Greetings, dear user! 🎉 Here's a dazzling list of changes and updates. Brace yourself, for the excitement is overwhelming.. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.1 (2024-02-26)
- forgot to clean previous changelog (bc894d3)
- pretty sure i broke something with this refactor
- pretty sure i broke something with this refactor
- translation: with the actual status the mobile app will never properly work.
- added config files for auto-changelog (0e28dc2)
- gh actions improvements and adding semantic-release. (a80c8af)
- phoenix init migration (b6241d3)
- updating call to dotenv in order to be compatible with last version of vlucas/phpdotenv (5a5b772)
- auto-changelog: Updated the template for generating the changelog (24c6123)
- column name (3735fe0)
- effing dotenv (2009410)
- env example for handling gmap key, some html error and more (b911f3a)
- getenv to env and query update (574b241)
- i will never understand some criteria of ugprade and deprecation (f70bcc1)
- logger class and types (70334f8)
- patient add (07d7e0f)
- phoenix init with data, query upgrade (faa6738)
- query rewriting stil not done (4f02dec)
- semantic-release action file (0e8d988)
- update to solve deprecation warning (90782d8)