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Energy Dashboard's

wills106 edited this page May 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

Home Assistant "Energy Dashboard"

Energy Dashboard isn't actually live. It lags behind by an hour.


Electricity Grid

  • SolaX Gen2
    • Grid consumption - You need to enable "Grid Import Total"
    • Return to grid - You need to enable "Grid Export Total"
  • SolaX Gen 3 & Gen4
    • Grid consumption - sensor.solax_today_s_import_energy
    • Return to grid - sensor.solax_today_s_export_energy

Solar Panels

  • SolaX Gen2 - 4
    • Solar production - sensor.solax_today_s_solar_energy

Home Battery Storage

  • SolaX Gen2
    • Energy going to the battery (kWh) - You need to enable "Battery Input Energy Total"
    • Energy coming out of the battery (kWh) - You need to enable "Battery Output Energy Total"
  • SolaX Gen3 & Gen4
    • Energy going to the battery (kWh) - sensor.solax_battery_input_energy_today
    • Energy coming out of the battery (kWh) - sensor.solax_battery_output_energy_today

Real Time Visualisation of Energy flows


type: custom:power-distribution-card
title: Power Flow
  - decimals: '2'
    display_abs: true
    name: Grid
    unit_of_display: W
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower
    entity: sensor.solax_measured_power
    preset: grid
      bigger: ''
      equal: ''
      smaller: ''
    invert_value: true
    threshold: ''
    secondary_info_entity: ''
  - decimals: 2
    display_abs: true
    name: House
    unit_of_display: W
    invert_value: true
    consumer: true
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
    entity: sensor.solax_house_load
    preset: home
    threshold: ''
      bigger: ''
      equal: ''
      smaller: ''
  - decimals: 2
    display_abs: true
    name: Solar
    unit_of_display: W
    icon: mdi:solar-power
    producer: true
    entity: sensor.solax_pv_power_total
    preset: solar
    threshold: ''
      bigger: ''
      equal: ''
      smaller: ''
  - decimals: 2
    display_abs: true
    name: battery
    unit_of_display: W
    consumer: true
    icon: mdi:battery
    producer: true
    entity: sensor.solax_battery_power_charge
    preset: battery
    threshold: ''
      bigger: ''
      equal: ''
      smaller: ''
    secondary_info_entity: sensor.solax_battery_capacity
    invert_value: true
    secondary_info_attribute: ''
    battery_percentage_entity: sensor.solax_battery_capacity
  type: card
    type: glance
      - entity: sensor.octopus_agile_current_rate
        name: Electric Cost
    show_icon: false
animation: flash