diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index cc5dfa8..ee6006b 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Each [=/file system locator=] has an associated kind (a {{FileSystemHandleKind}}), and
a root (a [=file system root=]).
-Issue(103): Consider giving each locator a Storage Bucket.
+Issue(109): Consider giving each locator a [=storage bucket=].
A file locator is a [=/file system locator=] whose
[=file system locator/kind=] is {{FileSystemHandleKind/"file"}}.
@@ -341,6 +341,20 @@ A {{FileSystemHandle}} object is associated with a is in an origin private file system
+if the first [=list/item=] of its [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s
+[=file system locator/path=] is the empty string.
+Note: This is a bit magical, but it works since only the root directory of an
+[=origin private file system=] can have a [=file system locator/path=] which
+[=list/contains=] an empty string. See {{StorageManager/getDirectory()}}.
+All other [=list/item=]s of a [=file system locator/path=] will be a
+[=valid file name=].
+Issue(109): Consider improving this situation by giving each locator a
+[=storage bucket=].
{{FileSystemHandle}} objects are [=serializable objects=].
@@ -594,8 +608,8 @@ The createWritable(|options|) method
The returned {{FileSystemSyncAccessHandle}} offers synchronous methods. This allows for higher performance
on contexts where asynchronous operations come with high overhead, e.g., WebAssembly.
- For the time being, this method will only succeed when the |fileHandle| belongs to the
- [=origin private file system=].
+ For the time being, this method will only succeed when the |fileHandle|
+ [=FileSystemHandle/is in an origin private file system=].
@@ -605,6 +619,8 @@ The
createSyncAccessHandle() method s
1. Let |locator| be [=this=]'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
1. Let |realm| be [=this=]'s [=relevant Realm=].
1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
+1. Let |isInAnOriginPrivateFileSystem| be whether
+ [=this=] [=FileSystemHandle/is in an origin private file system=].
1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
1. Let |entry| be the result of [=locating an entry=] given |locator|.
1. Let |accessResult| be the result of running |entry|'s
@@ -615,15 +631,15 @@ The
createSyncAccessHandle() method s
|accessResult|'s [=file system access result/error name=] and
abort these steps.
+ 1. If |isInAnOriginPrivateFileSystem| is true,
+ [=queue a storage task=] with |global| to
+ [=/reject=] |result| with an "{{InvalidStateError}}" {{DOMException}} and
+ abort these steps.
1. If |entry| is `null`, [=queue a storage task=] with |global| to [=/reject=]
|result| with a "{{NotFoundError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.
1. [=Assert=]: |entry| is a [=file entry=].
- 1. If |entry| does not represent a [=/file system entry=] in an
- [=origin private file system=], [=queue a storage task=] with |global| to
- [=/reject=] |result| with an "{{InvalidStateError}}" {{DOMException}} and
- abort these steps.
1. Let |lockResult| be the result of [=file entry/lock/take|taking a lock=]
with "`exclusive`" on |entry|.
@@ -1653,7 +1669,7 @@ partial interface StorageManager {
: |directoryHandle| = await navigator . storage . {{StorageManager/getDirectory()}}
- :: Returns the root directory of the origin private file system.
+ :: Returns the root directory of the [=origin private file system=].