diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 10ae68ef9..7b6df54e2 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -163,8 +163,6 @@ urlPrefix: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/; spec: ECMA-262
text: PerformPromiseThen; url: sec-performpromisethen
text: ProxyCreate; url: sec-proxycreate
text: Set; url: sec-set-o-p-v-throw
- text: SetFunctionLength; url: sec-setfunctionlength
- text: SetFunctionName; url: sec-setfunctionname
text: SetImmutablePrototype; url: sec-set-immutable-prototype
text: SetIntegrityLevel; url: sec-setintegritylevel
text: ToBigInt; url: #sec-tobigint
@@ -8509,7 +8507,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
the result of performing them, given |value| if |T| is not {{undefined}}. Otherwise, let
|result| be |value|.
1. Return |result|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onFulfilledSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onFulfilledSteps|, 1, "", « »):
1. Let |onRejectedSteps| be the following steps given argument |R|:
1. Let |reason| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
|R| to an IDL value of type {{any}}.
@@ -8517,7 +8515,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
the result of performing them, given |reason|. Otherwise, let |result| be
[=a promise rejected with=] |reason|.
1. Return |result|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
- 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onRejectedSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onRejectedSteps|, 1, "", « »):
1. Let |constructor| be |promise|.\[[Promise]].\[[Realm]].\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
1. Let |newCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
@@ -8568,7 +8566,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
1. If |rejected| is true, abort these steps.
1. Set |rejected| to true.
1. Perform |failureSteps| given |arg|.
- 1. Let |rejectionHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectionHandlerSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |rejectionHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectionHandlerSteps|, 1, "", « »):
1. Let |total| be |promises|'s [=list/size=].
1. If |total| is 0, then:
1. [=Queue a microtask=] to perform |successSteps| given « ».
@@ -8581,7 +8579,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
1. Set |result|[|promiseIndex|] to |arg|.
1. Set |fullfilledCount| to |fullfilledCount| + 1.
1. If |fullfilledCount| equals |total|, then perform |successSteps| given |result|.
- 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillmentHandler|, « »):
+ 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillmentHandler|, 1, "", « »):
1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|, |fulfillmentHandler|, |rejectionHandler|).
1. Set |index| to |index| + 1.
@@ -11376,7 +11374,13 @@ default interfaces do not have such steps.
1. Let |constructorProto| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Function.prototype%}}]].
1. If |I| inherits from some other interface |P|,
then set |constructorProto| to the [=interface object=] of |P| in |realm|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « \[[Unforgeables]] »,
+ 1. Let |length| be 0.
+ 1. If |I| was declared with a [=constructor operation=], then
+ 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for constructors with [=identifier=] |id| on
+ [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
+ 1. Set |length| to the length of the
+ shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, |length|, |id|, « \[[Unforgeables]] »,
|realm|, |constructorProto|).
1. Let |unforgeables| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null).
1. [=Define the unforgeable regular operations=] of |I| on |unforgeables|, given |realm|.
@@ -11387,14 +11391,6 @@ default interfaces do not have such steps.
of an interface with an unforgeable member use the same JavaScript function objects for
[=attribute getters=], [=attribute setters=] and [=creating an operation
function|operation functions=].
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
- 1. Let |length| be 0.
- 1. If |I| was declared with a [=constructor operation=], then
- 1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for constructors with [=identifier=] |id| on
- [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
- 1. Set |length| to the length of the
- shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
1. Let |proto| be the result of [=create an interface prototype object|creating an interface
prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
1. Perform [=!=] DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "prototype
@@ -11440,12 +11436,10 @@ implement the interface on which the
1. Assert: |O| is an object that [=implements=] |I|.
1. Assert: |O|.\[[Realm]] is |realm|.
1. Return |O|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for legacy factory functions with [=identifier=] |id|
on [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, |length|, |id|, « », |realm|).
1. Let |proto| be the [=interface prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
1. Perform [=!=] DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "prototype
PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |proto|, \[[Writable]]: false, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: false}).
@@ -11794,10 +11788,8 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
1. If |attribute|'s type is a [=promise type=], then return
[=!=] Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Let |name| be the string "get
" prepended to |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |name| be |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, |name|, « », |realm|, {{%Function.prototype%}}, "get
1. Return |F|.
@@ -11880,10 +11872,8 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
1. Perform the [=setter steps=] of |attribute|,
with |idlObject| as [=this=] and |idlValue| as [=the given value=].
1. Return undefined
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Let |name| be the string "set
" prepended to |id|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 1).
+ 1. Let |name| be |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 1, |name|, « », |realm|, {{%Function.prototype%}}, "set
1. Return |F|.
@@ -11998,13 +11988,11 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
that is a [=promise type=], then return
[=!=] Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for [=regular operations=] (if |op| is a regular
operation) or for [=static operations=] (if |op| is a static operation) with [=identifier=]
|id| on |target| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list in the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, |length|, |id|, « », |realm|).
1. Return |F|.
@@ -12366,9 +12354,7 @@ property is the String value "forEach
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key+value
as its [=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=]
set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "entries
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}}, |F|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
1. Define the keys
@@ -12381,9 +12367,7 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key
" as its
[=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "keys
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
1. Define the values
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
@@ -12395,9 +12379,7 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "value
" as its
[=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "values
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
1. Define the forEach
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values
@@ -12421,9 +12403,7 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Set |pairs| to |idlObject|'s current list of
[=value pairs to iterate over=]. (It might have changed.)
1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "forEach
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 1).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 1, "forEach
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "forEach
", |F|).
@@ -12557,9 +12537,7 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "entries
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
1. If |definition| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=], then define the
@@ -12582,9 +12560,7 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "keys
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
1. Define the values
, and possibly {{@@asyncIterator}}, methods:
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values |args|:
@@ -12605,9 +12581,7 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, "values
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
1. If |definition| has a [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=], then perform [=!=]
[$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|).
@@ -12733,13 +12707,13 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Assert: |next| is a value of the type that appears in the declaration.
1. Let |value| be |next|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
1. Return [=!=] [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, false).
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, 1, "", « »).
1. Let |rejectSteps| be the following steps, given |reason|:
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
1. [=ECMAScript/Throw=] |reason|.
- 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectSteps|, 1, "", « »).
1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|nextPromise|, |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
1. Return |nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
@@ -12748,7 +12722,7 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|nextSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|nextSteps|, 0, "", « »).
1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
@@ -12814,7 +12788,7 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|returnSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|returnSteps|, 0, "", « »).
1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
1. Set |returnStepsPromise| to |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
@@ -12825,7 +12799,7 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Let |fulfillSteps| be the following steps:
1. Return [=!=] [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, true).
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, 0, "", « »).
1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|returnStepsPromise|, |onFulfilled|,
undefined, |returnPromiseCapability|).
@@ -13806,21 +13780,21 @@ those of normal Array
1. Set |handler|.\[[Type]] to |T|.
1. Set |handler|.\[[SetAlgorithm]] to |setAlgorithm|.
1. Set |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]] to |deleteAlgorithm|.
- 1. Let |defineProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-defineProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |defineProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-defineProperty]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-defineProperty]], "defineProperty
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "defineProperty
", |defineProperty|).
- 1. Let |deleteProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-deleteProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |deleteProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-deleteProperty]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-deleteProperty]], "deleteProperty
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "deleteProperty
", |deleteProperty|).
- 1. Let |get| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-get]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |get| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-get]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-get]], "get
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "get
", |get|).
- 1. Let |getOwnPropertyDescriptor| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |getOwnPropertyDescriptor| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], "getOwnPropertyDescriptor
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor
", |getOwnPropertyDescriptor|).
- 1. Let |has| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-has]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |has| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-has]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-has]], "has
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "has
", |has|).
- 1. Let |ownKeys| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-ownKeys]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |ownKeys| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-ownKeys]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-ownKeys]], "ownKeys
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "ownKeys
", |ownKeys|).
- 1. Let |preventExtensions| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-preventExtensions]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |preventExtensions| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-preventExtensions]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-preventExtensions]], "preventExtensions
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "preventExtensions
", |preventExtensions|).
- 1. Let |set| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-set]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |set| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-set]], the number of non-optional parameters from [[#es-observable-array-set]], "set
", « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "set
", |set|).
1. Return [=!=] [$ProxyCreate$](|innerArray|, |handler|).
@@ -14142,9 +14116,7 @@ when applied to a [=legacy callback interface object=].
1. Let |steps| be the following steps:
1. [=ECMAScript/Throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, 0, |id|, « », |realm|).
1. [=Define the constants=] of |interface| on |F| given |realm|.
1. Return |F|.