A command line interface for the Ore program to utilize Nvidia GPU's.
To build the Ore CLI, you will need to have the Rust programming language installed. You can install Rust by following the instructions on the Rust website.
You must have CUDA installed NVIDIA Cuda Download
You must have Visual Studio Community 2022 installed along with C++ build tools. (You will need to find the path to the \bin\Hostx64\x64 folder for VS for a later step)
You Must have access to an RPC server like Helius (user referral code "aE9l0R4LPx" for extras) or Quicknode (there are others. these are best IMO)
You must have a (or several) solana keypair(s). Save these in the same directory as the one created by the git clone as "id.json", "id2.json", "id3.json", etc.
- Git Clone this Repo
- See Windows Users or Linux Users below
Windows users
nvcc windows.cu -o windows -ccbin <path_to_MSVC \bin\Hostx64\x64>
Linux users
nvcc linux.cu -o linux
Take the path to the executable that was just created (windows.exe or 'linux') and replace the PATH_TO_EXE with the path to the .exe in "/src/mine.rs".
Once you have Rust installed, you can build the Ore CLI by running the following command:
cargo build --release
PLEASE NOTE: Any time you make a change to the source code (mine.rs for example), you NEED to re-rerun cargo build --release!
/Users/[username]/ore-gpu/target/release/ore.exe --rpc "" --priority-fee 100000 --keypair "path to keypair" mine --threads 4
You will now run your hashing on the GPU instead of the CPU!
Donations in ORE or SOL: 7ER4M6X6wLxzYwnFWfRdA1XhEreMzKDhQx1VJ7XgSJ49