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Usage and flags explained

Alessandro Fazzi edited this page Dec 9, 2017 · 9 revisions

These are the CLI's integrated help. Go to bottom of page to read flags explanation.

> wordmove help
  wordmove --version, -v   # Print the version
  wordmove doctor          # Do some local configuration and environment checks
  wordmove help [TASK]     # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  wordmove init            # Generates a brand new Movefile
  wordmove pull            # Pulls WP data from remote host to the local machine
  wordmove push            # Pushes WP data from local machine to remote host
> wordmove help doctor                                                                                                                                                       
  wordmove doctor

Do some configuration and environment checks

The doctor will check peer dependencies in your local environment, including connection to the local database using credentials from movefile.yml.

The most important task it execute is a formal validation of your movefile.yml using schemas defined here. We will keep a close eye on schemas definition, in order to be sure they cover all the expected use cases.

This command is useful to debug environmental problems and it should always be used before opening an issue. If the doctor reports you an error, be sure to report it in your issue too.

⟩ wordmove help push
  wordmove push

  -w, [--wordpress], [--no-wordpress]
  -u, [--uploads], [--no-uploads]
  -t, [--themes], [--no-themes]
  -p, [--plugins], [--no-plugins]
  -m, [--mu-plugins], [--no-mu-plugins]
  -l, [--languages], [--no-languages]
  -d, [--db], [--no-db]
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
  -s, [--simulate], [--no-simulate]
  -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]
  -c, [--config=CONFIG]
      [--debug], [--no-debug]
      [--no-adapt], [--no-no-adapt]
      [--all], [--no-all]

Pushes WP data from local machine to remote host
⟩ wordmove help pull
  wordmove pull

  -w, [--wordpress], [--no-wordpress]
  -u, [--uploads], [--no-uploads]
  -t, [--themes], [--no-themes]
  -p, [--plugins], [--no-plugins]
  -m, [--mu-plugins], [--no-mu-plugins]
  -l, [--languages], [--no-languages]
  -d, [--db], [--no-db]
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
  -s, [--simulate], [--no-simulate]
  -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]
  -c, [--config=CONFIG]
      [--debug], [--no-debug]
      [--no-adapt], [--no-no-adapt]
      [--all], [--no-all]

Pulls WP data from remote host to the local machine

Push/Pull flags explanation

Flags gives you the control on which folders/components will be pushed/pulled

-w, [--wordpress]

Consider the Wordpress core. Ignore wp-content folder

-u, [--uploads]

Consider wp-content/upload

-t, [--themes]

Consider wp-content/themes

-p, [--plugins]

Consider wp-content/plugins

-m, [--mu-plugins]

Consider wp-content/mu-plugins

-l, [--languages]

Consider wp-content/languages

-d, [--db]

Consider the database

-v, [--verbose]

Print more info on screen

-s, [--simulate]

Do not execute transfers

-e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]

Set the remote environment when multiple are defined inside the Movefile E.g.: wordmove push -e production -d

-c, [--config=CONFIG]

add description


add description


Consider all the folders and the DB (do a full copy)


When you use --debug with pull or push command with FTP, wordmove will not delete the output file and will print the path of it. In this way you can open it and inspect is there was any error with the PHP libraries we use to import/export the database via FTP