- fixes for Kinetic
- do not compile RGBD for OpenCV3 (as it is in there)
- proper error handling in OpenCV3 fixes #5
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- get features2d to compile with OpenCV3
- do not compile RGBD for OpenCV3 as there should be an opencv_contrib module anyway
- remove Python bindings of data matrix
- remove LSH as it is now upstream
- get datamatrix to compile with OpenCV3
- Updating namespaces
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, edgarriba
- no need for CMake hacks (plus, cholmod is not needed anymore)
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- do not build reconst3d as it is not used anywhere It's also a way to remove a package that depends on g2o for less maintenance
- update url and maintainer's email address
- add basic docs
- compile under trusty
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- get distro agnostic OpenCv2 dependency
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- disable tests as the Ubuntu version of OpenCV has a bug with TS for now (cvconfig.h not present)
- drop Fuerte support
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud
- fix dependencies with PCL