nft
or with yarn:
yarn add @webarkit/jsartoolkit-nft
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.12.0 Release with new ARnftIsReady event
0.12.0 Release with new ARnftIsReady event
ARnft with a new event: ARnftIsReady, This event is fired when all the nft markers are loaded. NFTWorker was improved with some new functions:
- getUuid
- getName
- getMarkerUrl
- getEventTarget
The event target in ARnft and NFTWorker was also improved.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.11.0 Release - Multi NFT feature
0.11.0 Release Multi NFT feature
ARnft with the multi NFT feature, This feature help developers to load more than one marker. All the methods are preserved, with some new functions:
- initWithEntities init ARnft with the Entity object, this help the developer to avoid confusion.
- getEntities() get all the entities list in the ARnft instance.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.10.0 Release - Typescript support
0.10.0 Release Typescript support
The awaited feature is arrived! ARnft was re-written inTypescript. All the methods are preserved, with some new functions:
- dispose stop the worker and the video stream.
- disposeNFT stop only the Worker.
- disposeVideoStream stop only the video stream.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.9.1 Release
0.9.1 Release
Removed three package and other security fixes.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)
0.9.0 Release
0.9.0 Release
Removed ThreejsRenderer class and new CameraViewRenderer class. Now the ARnft lib is independent from the rendering engine. We suggest ARnft-threejs for the rendering part.
Zipped file with distribution library (ARnft.js)