Install sickchill
This role do not have requirements other than to be used on tested platforms.
This role has been tested on:
- Debian stretch (9)
- Ubuntu xenial (16.04)
- Ubuntu bionic (18.04)
- Centos 7
This role supports the following variables:
- sickchill_user: name of the user responsible for running sickchill daemon
- sickchill_group: name of the group of the user responsaible for running sickchill daemon
- sickchill_data: path where to store sickchill data
- sickchill_repo: git repository of sickchill
- sickchill_src: path where to store sickchill source
- sickchill_version: sickchill version to provision
This role is standalone and do not depends on any other role.
Use the role with all default variables:
- hosts: servers
- wilfriedroset.sickchill
Change the user:
- hosts: servers
- {role: 'wilfriedroset.sickchill', sickchill_user: 'pi', sickchill_group: 'pi'}
Install a specific version:
- hosts: servers
- {role: 'wilfriedroset.sickchill', sickchill_version: 'v2018.10.29-2'}