WildFly Common is released in JBoss Nexus Repository
To release a new version, follow the instructions:
git checkout --detach
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<release version>
git commit -am 'Prep <release version>'
git tag -a -m <release version> <release version>
mvn clean install && mvn deploy -Pjboss-release -DaltDeploymentRepository=jboss-releases-repository::https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2
If the deployment to Nexus is successful, you can continue with:
git checkout main (or the release branch)
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<next version>-SNAPSHOT
git commit -am 'Next is <next version>'
git push upstream <tag> <branch> --dry-run
At this point, release the artifacts in Nexus.
Finally, push the commits to GitHub:
git push upstream <tag> <branch>
Once the artifacts are in Nexus and the tag is pushed to GitHub, the last step is to create the Release Notes in GitHub Releases from the new tag.