A TensorFlow implementation of the i-Siam tracker.
The codes were fetched and modified from https://github.com/bilylee/SiamFC-TensorFlow.
This is a TensorFlow implementation of i-Siam: Improving Siamese Tracker with Distractors Suppression and Long-Term Strategies. If you use this code, please cite the following paper:
author = {Tan, Wei Ren and Lai, Shang-Hong},
title = {i-Siam: Improving Siamese Tracker with Distractors Suppression and Long-Term Strategies},
booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},
year = {2019},
The main requirements can be installed by:
# (OPTIONAL) 0. It is highly recommended to create a virtualenv or conda environment
conda create -n pytf python=2.7
source activate pytf
# 1. Install TensorFlow
pip install tensorflow # For CPU
pip install tensorflow-gpu # For GPU
# 2. Install scipy for loading mat files
pip install scipy
# 3. Install sacred for experiments logging
pip install sacred
# 4. Install matplotlib for visualizing tracking results
pip install matplotlib
# 5. Install opencv for preprocessing training examples
pip install opencv-python
# 6. Install pillow for some image-related operations
pip install pillow
# 7. Install nvidia-ml-py for automatically selecting GPU
pip install nvidia-ml-py
# 8. Follow instructions in https://github.com/got-10k/toolkit to install GOT-10k toolkits.
# 1. Download and unzip the GOT-10k dataset (http://got-10k.aitestunion.com/)
# Now, we assume it is unzipped to /path/to/got10k
# 2. Clone this repository to your disk
# (Skip this step if you have already done)
git clone https://github.com/willtwr/iSiam-TF.git
# 3. Change working directory
cd iSiam-TF
# 4. Create a soft link pointing to the GOT-10k dataset
mkdir -p data
ln -s $DATASET data/got10k
# 5. Prepare training data
python scripts/preprocess_got10k_data.py
# 6. Split train/val dataset and store corresponding image paths
python scripts/build_got10k_imdb_reg.py
# 7. Start training
python experiments/iSiam.py
# 8. (OPTIONAL) View the training progress in TensorBoard
# Open a new terminal session and cd to iSiam-TF, then
tensorboard --logdir=Logs/SiamFC/track_model_checkpoints/iSiam
Benchmark for OTB-100 uses the custom OTB evaluation toolkit where several bugs are fixed.
# Assume directory structure:
# Your-Workspace-Directory
# |- iSiam-TF
# |- tracker_benchmark
# |- ...
# 0. Go to your workspace directory
cd /path/to/Your-Workspace-Directory
# 1. Download the OTB toolkit
git clone https://github.com/bilylee/tracker_benchmark.git
# 2. Modify iSiam-TF/benchmarks/run_iSiam_otb.py if needed.
# 3. Copy run_iSiam_otb.py to the evaluation toolkit
cp iSiam-TF/benchmarks/run_iSiam_otb.py tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts
# 4. Add the tracker to the evaluation toolkit list
echo "\nfrom run_iSiam_otb import *" >> tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/__init__.py
# 5. Create tracker directory in the evaluation toolkit
mkdir tracker_benchmark/trackers/iSiam_otb
# 6. Start evaluation (it will take some time to download test sequences).
echo "tb100" | python tracker_benchmark/run_trackers.py -t iSiam_otb -s tb100 -e OPE
# 7. Get the AUC score
sed -i "s+tb50+tb100+g" tracker_benchmark/draw_graph.py
python tracker_benchmark/draw_graph.py
Benchmark for UAV-123.
# Assume directory structure:
# Your-Workspace-Directory
# |- iSiam-TF
# |- ...
# 0. Go to your workspace directory
cd /path/to/Your-Workspace-Directory/iSiam-TF
# 1. Modify uav123.py if needed, e.g. all the paths.
# 2. Start evaluation (it will take some time to download test sequences).
python uav123.py
# (optional) 3. Get the AUC score for all compared trackers
python uav123_draw.py
Benchmark for TLP uses another custom toolkit.
# Assume directory structure:
# Your-Workspace-Directory
# |- iSiam-TF
# |- TLP_benchmark
# |- ...
# 0. Go to your workspace directory
cd /path/to/Your-Workspace-Directory
# 1. Download the custom TLP toolkit
git clone https://github.com/willtwr/TLP_benchmark.git
# 2. Modify TLP_benchmark/config.py if needed.
# 3. Modify TLP_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/run_iSiam.py if needed.
# 4. Add the tracker to the evaluation toolkit list
echo "\nfrom run_iSiam import *" >> TLP_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/__init__.py
# 5. Create tracker directory in the evaluation toolkit
mkdir TLP_benchmark/trackers/iSiam
# 6. Start evaluation (it will take some time to download test sequences).
echo "tlp" | python tracker_benchmark/run_trackers.py -t iSiam -s tlp -e OPE
# 7. Get the AUC score
sed -i "s+tb50+tb100+g" TLP_benchmark/draw_graph.py
python TLP_benchmark/draw_graph.py
Benchmark for OxUvA. Please follow the instructions in OxUvA github for installation. Note that users need to modify the paths accordingly, both in the command line and .py files.
# Assume directory structure:
# Your-Workspace-Directory
# |- iSiam-TF
# |- long-term-tracking-benchmark
# |- ...
# 0. copy iSiam-TF/benchmarks/oxuva/scripts to long-term-tracking-benchmark/
# 1. copy iSiam-TF/benchmarks/oxuva/examples to long-term-tracking-benchmark/examples
# 2. Go to
cd /path/to/Your-Workspace-Directory/long-term-tracking-benchmark/examples
# 3. Start evaluation (it will take some time to download test sequences).
python track.py -v ../../dataset/ ../../predictions/ --data=dev --tracker=iSiam
# 4. To draw graphs, please follow the instructions in https://github.com/oxuva/long-term-tracking-benchmark.git
iSiam-TF is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).