filename` opens an existing or new file
- In cli
vim -p file1 file2... filen
opens multiple files in tab :tabe
opens a file in a new tabgt
goes forward one tabgT
goes back one tab:tabm position
moves current tab to a given position in the tab order:help tabp
brings up tab help page
:split filename
opens file in a new split window (horizontally):vsplit filename
opens file in a new split window (vertically)ctrl + w + l
andctrl + w +h
move between windows:on
closes all windows except the current window:windo command
will run a command in all open windows
will duplicate a linectrl + p
will autocomplete a wordo
adds a new line below cursor and starts insert thereO
adds a new line above cursor and starts insert theregi
goes back to last place you were in insert modegq
will reformat textgqip
will reformat a paragraphgv
to select last selected areag;
moves to previous changeg,
moves to next changectrl + o n
executes normal mode command n from insert mode (good for macros)ctrl + v
enters Visual Block Mode.=
auto indents visually selected linesJ
will combine the next line with the current line
- Creating a macro:
- Type
plus a letter (which register to record to) - Type the keystrokes to record
- Type
to stop recording - Type
plus the letter for the register - Type
to re-run the macro
- Type
:5,10norm! @a
will run macro a on lines 5 through 10:%norm! @a
will run macro a on all lines:g/pattern/normal! @a
will run macro a on all lines matching pattern5@a
will run macro a five times
to show all buffers
- Refer to a register with
plus its letter or number "ayy
will copy a line to registera
will paste from registera
will copy a line and append it to registera
shows the content of all registers:reg num_or_letter
shows contents of a specific register- The blackhole register is named with an underscore (can truly delete text when writing it here)
Indents line<<
Unindents linenum>>
indents num lines
deletes the current characterdd
deletes the current linedtCHAR
deletes everything up to the nearest occurrence of CHAR
will replace all occurrences of search_value with replace_valueq/
brings up a command window with recent searches
goes to end of line0
(zero) goes to beginning of linew
moves forward a wordmoves
backward a wordL
goes to the bottom of the screenH
goes to the top of the screen}
goes forward one paragraphline_numberG
goes to a specific line numberctrl + b
moves up one pagectrl + f
moves down one pagectrl + e
scrolls down one linectrl + y
scrolls up one linectrl + z
to switch back to shell (thenfg
to bring VIM back)ctrl + i
goes to next jump locationctrl + o
goes to previous jump locationctrl + ]
jumps to definition via ctagszz
to center current line in middle of screen
starts selecting charactersV
starts selecting whole linesd
cuts selectiony
copies selectionp
pastes after cursorP
pastes before cursorVNUMJ
selects NUM lines downward
plus lowercase letter sets mark to that letter for current file.'
plus letter goes to that mark:marks
shows existing marks
adds word to dictionary when it's marked as misspelled.z=
brings up correction suggestions when on misspelled word.]s
goes to next misspelled word.[s
goes to previous misspelled word.
reloads your ~/.vimrc:call ReloadAllSnippets()
reloads all SnipMate snippets:qa
quit all open files:set filetype?
shows the filetype of the currently open file:! shell_command
to execute a shell command from within VIM:SyntasticInfo
to see linter used for current file.q:
brings up a command window with recent commands:cq
force-quits Vim w/ a non-zero status (good for aborting process that started Vim).:argdo command
executes command on every open buffer.:retab
replaces tabs in a file w/ your configured indentation.
- gS to split a one-liner into multiple lines
- gJ (with the cursor on the first line of a block) to join a block into a single-line statement.