Politician ||--o{ Role: "has"
Role }o--o| Party: "in a"
Role }o--o| Assembly: "in a"
Politician }o--o| Vote: "can"
Politician }|--o| Bill: "can propose"
Vote }|--|| Voting: "are couted toward"
Bill ||--o{ BillEvent: "goes through"
Bill |o--o{ Bill: "can be merged to"
BillEvent }o--o| Bill: "can refer to"
BillEvent }o--o| Voting: "can refer to"
Party ||--o{ Promise: "makes"
Promise ||--|{ PromiseProgress: "are tracked with"
Promise ||--|{ PromiseClarificationLog: "can have"
PromiseProgress }o..o| BillEvent: "can refer to"
Politician {
string id PK "firstname-lastname"
string prefix
string firstname
string lastname
boolean isActive
string avatar
string sex
Date birthdate
string[] educations
string[] previousOccupations
number assetValue
string debtValue
Link[] contacts "label: string, url: string"
Role {
string politicianId FK
string partyId FK "only for party"
string province "only for party"
number districtNumber "only for party"
number listNumber "only for party"
string assemblyId FK "only for assembly"
string role
Date startedAt
Date endedAt
Party {
string name PK
string color
string logo
Assembly {
string id PK
string name
string abbreviation
string term
Date startedAt
Date endedAt
string origin
string[] mainRoles
string[] governmentParties
string[] oppositionParties
Bill {
number id PK
string title
string nickname
string description
string[] categories
string status "inProgress | enacted | rejected | merged"
Date proposedOn
string proposedBy "politician | assembly | people"
string[] proposedByPoliticianIds FK
number proposedByAssemblyId FK
PeopleProposer proposedByPeople "{ ledBy: string, signatoryCount: number}"
Date enactedOn
number mergedToBillId FK "for status merged"
Voting {
string id PK
string title
string nickname
string description
Date date
string meetingType
string[] participatedAssembleIds FK
VoteOption[] voteOptions "DefaultVoteOption | {label: string, color: string}"
string result "passed | failed | string (other result)"
string winningCondition
number relatedBillId FK
string sourceUrl
Link[] files "label: string, url: string, mediaType: string"
Vote {
string politicianId FK
string votingId FK
string voteOption "refer to Voting"
BillEvent {
number eventId PK
number billId FK
Date date
string type "hearing | mp1 | mp2 | mp3 | senate1 | senate2 | senate3 | royalAssent | enforcement | other"
string title "for other"
string description "for other"
string actionType "voted | merged | enforced"
string votedInVotingId FK "for action voted"
number mergedIntoBillId FK "for action merged"
string enforcementDocumentUrl "for action enforced"
Promise {
number id PK
number partyId FK
string[] statements
string coverImageUrl
string[] keywords
string[] categories
string status "notStarted | inProgress | fulfilled | unhonored"
PromiseClarificationLog {
number id PK
number promiseId FK
Date date
string title
Answer answer "date: Date, content: string"
PromiseProgress {
number id PK
number promiseId FK
string type "checkpoint | indirect"
Date date
string title
string description
voting votingId FK "refer to Voting"
Reference reference "label: string, url: string, description: string"
Evidence evidence "type: image | document, url: string"