The latest version of evoMPS can be downloaded from GitHub <>.
On Windows, an easy way to obtain everything required is to download and install a numerics-oriented Python distribution such as
- Anaconda <>
- enthought python distribution <>
- pythonxy <>
The full installation of either of these includes everything you need. Otherwise, the following are required:
- Python 2 <> (tested on Python 2.7)
- Numpy <> (tested on 1.6.1)
- Scipy <> (version 0.7.0 or newer - tested on 0.10)
Numpy/Scipy should be compiled with a LAPACK library, preferably an optimized one such as the MKL from Intel <> (now included for free with many python distributions due to licensing changes by Intel) or OpenBLAS <>.
If present, a c compiler may be used to compile some parts of evoMPS, resulting in performance gains, especially at low bond dimensions.
To setup a c compiler on Windows, see <>.
Some parts of evoMPS require compilation, such as the split-step integrator, which needs the (included) expokit FORTRAN program.
To run the included examples, the following is also required:
- matplotlib <> (tested on 1.1.0)
To install the evoMPS package, go to the source directory and run:
python install
Alternatively, to install for the current user only, run:
python install --user
Installation is not strictly necessary, as scripts using evoMPS can also be run from the base source directory.
As of version 1.9, does not perform any compilation of extensions. This makes it easier to install the pure python version in case c or FORTRAN compilers are not present. To compile extensions, also run:
python install
Again, add the --user option to install for the current user only.
To also compile pure c versions of the transfer-operator maps (with additional support for OpenMP threading), run:
python install
Examples have been provided in the examples/ subdirectory. After installing evoMPS as described above, they can be run using e.g.:
To run an example without installing, copy it to the base source directory first.