GUMP is a standalone PHP input validation and filtering class.
- Download GUMP
- Unzip it and copy the directory into your PHP project directory.
Include it in your project:
require "gump.class.php";
Methods available:
xss_clean(array $data); // Strips and encodes unwanted characters
sanitize(array $input, $fields = NULL); // Sanitizes data and converts strings to UTF-8 (if available)
validate(array $input, array $ruleset); // Validates input data according to the provided ruleset (see example)
filter(array $input, array $filterset); // Filters input data according to the provided filterset (see example)
The following example is part of a registration form, the flow should be pretty standard
# Note that filters and validators are separate rule sets and method calls. There is a good reason for this.
require "gump.class.php";
$gump = new GUMP();
$_POST = $gump->sanitize($_POST); // You don't have to sanitize, but it's safest to do so.
$rules = array(
'username' => 'required|alpha_numeric|max_len,100|min_len,6',
'password' => 'required|max_len,100|min_len,6',
'email' => 'required|valid_email',
'gender' => 'required|exact_len,1',
'credit_card' => 'trim|valid_cc',
$filters = array(
'username' => 'trim|sanitize_string',
'password' => 'trim|base64',
'email' => 'trim|sanitize_email',
'gender' => 'trim',
'bio' => 'noise_words'
$validated = $gump->validate(
$gump->filter($_POST, $filters), $rules
if($validated === TRUE)
// Do something, everything went well
print_r($validated); // Something went wrong
returns one of two types:
AN ARRAY containing key names and validator names when data does not pass the validation.
You can use this array along with your language helpers to determine what error message to show.
A BOOLEAN value of TRUE if the validation was successful.
returns the exact array structure that was parsed as the $input
parameter, the only difference would be the filtered data.
- required
Ensures the specified key value exists and is not empty
- valid_email
Checks for a valid email address
- max_len,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not longer than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- min_len,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not shorter than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- exact_len,n
Ensures that the key value length precisely matches the specified length. n = length parameter.
- alpha
Ensure only alpha characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z)
- alpha_numeric
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
- alpha_dash
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters + dashes and underscores are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _-)
- numeric
Ensure only numeric key values
- integer
Ensure only integer key values
- boolean
Checks for PHP accepted boolean values, returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes"
- float
Checks for float values
- valid_url
Check for valid URL or subdomain
- url_exists
Check to see if the url exists and is accessible
- valid_ip
Check for valid IP address
- valid_cc
Check for a valid credit card number (Uses the MOD10 Checksum Algorithm)
- valid_name
Check for a valid format human name
Filters can be any PHP function that returns a string. You don't need to create your own if a PHP function exists that does what you want the filter to do.
- sanitize_string
Remove script tags and encode HTML entities, similar to GUMP::xss_clean();
- urlencode
Encode url entities
- htmlencode
Encode HTML entities
- sanitize_email
Remove illegal characters from email addresses
- sanitize_numbers
Remove any non-numeric characters
- trim
Remove spaces from the beginning or end of strings
- base64_encode
Base64 encode the input
- base64_decode
Base64 decode the input
- sha1
Encrypt the input with the secure sha1 algorithm
- md5
MD5 encode the input
- noise_words
Remove noise words from string
- json_encode
Create a json representation of the input
- json_decode
Decode a json string
- rmpunctuation
Remove all known puncutation characters from a string
- translate
Translate the input string to any desired language eg. From English -> Spanish: translate,en,es
Simply create your own class that extends the GUMP class.
require("gump.class.php"); class MyClass extends GUMP { public function filter_myfilter($value) { ... } public function validate_myvalidator($field, $input, $param = NULL) { ... } } // EOC $validator = new MyClass(); $validated = $validator->validate($_POST, $rules);
Remember to create a public methods with the correct parameter types and counts.
For filter methods, prepend the method name with "filter_". For validator methods, prepend the method name with "validate_".
- Open up your terminal
- cd [GUMP DIRECTORY/examples]
- php [file].php
The output will depend on the input data.
- An in array match method that allows to check for pre-defined values
- A currency validator
- An address validator
- A country validator
- Location co-ordinates validator
- HTML validator
- Language validation ... determine if a piece of text is a specified language
- Validate a spam domain or IP.
- Validate a spam email address
- Validate spam text with askimet or something similar
- Improve documentation
- More examples
- W3C validation filter?
- A filter that integrates with an HTML tidy service?:
- Add a twitter & facebook profile url validator:
- Add more logical examples - log in form, profile update form, blog post form, etc etc.