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Building in Azure DevOps

These are the tasks that are to be run in the pipeline. If the field within the task is not referenced below, defer to the default option, or leave as blank

Note: The below steps are currently not possible on the free version of DevOps due to the 10Gb disk space restriction.

  1. Pipeline Ensure the Agent pool value is set to Hosted VS2017 (unless a custom agent is being used, which is recommended, if not required, as the builds require a significant amount of space, and the amount of time required for a build to complete decreases when using a custom VM).
  2. Get Sources Set the Source to Azure Repos Git Connect the repository to webrtc-uwp-sdk. Select the default branch to the one that is needed scheduled builds (typically the master branch). Ensure Checkout submodules is selected.
  3. Variable Name: config.actions  Value: prepare build backup Name: config.cleanIDL Value: true Name: config.configurations Value: debug,release Name: config.cpus Value: x86 x64 Name: config.packNuget Value: true Name: config.platforms Value: winuwp,win Name: config.targets Value: webrtc
  4. Options Build job time out in minutes is set to 0.
  5. Setup pipeline There are two ways to handle this task, run on the hosted agent or setup a VM. 5.1. Setup on Hosted Agent 5.1.1 Chocolatey This task utilizes Windows' Chocolately Package Manager to install Windows SDK version 10, along with the Windows Debugger Tool Download the SDK 1803 Add the extension to the secure file as follow: On the left-side of the project screen, under Pipelines, click on Library -> Secure files -> "+Secure File" Upload the downloaded SDK 1803 Options: Command: install The id of the package(s) that are to be installed: windows-sdk-10-version-1803-windbg 5.2 Setup using a Custom VM as Build Agent(s) Create a custom VM following the instructions in this repo for building and deploying a VS2017 + Server 2016 image. The process takes ~8 hours to complete, so you must either leave your system on for 8 hours, or use a different VM to generate this one. Follow these instructions to set your VM up as a build agent.

5.2.1 Install Chocolatey on the VM Log into the VM and install Chocolatey

  1. Use Python 2.7.14 Use this Python version. Note: the version needs to be specific in this case. Following are the settings required for this agent: Version Spec: 2.7.14 Ensure that 'Add To Path' is checked Advanced: Architecture: x64

  2. Build UWP Release Version Create a Python Script agent for this section. There should be two different release agents, one for x86 and one for x64. Settings are as follow: Script path: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\scripts\ Arguments: -a prepare build -t webrtc -p winuwp --cpus [x86|x64] -c $(config.configurations) working directory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) Custom condition : eq(variables['config.configurations'], 'release')

  3. Build UWP Debug Version Create a Python Script agent for this section. There should be two different debug agents, one for x86 and one for x64. Settings are as follow: Script path:  $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\scripts\ Arguments: -a prepare build -t webrtc -p winuwp --cpus [x86|x64] -c debug working directory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) Custom condition : eq(variables['config.configurations'], 'debug')

  4. Clean Up Intermediates (Hosted Agents Only) After each set of build and release agents we need to clean up the memory. For this section, use command line agent with the following setting: Script: echo Removing Intermediates if exist "%Build_SourcesDirectory%\webrtc\windows\solutions\Build\Intermediate" rmdir %Build_SourcesDirectory%\webrtc\windows\solutions\Build\Intermediate /S /Q if exist "%Build_SourcesDirectory%\webrtc\xplatform\webrtc\out" rmdir %Build_SourcesDirectory%\webrtc\xplatform\webrtc\out /S /Q

  5. Use to create Nuget Package This file is located in the Templates folder in the project.  It is generated by the template and is customized for this specific project to create Nuget package. 

  6. Create Nuget Packages Create a Python script agent with the following settings: Script path: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\scripts\ Argument to   NugetUwpCI --buildOutputPath $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\Build --nugetOutputPath $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\Nuget --gnOutputPath $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\GN --manualNugetVersionNumber "1.71.0.$(Build.BuildId)" Working directory to $(Build.SourcesDirectory) Custom condition:  eq(variables['config.packNuget'], 'true')

  7. Create a WebRtc Feed Follow the bellow link to create a feed in the Artifact and connect it to the nuget package

  8. Create Nuget Push Create a Nuget agent to push the nuget package. Set the command to push  Publish the package to  $(Build.BinariesDirectory)/Nuget/package/*.nupkg; Target feed to the name of the artifact that is created. Custom condition: eq(variables['config.packNuget'], 'true')