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This repository is setup as a monorepo using lerna and yarn workspaces.


If you haven't already, install node, yarn and lerna:

Install Node

Then run:

npm install -g yarn
yarn global add lerna

You may need to add the directory where yarn installs global packages like lerna to your path. For example, in bash:

# in ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"


The lerna bootstrap command is used to install all of the packages dependencies and link dependent packages. You can read more about it here.

Before you can build you'll need to bootstrap the project:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
lerna bootstrap


To build all packages run the build script in the root directory:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
yarn build

To build packages on each change run the watch script in the root directory:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
yarn watch

This build script passes each of the packages to the typescript compiler so that project references and incremental compiles work correctly. Running tsc directly in a package directly may not work correctly. It is advised to always use the build script.

By default the build script builds two targets:

  • cjs - commonjs that uses the commonjs module target in typescript and targets es5 language feature. Available as main in the package's package.json
  • esm - esmodules that uses the es2015 module target in typescript and targets es2015 language features. Available as module in the package's package.json

In addition typescript definitions and typescript definition mappings are generated for integration with language servers and typescript.

These built files are located in each package's lib directory which is included in the published npm package.

Linking a package into another project

If you want to use a development build of one of the packages in this repository in another project, use yarn link.

For example if you wanted to link three-particle-emitter into hubs:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs/packages/three-particle-emitter
yarn link

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
yarn watch

In another terminal session:

cd /path/to/hubs
yarn link three-particle-emitter

Now three-particle-emitter is linked into hubs and will rebuild whenever it is changed.

(Optional alternative) There is a script called /scripts/ that will attempt to setup links between this directory and your hubs directory. It makes sure that they refer to the same version of THREE.js and it avoids a naming conflict where hubs code refers to <dir_hubs>/node_modules/lib-hubs whereas the usual link method creates a directory at <dir_hubs>/node_modules/@mozillareality/three-particle-emitter, and so is not used by default.


Currently publishing is handled by lerna publish. This handles package versioning, tagging releases, pushing to git, and publishing to npm. This does not handle linting your code yet so please do so before publishing. At a later date we may automate this step via ci, but for now to publish run:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
lerna publish

And follow the instructions.

Creating a new package

Creating a new package in the mono repository is made easier with the create-package script.

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
yarn create-package <template-name> <package-name>

Templates are stored in the templates folder and are copied into the packages folder with the correct package name when running the create-package command.

Currently there are the following templates:

  • library Creates a typescript library with package name @mozillareality/{package-name} and no dependencies.
  • example Creates an example project with three and webpack setup correctly.

Project References

If your new package depends on another package in the mono repository you need to specify the typescript project reference or else that project will not be properly rebuilt on change.

For example see three-particle-emitter's tsconfig.json file:

"references": [
  { "path": "../easing-functions" }

three-particle-emitter is dependent on @mozillareality/easing-functions located in packages/easing-functions so we need to add it as a project reference in three-particle-emitter's tsconfig.json.

Importing an existing package

It is possible to import an existing standalone repository as a package along with its git history using lerna import this process is documented here.

Linting / Code Style

This project uses tslint and prettier for linting and code formatting.

To set tslint up in your editor of choice see this list of tools.

If you want to run tslint directly run:

cd /path/to/lib-hubs
yarn lint


Why are my package's dependencies not located in its node_modules directory?

This monorepository makes use of Yarn's workspaces which hoists packages into the root whenever possible. For more info you can read this blog post.