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321 lines (270 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (270 loc) · 11.3 KB

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          ⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ∈   A list of commands and features for PyroCMS 3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯

This document has the full list of commands, code samples and best use practices for PyroCMS 3 development under different categories.

Try Live App for an enhanced user experience.

Table of Contents



# Use 'create-project' command to install PyroCMS
composer create-project pyrocms/pyrocms folder_name
# Use '--prefer-source' flag for Windows environment
composer create-project pyrocms/pyrocms --prefer-dist
# Enable write permissions for some folders
sudo chmod -R 777 path_to/pyrocms/storage
sudo chmod -R 777 path_to/pyrocms/public/assets
sudo chmod -R 777 path_to/pyrocms/bootstrap/cache
# Or change PyroCMS folder ownership
sudo chown -R user:admin path_to/pyrocms
# Remove installer-module from composer.json then run,
composer update


// Overrid Streams configuration values at
// Available config files for Streams located at
// Set application environment in .env, 'local'
// 'staging' or 'production'
APP_ENV = local
// Edit .env config file to enable debug mode
APP_DEBUG = true
// Get current env variable in php
$env = App::environment();
$env = app()->environment();
// Use config helper to access configuration values
$value = config('app.locale');
// Set configuration values through config helper
config(['app.locale' => 'fr']);
// Get core configuration values
$value = config('streams::assets.paths');
// Get Addon configuration, 'name' module
$value = config('vendor.module.slug::name.key');


// To read a value from the settings module inject
// Anomaly\SettingsModule\Setting\Contract\SettingRepositoryInterface
// into your class method then read the require field
function index(SettingRepositoryInterface $settings)
    $val = $settings->value(


# Cache all configuration files into a single file
php artisan config:cache
# Turn-on maintenance mode
php artisan down
# Turn-off maintenance mode
php artisan up
# Set application key
php artisan key:generate

# ********* CACHE *********

# Clear compiled assets cache
php artisan assets:clear
# Clear views cache
php artisan view:clear
# Clear twig cache
php artisan twig:clean
# Clear streams entry models
php artisan streams:cleanup
# Clear the route cache file
php artisan route:clear
# Clear http cache
php artisan httpcache:clear
# Clear missing files from files table
php artisan files:clean
# Clear debug storage
php artisan debugbar:clear
# Clear configuration cache
php artisan config:clear
# Clear application cache
php artisan cache:clear
# Clear application cache
php artisan cache:clear
# Clear expired password rest tokens
php artisan auth:clear-resets
# Clear compiled class file
php artisan clear-compiled

# ********* STREAMS *********

# Create a stream migration (fields or stream)
php artisan make:migration create_stream_fields

# ********* ADDONS *********

# Create a theme
php artisan make:addon vendor.theme.slug
# Create a share module
php artisan make:addon vendor.module.slug --shared
# Create a plugin
php artisan make:addon vendor.plugin.slug

# ********* MODULES *********

# Install, uninstall and reinstall a module
php artisan module:install vendor.module.slug
php artisan module:uninstall vendor.module.slug
php artisan module:reinstall vendor.module.slug
# Seed a module streams
php artisan db:seed --addon=vendor.module.slug

# ********* MIGRATION *********

# Manage migrations manually
php artisan migrate --addon=vendor.module.slug
php artisan migrate:reset --addon=vendor.module.slug
php artisan migrate:refresh --addon=vendor.module.slug

Pyro Magic

#Your own Builder, add to bindings in service provider
protected $bindings = [
    'login' => 'Vendor\CoolNameModule\Your\Namespace\LoginFormBuilder',
#Render with
{{ form('login') }}

#Form based on Streams (no builder required)
{{ form({'stream': slug, 'namespace': farts}).buttons(['cancel']).redirect('foo/bar').successMessage('You are da winner!') }}


// Return a view using 'view' helper function.
// Views are location at: path_to/pyrocms/addons/
// shared/vendor/name-module/resources/views
return view('vendor.module.slug::page',
['title' => 'app']);
// Return a view from nested folder 'admin'
return view('', []);
// Check if a view exists
if (view()->exists('vendor.module.slug::page')) {}
// Return a view from active theme
return view('theme::page', $data);
// Return a view from active module
return view('module::page', $data);
// Passing $data as an array with key/value pairs
return view('module::page', ['name','Jo']);
// Passing individual key/value using 'with' method
return view('module::page')->with('name','Jo');
// Share data with all views. Place in Service
// Provider's 'boot' method
view()->share('key', 'value');
// To override core pyro views, insert this in your
// module's service provider. The example below will
// override the user login form with a view in your
// module's resources folder:
// 'resources\views\users\login.twig'
protected $overrides = [
   'anomaly.module.users::login' =>
// Override the form view directly from plugin call
{{ login_form({'options': {'form_view':
'vendor.module.slug::streams/form/form'}}) }}


# Access addon properties
{{ addon('settings').installed }}
# Access config properties
{{ config('') }}
// Loop through files
{% for file in entry.example %}
    File {{ loop.index }} is a {{ file.mime_type }}.
{% endfor %}
// Insert image from the current theme
{{ image_url('theme::img/image.png') }}
// Embed a view partial
{{ view("vendor.module.slug::partials/file") }}
// Granular control over forms; user login form
// as an example which shows how to add custom
// CSS classes to the form and input elements.
{% set form = login_form() %}
{{{'class' : 'ui form'}) |raw }}
{% for field in form.fields %}
 &lt;div class="field"&gt;
  &lt;label&gt;{{ field.label|raw }}&lt;/label&gt;
  {{ field.setClass('custom class').input|raw }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form.actions |raw }}
{{ form.close() |raw }}


If you want to make code contribution, or use this code for your own project, here are some of the commands included in package.json to get you started.

Clone this repo and install node dependencies

npm install


npm run build


npm run watch


Need help or have a question? post at StackOverflow.

Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.

Star if you find this project useful, to show support or simply for being awesome :)


The live app was built to read and parse the markdown included in and present it in a user-friendly manner.

To contribute suggestions, best practices and or code samples for PyroCMS developments, please edit and create a pull request.

Related Projects

  • PyroCMS, an MVC PHP Content Management System built to be easy to use, theme and develop with. It is used by individuals and organizations of all sizes around the world.
  • PyroCMS Builder, scaffold your PyroCMS 3 apps in style for a more pleasurable and productive coding experience.
  • Auto Pyro, a PyroCMS deploy tool for faster and more pleasurable development experience.
  • Awesome PyroCMS, a curated list of PyroCMS addons and resources.


This project was inspired by Laravel5 Cheatsheet


MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.