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We love to hear about how PyTorch Lattice has helped you and in which project/company you are using it.
We are a kind and welcoming community that encourages you to help others with their questions on GitHub Issues / Discussions.
- Guide for asking questions
- First, search through issues and discussions to see if others have faced similar issues
- Be as specific as possible, add minimal reproducible example
- List out things you have tried, errors, etc
- Close the issue if your question has been successfully answered
- Guide for answering questions
- Understand the question, ask clarifying questions
- If there is sample code, reproduce the issue with code given by original poster
- Give them solution or possibly an alternative that might be better than what original poster is trying to do
- Ask original poster to close the issue
You are encouraged to review any pull requests. Here is a guideline on how to review a pull request:
- Understand the problem the pull request is trying to solve
- Ask clarification questions to determine whether the pull request belongs in the package
- Check the code, run it locally, see if it solves the problem described by the pull request
- Add a comment with screenshots or accompanying code to verify that you have tested it
- Check for tests
- Request the original poster to add tests if they do not exist
- Check that tests fail before the PR and succeed after
- This will greatly speed up the review process for a PR and will ultimately make SOTAI a better package